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That PVP healer adjustment was a JOKE


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Is this the thread where teams of healers pretend they are ultra soft so bioware doesn't nerf them?





Happened in WoW too. Healers were just ultra skilled masters of PvP while DPSers were just face rolling noobs who didn't know how to interrupt.

Edited by Arkerus
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Healers can be interrupted - a team of all healers is a weak team. A larger problem is a general lack of healing in PUGs and here's my perspective on that. I rolled up a healer spec, played a few dozen WZs without my guildies (self-queue) and by the end I wanted to *strangle* someone. I wound up respecializing as DPS and taking a '**** the rest of my team' approach.


Here's life as a healer in a PUG warzone :


1) No one is guarding me.

2) I'm healing you, some operative knocks me down and stabs me repeatedly, you run past me like I'm not even there.

3) I'm healing you, you do force leap or something out of line of sight.

4) I'm healing you, 4 people are beating me down, you can't be bothered to waste any of your CC's and instead just try to duel someone on the edge of the battle.

5) I'm healing, some marauder is chain interrupting me, you're trying to ninja the cap with an enemy standing behind you waiting to attack you when you get closer to capping.

6) I'm running ahead for pass in Huttball, you proceed to *walk across the fire* with your CC breaker still on cooldown and melt to a stun & burn.

7) I'm getting gang ***** in one of the hallways in voidstar, my team runs past me without so much as a CC on the people repeatedly kicking me in the face.


Edited to add:


Couple more -


8) I'm healing someone from behind a pillar as they're getting hit by 3 guys, they're focusing on the enemy tank while the enemy healer free casts on him - after a minute of this I just let you die and move on with my life.

9) I'm healing you up as you're fighting some people, enemy gets the ball in huttball, you proceed to chase your target well away from the ball carrier. I let you die, because I'm trying to actually win the game.

10) At the end of the match, having spent half the time in respawn and the other half trying to keep your sorry undergeared hide alive, I don't get any MVP votes as you vote for your failure guildies.


After a couple of days of that, I just stopped playing healer spec until I can group up with my guildies.


You forgot the "My side NEVAR has any decent heals." as you pop over 300-400k on people who ignore you, pass to you when you're healing them with two people whaling on you and no other team mate in sight.


Sigh. I do this in every game - tank or heal, heal or tank. Why can't I just give in and go DPS for once?


@OP - you are pissed because your side has no healers, but you won't roll one. Because? And you are doubly pissed because my side has "too many" healers and you want them limited (queue times go up, so they go DPS).


I'm sensing a great deal of very poorly thought out anger here.

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Happened in WoW too. Healers were just ultra skilled masters of PvP while DPSers were just face rolling noobs who didn't know how to interrupt.


Somebody gets it. Err...maybe not.


DPS, for the most part, were less than face rolling noobs who didn't know how to interrupt. They didn't know how to LOS their opponents (except arenas, where it was MOSTLY healers pole humping) but were quite accomplished at LOSing heals. They never peeled but yelled that "nobody peels from me" when, of course, nobody peeled from them. They either focused the other DPS (who was being healed) without ever targeting the healer or did "DERP - KILL DA HEALER" at which point EVERY DPS (all 4 of them - the others were chasing butterflies around the map) in the vicinity went after the healer, leaving the DPS that they COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT to kill them one at a time while the healer they were attacking, who DID know how to LOS danced around spending mana only on himself.


Your point?

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@ dcgreg that was the greatest post about life as a healer i have EVER read . Not only did i LOL but soda came out my nose . Thank you :D That being said i wouldn't trade being a healer for anything i love having 3 or 4 people trying to kill me while i just kite and /emote the whole time ;)
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Healers can be interrupted - a team of all healers is a weak team. A larger problem is a general lack of healing in PUGs and here's my perspective on that. I rolled up a healer spec, played a few dozen WZs without my guildies (self-queue) and by the end I wanted to *strangle* someone. I wound up respecializing as DPS and taking a '**** the rest of my team' approach.


Here's life as a healer in a PUG warzone :


1) No one is guarding me.

2) I'm healing you, some operative knocks me down and stabs me repeatedly, you run past me like I'm not even there.

3) I'm healing you, you do force leap or something out of line of sight.

4) I'm healing you, 4 people are beating me down, you can't be bothered to waste any of your CC's and instead just try to duel someone on the edge of the battle.

5) I'm healing, some marauder is chain interrupting me, you're trying to ninja the cap with an enemy standing behind you waiting to attack you when you get closer to capping.

6) I'm running ahead for pass in Huttball, you proceed to *walk across the fire* with your CC breaker still on cooldown and melt to a stun & burn.

