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Free transfers in the future?


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I resisted re-rolling, I had two chars to 20 and didn't want to restart.


But the queue is annoying and it's not that hard to get to 20 again... and I have a better sense of what I want to do with them and how to develop them so it'll work out I suspect :) And I was able to get the names again so no biggie I guess. Annoying, but whatever.


Still love the game regardless

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My entire guild would love to transfer to another server because of the long wait times. It is becoming rather annoying. I think that BW should allow those guilds that they assigned to server the option to transfer the guild and all member to a low pop server
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Yep, charater transfer would be fantastic, as I need to wait average 10-20 min on alto Citiy to log in...I love playing this game, but due to my job I can only play during busy hours...Character Transfer would solv my problem and many others who have the same issue.Many thanks in advance!
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Some 44 odd pages long....spread over approx 10 days and still no official comments? :eek:


Come on guys...you can't possibly be as bad as Blizzard...at the very least just acknowledge there is a problem and it needs working on.


It should reassure us to a certain extent even if no solution is readily available now

Edited by swanners
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Some 44 odd pages long....spread over approx 10 days and still no official comments? :eek:


Come on guys...you can't possibly be as bad as Blizzard...at the very least just acknowledge there is a problem and it needs working on.


It should reassure us to a certain extent even if no solution is readily available now


Character transfer is a common request for these servers. The ability to transfer your characters is being worked on, but there is no ETA on when it will be available.


From this thread, posted on launch day.


So they did acknowledge that there is a problem that needs to be solved, and that they're working on it. They even posted it as a sticky. Admittedly, the thread was primarily about the long queues and overpopulated servers, so it would have been easy to miss.

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I would never ask for free server transfers. This destroyed shards on Rift and made them very unstable faction wise.


If I really want to leave a server, id feel better paying for it and ensure server stability with a "Free Transfer Program" only to balance faction and population to selected servers.


Keep the power were it should be, with those who have the accurate data to open free transfers to and from selected servers.


But, please do not just open a server, regulate faction based transfers as well.

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You don't want server transfers, you want BioWare to raise the stupid server caps by 10x.


However, it's already too late, and the damage is done. In a few months, servers will be like ghost-towns.


End game content, farm gear (which is silly easy). PvP in 3x warzones until you get bored. Unsub.

Edited by wixxkruppel
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/do want, badly.


I picked a server (chuundar) that was on "standar" status, but now its grown to full and im waiting 10 to a hole 20 min que. Its getting pretty annoying. =(


So a transfer to a less populated server would indeed be greatful.

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I go through pages of people whining about the servers, complaining that there are only 3 warzones, about the lack of end game content. This isn't the ages old WoW you all came from, hell compared to the WoW launch, this is 10x better. You don't want to wait 20 mins? At least the servers are up and not crashing constantly. Did you play WoW launch? there wasn't an instance to do past level 40 until the first major patch. There was no end game content. you had to grind mobs from 40-60 because the game wasn't actually done. If Bioware continues on a steady buy not blazingly fast content update, I'll be quite happy. There are 2 end-game raids, there are instances the entire time you play, and you have multiple planets to explore. IMO the're doing just fine considering the game officially launched less than 2 weeks ago.
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I just love these people who say things like this. I'm sure this is how they go through life.


"Hey, Mr. mechanic! I paid you to fix my car, why won't it start?"

"Oh, yeah, you have to go in and hit the start button and wait for the car to warm up. Depending on when you do it could take anywhere from 20 minutes to 3 hours to start. "

"But I need to get to work now."

"Go in earlier, or just suck it up, snowflake . . . "


"Hey, plumber. You said you fixed the hot water in my house. The water still isn't getting hot."

"Oh, yeah. You have to let it run for it to get hot. "

"For how long?"

"Eh, it depends on peak times. Could be anywhere from 15 minutes to a day and a half."

"But I need to shower for work now."

