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Increase Commendation gains.


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assuming you do your dailies and nothing else and win every game


it'll take you two weeks to get a BM commendation




if you do your dailies and nothing else and win 50% of the time


it will take you one week to get a BM commendation

Edited by Acyu
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500-550 is considered the ideal amount of expertise. You can get that in about a week with a mix of weeklies and dailies and a mix of champ and cent.


Going from BM and Champ only means you can itemize other stats a bit better since you have a excess of expertise.

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champ gear is easy to obtain and there aint that much of a difference with that and BM.


I've done 1 toon the old system, 1 toon the new. My old toon the valor 57 Sorc has more gear than my valor 55 Vanguard with around 50 bags on the Vanguard (enough to buy 4 armor pieces + 2 other pieces). No weapon etc.

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First i would like to state that the new pvp changes and the direction of the pvp in this game is going really well. That being said, the commendation gain need to be increased. Why? Because new battlemaster commendation cost 1000/1000.


Now, you gain between 80-100 commendation in a full match of WZ, which takes at least 15 min.

You need 4000 for 1 BM comm. And 2-3 BM comm for one piece of gear. Lets just say for argument sake you gain 100 commendation for playing for 15min. every time. An hour would yield you 400 commendation. So therefore you would need 10 hours of warzone just to get one BM Comm.


To buy a 2 commendation piece of BM gear you would need 20 hours of play time, with JUST doing warzones. Just for the 5 set piece, you would need 100 hour of play time.


For casual players, which plays only 2 - 3 hours a day, it would take at least 2 month of just doing warzones alone to get the 5 set piece, this is not including the weapon, off hand, and relics.


People can say there are dailies too, but you only get 12 bags from dailies a week. And I have gotten 1 commendation out of those 12 bags. And I am sure other players have better success with bags, but there are probably more players that has not like myself.


It should not take you 2 - 3 month of warzone alone to get geared. I also like to do PVE, raiding with my guild which would increase the amount of time by a lot.


Honestly I think it should be 750/750 for one BM comm. 1000/1000 seems too damn high.

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Or maybe players who actually put in more time should get more rewards? Sure, I'm hiding behind the BM cloak, like BM is such a huge upgrade to Champ, yeah haha!


No Better players should get better rewards, time played is a terrible system because it encourages afking and botting because people are trying to get gear that can only be obtained on a time basis. If you started everyone out with equal pvp gear and only made cosmetic changes as you valored up or ranked up with the new warzones, things would be much improved. But with this system in place, many people have to grind away for hours just to become competitive which really diminish the fun factor for them. I'm already BM and Have both NM mode titles on my main and working on BM with a second toon. When Rated WZ hit there should be no gear discrepancy between any player participate from the start. And if you should learn to reslot ur mods to make your gear more effective -_-.

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