7) I'm getting gang ***** in one of the hallways in voidstar, my team runs past me without so much as a CC on the people repeatedly kicking me in the face.


Edited to add:


Couple more -


8) I'm healing someone from behind a pillar as they're getting hit by 3 guys, they're focusing on the enemy tank while the enemy healer free casts on him - after a minute of this I just let you die and move on with my life.

9) I'm healing you up as you're fighting some people, enemy gets the ball in huttball, you proceed to chase your target well away from the ball carrier. I let you die, because I'm trying to actually win the game.

10) At the end of the match, having spent half the time in respawn and the other half trying to keep your sorry undergeared hide alive, I don't get any MVP votes as you vote for your failure guildies.


After a couple of days of that, I just stopped playing healer spec until I can group up with my guildies.


When a number of these things start happening in a match I announce that if the other players don't want to bother protecting me, I will simply join them in random kill farming/medal hunting.


A few deaths later and its corrosive dart, tab, corrosive dart, tab, corrosive dart, tab...


Sometimes I'll sneak my way around to one of the enemy healers to harass them...but often that compounds my frustration as the enemy team actually responds and protects them!

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I'm tired of playing warzones and healers being the factor of us winning or losing, there NEEDS to be a cap on the amount of healers that can be in warzones in PVP because it is ruining mine and everyone else's experience especially since we're Empire and healers are canonically Republic so they are more likely to have more healers than us, which is how it turns out majority of the time. I'm completely burnt out from PVP right now because I just played 3 warzones in a row where healers were healing healers and it is RIDICULOUS


Your crying is RIDICULOUS. You're projecting your experience, ability, and frustration level on everyone else.


You and your group are bad at PvP. Just stop PvPing. I'm sorry that you've only played flash games like "Santa Bowling" and "Robot Unicorn Attack" up until this point.


Learn to fight on turrets/doors. If a player is healing, they're not attacking.



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Ahahaha! :eek:


From all of the "nerfing" threads this one is the most unbelievable one.


People who are making these threads don't even realize how foolish, silly and childish they are. People like you just have to complain about everything because of the need to be heard and, hopefully, there will be one more guy like you to support your claims and make you feel important.


If I was from SW team I would just lock or delete 90% of these threads because most of them are just as the same as the last one made 1 minute ago.

I just hope they aren't listening to people like you.


This game needs to make things even harder just so people like you leave once for good.



Make healers more OP and more unkillable! Make more hazards in Huttball! Make stats harder to balance! Make gear harder to get! Make raids so hard that the best guild needs 1 year to kill the first boss! (ehehehe :) ) Make Darth Malgus pop behind next time someone THINKS about making the "nerf" post!!! :cool: Problem solved.

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You're kidding right? Huttball is the only place where healers don't matter as significantly. I'm talking about void star and alderaan where 4 healers can be stationary healing each other while 6 people pound on them and nothing gets done until the healers are burned out after 5-10 minutes, it's ridiculous




Wut? In Huttaball healers might even be more important than in alderaan or voidstar, if you have 4 healers, get the ball to a tank and just walk into their goal line

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Heallers in this game are in no way



Just got to pop relics and be alble to interupt. only healer that might be at all close to unkillable are sages but its just cause their bubble is just a little to strong imo


Merc with 20k+ hp and Sith with close to that are pretty much impossible 1v1. Granted I only have cent/champ gear but 2 interrupts(1 ill use to try and burst them down from the jump) and a 8 sec mez just isn't enough. MAYBE if I was in full Champ. I feel almost invincible when specced heals. And I don't get neat bubbles(our screen is a 3k garbage shield) and knock backs sprint etc.

Seen an Sith with 5 people beating on him, no taunt bubble and healing himself and wouldn't get past half health. No other healers by himself on the other side of the arena. it's good there's no open world PVP without the healing debuff.... Yeah lol

I don't think we need X number of classes but there's is imbalance.


Soon as I get my Champ gear I'll be near unkillable throwing HOTs on people and pillar humping LOS like I did on my tree Druid.

Edited by Entropicus
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Healers can be interrupted - a team of all healers is a weak team. A larger problem is a general lack of healing in PUGs and here's my perspective on that. I rolled up a healer spec, played a few dozen WZs without my guildies (self-queue) and by the end I wanted to *strangle* someone. I wound up respecializing as DPS and taking a '**** the rest of my team' approach.


Here's life as a healer in a PUG warzone :


1) No one is guarding me.

2) I'm healing you, some operative knocks me down and stabs me repeatedly, you run past me like I'm not even there.

3) I'm healing you, you do force leap or something out of line of sight.

4) I'm healing you, 4 people are beating me down, you can't be bothered to waste any of your CC's and instead just try to duel someone on the edge of the battle.