"Well then just get up earlier, or suck it up, snowflake . . . '


Suck it up? Really? This is, first and foremost a business. They provide a service, I provide my money. I don't like the service, I don't give the money. They want the money, they provide better service.


Unless you really LIKE sucking it up, snowflake. Hey, whatever you're into is fine with me . . .


OMG loved that Haha!!!

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I think that it is reasonable thing to allow people to play the game with who they want and where they want. After all, not everybody can coordinate with their friends to start characters on the same server.


Anyhow, server transfers are not that complicated a process, and BioWare should definitely work to allow them. As for the argument that it kills servers, server transfers do not kill servers. Those servers were probably dead to begin with, and resident players are given the options of continuing in a ghost town or quitting. A transfer simply allows people to have the third option of continuing to play elsewhere.

Edited by Suzut
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"Due to a high population on various Star Wars: The Old Republic servers, some player are being tossed into a queue in order to access their characters. Because of this, many have requested that their characters be transferred to servers with a lower number of players. BioWare has made note of the request, but at present, the game doesn’t support transfers and while the firm’s working on implementing the feature, there isn’t an ETA on when it will be made available." Edited by WhackCheese
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World of Warcraft had server transfers shortly after Vanilla due to the same issues. If we are patient and wait out the storm (just a little longer), we'll probably see some light at the end of the tunnel. I can say however, that I am 100% with you all on this. I do not like waiting for an hour and a half queue just to play a character. I started a new character on a different, lower populated server and enjoy playing it. Though I miss my Mercenary greatly and would love to transfer her over. Please please please Bioware, make transfers free and soon? (I can live without the free, but soon needs to happen) Edited by SterlingDragon
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Somehow I ended up on a German Server. I can read it most of the time but writing it is hell. When playing in a group I had a few 'what' are you talking about because of my bad writing :confused:


I really like this character and hope server transfer will be implemented a.s.a.p.

Edited by QtombeD
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While this game's production value is extremely high, which I enjoy, I find it increasingly hard as a working adult to find time to play. I try to set aside an hour a day to play but with que times, that equates to less than 15 mins. I have rolled a new character on a different server but whats the point of playing a social MMO if I can not be on the same server as my friends and family. I would think they would understand that I pay the same monthly amount as a power gamer, ie more than 5 hours a day, yet i use a tenth of the server bandwidth, seems strange that they push us core subscribers away. I understand their is no easy solution, but there should be one besides......Reroll.
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It will be a kick in the nuts if BW charge for it.


You pay a sub already, which is pretty dodgy to begin with (unless they release 4 expansions worth of patch content every year), but to add in other charges is indefensible.


RIFT has shown us that its possible to do this for free. But Trion cares about its customers. Hope BW dont follow the BLizzards approach of screwing its customers for everything it can.


It's true. Trion's actually a great company imo. Best I've seen to date (although that's not including Bioware - the jury is still out on them)


I wish I could've gotten into RIFT, but I just couldn't.

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A server transfer would be great. However, how about an entire server revamp... over time of course. Take a look at the Star Trek Online servers. When you log on your character and progression are all saved locally and it places you in an instance (server i assume) that is least full. That way you avoid server transfers and wait times, also when you log on you're automatically placed in a generally low population server. This could be good or bad depending on who you are, there is always the possibility of an options menu.
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No. No. No. No. No.


Allowing transfers, of any kind, is one of those tools that kills an MMO community.


A community is built by people. We get to know one another and help others out, we become friends. With that, people are also jerks. The tool to hold people accountable for their actions is to know when they log in the next day, people will remember what a jerk they were yesterday, and will act accordingly.


Give folks the ability to transfer removes this accountability, and FREE transfers is just ludicrous. By allowing this, BW essentially gives free reign for people to be jerks, and why not? Be a troll in chat, be a jerk in a group, screw somebody in a trade deal, ninja some loot. Who cares? I can reap all those benefits, and move to another server so I can do it all over again.


Have you played EVE?

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