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Combat PvP?


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There are tons of thread on the subject, most of which involving more personal attacks than the Republican Primary.


Use what spec you enjoy the most. All three spec are viable when you are geared and playing at a high level.


I personally use combat, and I melt face with it. So in answer to your query yes, it is an option.

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Sure there is a thread like this but too lazy to browse:P


Just basically... Combat over Watchman for PvP... anyone?


Is it even an option?


Have a 50 mara valor 61 and friend is valor 66 mara. I can say this since we both played each a while and both settled on the opposite.


I run Annihilation (Watchmen), the longer you stay up, the more your DPS outshines the carnage(combat) tree. The Combat tree has higher spike damage by far; time your relic, gore (precision slash), berserk (centering) and massacre (blade rush) spam 6 times with a force scream (blade storm) at the end and you will have taken out 1-2 people depending on their gear and use of cool downs. This all in 6-10 seconds...


When these things are down the other 2-5 min of fighting your DPS is significantly lower than most DPS specs.


For PvP, this is actually quite nice though, having huge spike damage in short spurts almost guarantees the death of a carrier, healer, solo guard of node.


The reason I took annihilation was because after 5 damage skills you are now hitting every hit 8% harder and bleeds add up fast! Annihilate(merciless slash) can crit for 4-5k depending on your gear and theirs and has an internal buff to lower CD of its next use. Stay alive for 30 seconds while fighting (not too hard to do on most occasions) and every 7.5 sec you have a big hitter up that now fits in perfectly with your rotation of rage builders dumps. So basically, stay alive for 30 seconds and keep yourself in combat for most of it and become a one man team wrecker (have a pocket healer and its silly).


Also, annihilation adds a HoT. Very weak overall, but when berserk (centering) is going you get all in party near you that same heal. I have finished many WZs with 500-600k damage and 100K+ in heals.


With all that said, both are really good in the long run, really should fit it to your play style in the end.... a.k.a. what you like better and feel you play better.

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I run Annihilation (Watchmen), the longer you stay up, the more your DPS outshines the carnage(combat) tree. The Combat tree has higher spike damage by far; time your relic, gore (precision slash), berserk (centering) and massacre (blade rush) spam 6 times with a force scream (blade storm) at the end and you will have taken out 1-2 people depending on their gear and use of cool downs. This all in 6-10 seconds...


When these things are down the other 2-5 min of fighting your DPS is significantly lower than most DPS specs.


For PvP, this is actually quite nice though, having huge spike damage in short spurts almost guarantees the death of a carrier, healer, solo guard of node.


First post ive seen by someone who plays Watchman that is actually subjective and paints a reasonably accurate portrayal of combat spec. You clearly have played the spec and understood it :)


I use an adrenal + relic together for spikes however but thats just a minor detail :)


That spike is 'insane' and it can and does often kill 2 people for me as you say, between those 'spikes' its is not 'that' bad however, it will be lower than Watchman between those spikes of course but Precision > Master Strike > Blade Storm is another nice combination.


Combat is very effective in PVP, i have stuck with this one and i just love the playstyle. Most who claim one is better than the other just found they adapted to that playstyle easier, all 3 spec's are very good :)

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I'm a little worried about mobility as Combat since master strike is so very hard to hit with in PvP. If you had a 3 sec stun or something it'd make it easier:P


Assuming you spec it, the master strike has an immobilise tagged on it.

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I'm a little worried about mobility as Combat since master strike is so very hard to hit with in PvP. If you had a 3 sec stun or something it'd make it easier:P


When I ran carnage (combat) i also spec'd that deadly throw immobalize, With that and master strike immobilize its actually OK.


In the end, Mara/sent are the best DPS class in the game; but its harder to be good at than say a sorc/sage. You need to constantly move, use the right skills at the right time and pay attention to your CDs. After using them enough, I have a good enough "mental clock" to know when something is up and for how long, but you still need to look sometimes.

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Watchman is stronger than Combat for most PvP.


Combat's only niche where it's actually more powerful is in a premade assist train.


QFT. I used to run combat in closed Beta but it just doesn't touch Watchman in PVP. Usually people who say otherwise are just die hards. THe utility you get from watchman is just too important.

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I preform just as well as some of the top watchman sents on my server as combat, the self heals never really saved anyones life except maybe helping in a 1v1 situation, and the extra trans MS is very nice to get to points and in hutball.


if you know how to play it and play it well, you`ll find it`s just as equally good as watchman, and it`s even more amazing with a healer behind you.

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