5) I'm healing, some marauder is chain interrupting me, you're trying to ninja the cap with an enemy standing behind you waiting to attack you when you get closer to capping.

6) I'm running ahead for pass in Huttball, you proceed to *walk across the fire* with your CC breaker still on cooldown and melt to a stun & burn.

7) I'm getting gang ***** in one of the hallways in voidstar, my team runs past me without so much as a CC on the people repeatedly kicking me in the face.


Edited to add:


Couple more -


8) I'm healing someone from behind a pillar as they're getting hit by 3 guys, they're focusing on the enemy tank while the enemy healer free casts on him - after a minute of this I just let you die and move on with my life.

9) I'm healing you up as you're fighting some people, enemy gets the ball in huttball, you proceed to chase your target well away from the ball carrier. I let you die, because I'm trying to actually win the game.

10) At the end of the match, having spent half the time in respawn and the other half trying to keep your sorry undergeared hide alive, I don't get any MVP votes as you vote for your failure guildies.


After a couple of days of that, I just stopped playing healer spec until I can group up with my guildies.


Don't forget my personal favorite: You've got the ball in Huttball, you're reasonably tanky. I'm healing you, you're around 60% HP but I am keeping you up with 3-4 on you, because they are too bad to notice me freecasting on the ball carrier. You panic and pass the ball to me, I get zerged down, and you die 5 seconds later.

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Don't forget my personal favorite: You've got the ball in Huttball, you're reasonably tanky. I'm healing you, you're around 60% HP but I am keeping you up with 3-4 on you, because they are too bad to notice me freecasting on the ball carrier. You panic and pass the ball to me, I get zerged down, and you die 5 seconds later.


lol as a Jugg tank in WZs I can appreciate this - In our guild theres a standing joke about passing to healers (healtankz>tanktankz). I laugh when people give me **** for not passing the ball backwards if I'm about to die. It takes 4-5 guys to kill me when I'm carrying and being healed - If you're not in front of me trying to help me cap, you clearly aren't doing anything for the team.


I love pocket heals. I rarely queue without them

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Don't forget my personal favorite: You've got the ball in Huttball, you're reasonably tanky. I'm healing you, you're around 60% HP but I am keeping you up with 3-4 on you, because they are too bad to notice me freecasting on the ball carrier. You panic and pass the ball to me, I get zerged down, and you die 5 seconds later.




To the OP: people just need to L2interupt and focus.

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I'm tired of playing warzones and healers being the factor of us winning or losing, there NEEDS to be a cap on the amount of healers that can be in warzones in PVP because it is ruining mine and everyone else's experience especially since we're Empire and healers are canonically Republic so they are more likely to have more healers than us, which is how it turns out majority of the time. I'm completely burnt out from PVP right now because I just played 3 warzones in a row where healers were healing healers and it is RIDICULOUS


Stop failing and it wont be a problem.

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Its funny that in just about every mmo, the devs constantly nerf down dps to the point that healers become unkillable, and this is called balance.


especially when I guard them, taunt you, and force you to rage quit civil war...


true story.

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Healers can be interrupted - a team of all healers is a weak team. A larger problem is a general lack of healing in PUGs and here's my perspective on that. I rolled up a healer spec, played a few dozen WZs without my guildies (self-queue) and by the end I wanted to *strangle* someone. I wound up respecializing as DPS and taking a '**** the rest of my team' approach.


Here's life as a healer in a PUG warzone :


1) No one is guarding me.

2) I'm healing you, some operative knocks me down and stabs me repeatedly, you run past me like I'm not even there.

3) I'm healing you, you do force leap or something out of line of sight.

4) I'm healing you, 4 people are beating me down, you can't be bothered to waste any of your CC's and instead just try to duel someone on the edge of the battle.

5) I'm healing, some marauder is chain interrupting me, you're trying to ninja the cap with an enemy standing behind you waiting to attack you when you get closer to capping.

6) I'm running ahead for pass in Huttball, you proceed to *walk across the fire* with your CC breaker still on cooldown and melt to a stun & burn.

7) I'm getting gang ***** in one of the hallways in voidstar, my team runs past me without so much as a CC on the people repeatedly kicking me in the face.


Edited to add:


Couple more -


8) I'm healing someone from behind a pillar as they're getting hit by 3 guys, they're focusing on the enemy tank while the enemy healer free casts on him - after a minute of this I just let you die and move on with my life.

9) I'm healing you up as you're fighting some people, enemy gets the ball in huttball, you proceed to chase your target well away from the ball carrier. I let you die, because I'm trying to actually win the game.

10) At the end of the match, having spent half the time in respawn and the other half trying to keep your sorry undergeared hide alive, I don't get any MVP votes as you vote for your failure guildies.


After a couple of days of that, I just stopped playing healer spec until I can group up with my guildies.


I will not pug anymore as heals because of everthing you just listed above. On top of it all, I get groups of dps that just sit in ops chat complianing that they cannot kill the other teams healers. I go find the other teams healers and harrass them until dead. At the end of the match I look at the scoreboard and am not amazed to see all 6 of the dps on my team did <80k damage.


I pugged for a full day last weekend because my guildies were playing alts or not on. I went 3/28 in the WZ. I will never do it again, I ran in guild premades the last few days and have gone 28/30. pug players are abysmally bad, and gear has nothing to do with it, either they dont care or they are too stupid tp pvp, i had a guildy that just hit 50 come in that day I was pugging and we just happened to get into the same game. He has no gear and did 250k damage and was capping objectives, the pugs in the WZ, were about half BM's in mostly BM gear and did <100k damage and were no where near the objectives and the ones that were, were trying to kill the tank that the healer was healing until my guildy killed the healer. I was asking people why they do not kill the healers and I would get responses like they are too hard to kill. I was sure able to kill them as a Sage in full heal spec. I dont think ppl understand the basics of how to play a class let alone how to kill another.


99% of pvpers are just terribad and they can have thier pugs.

Edited by Ruuprect
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especially when I guard them, taunt you, and force you to rage quit civil war...


true story.


Your full of crap. I had guard on my heal spec sorc and got owned in less then 15 seconds from a assassin. My juggernaut friend who gave me guard would of helped but he was being attacked by 2 players.


In anything this new healer help is a absolute joke. WZ/Open world PvP is just the same. The game is made for dmg dealers and not healers at all! People need us but we don't get **** from helping people.

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I will not pug anymore as heals because of everthing you just listed above. On top of it all, I get groups of dps that just sit in ops chat complianing that they cannot kill the other teams healers. I go find the other teams healers and harrass them until dead. At the end of the match I look at the scoreboard and am not amazed to see all 6 of the dps on my team did <80k damage.


I pugged for a full day last weekend because my guildies were playing alts or not on. I went 3/28 in the WZ. I will never do it again, I ran in guild premades the last few days and have gone 28/30. pug players are abysmally bad, and gear has nothing to do with it, either they dont care or they are too stupid tp pvp, i had a guildy that just hit 50 come in that day I was pugging and we just happened to get into the same game. He has no gear and did 250k damage and was capping objectives, the pugs in the WZ, were about half BM's in mostly BM gear and did <100k damage and were no where near the objectives and the ones that were, were trying to kill the tank that the healer was healing until my guildy killed the healer. I was asking people why they do not kill the healers and I would get responses like they are too hard to kill. I was sure able to kill them as a Sage in full heal spec. I dont think ppl understand the basics of how to play a class let alone how to kill another.


99% of pvpers are just terribad and they can have thier pugs.



What you said is absolutely true

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I will not pug anymore as heals because of everthing you just listed above.




99% of pvpers are just terribad and they can have thier pugs.


I feel your frustration. There are few things as frustrating as dealing with bads complaining about stuff. I've respec'd to DPS just because the PUG DPS couldn't down anyone even with me burst healing them until I was totally energy starved.


*********** clickers ;).

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Stop failing and it wont be a problem.



No, devs need to stop putting in 6 sorc healers in a party of 8 vs a team made of all dps'ers. There has to be balance. Whats patheic is this was a issue on Warhammer Online and our PvP director is to dumb to learn from his mistakes from a old game.


Simply put if U want to have actual fun from the game, don't play a healer because at the end of the day U will be a pissed off person.

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No, devs need to stop putting in 6 sorc healers in a party of 8 vs a team made of all dps'ers. There has to be balance. Whats patheic is this was a issue on Warhammer Online and our PvP director is to dumb to learn from his mistakes from a old game.


Simply put if U want to have actual fun from the game, don't play a healer because at the end of the day U will be a pissed off person.


If they are in heal spec they are not doing any damage, 6 healers on one team is a terrible make up. Now if you ran into a team of 3 healers, 1-2 tanks and the rest dps, that is a good combo, I have been on team where it was all heals and we lost miserably, no one can kill any of the dps and the dps just focus us one at a time and we die. With no guard healers are squishy and die really fast.

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As someone you primarily does PvP as a healer, I give a loud, empathic, resounding.




Seriously, we healers aren't difficult to kill. 1 vs. 1...sure, good luck. However, if you notice someone isn't dying, find the healer, control or focus him/her down; return to slaughtering.


PVP is about situtational awareness and tactics. If you aren't paying attention to your surroundings and are letting healers run amuck; then you deserve whatever bootius-maximus violation the healer is up to giving you for that warzone.

Edited by Roguewiz
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