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An idea about the "8v6, 8v5, etc" problem in warzones


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We all know how frustrating it is to be in a warzone where you start out with 4 or 5 people against a full squad. Adding to the frustration is when your team falls way behind, but the zone 120 second timer is almost over and people are added to make the WZ run the full length.

Proposal for developers:

When a warzone starts off 8v7, 8v6, 8v5 etc, allow the first 5, 6, or 7 people on the full strength side to exit the staging area and hold the rest back. When somebody dies, the people in the "hold area" can exit on a 1 dead person to 1 released person basis. The dead person would then be in the holding pattern. Kind of like the penalty box in Ice Hockey. As more players join the understaffed team, more slots would open for full play on the full staffed team.

The players on the strong side would still get full valor so that they are not penalized for the weak side not having enough players, and the PvP match would stay evenly matched in player numbers (not trying to even out skill, gear, etc just numbers).


This is a rough draft of the idea, so feel free to tweak or enhance the idea. Hell even propose other ideas, as long as we come up with some fix.



(assume the first 3 flames that are to come are people who are so gimp that they only can win a PvP when they have 2 or more extra players over their opposition) hehe

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1> Don't start matches until it's 8v8.


2> Add a lockout equal to the remaining duration of the warzone to anyone who drops/quits/unplugs/is kicked to prevent people from "shopping" warzones to find easy wins.


3> Reduce the afk timer to 30 seconds.


4> Do not allow the 120 imbalance timer to start stop and restart. If it restarts a second time have the game end immediately. (this would be SUPER rare if #1-3 were implemented.)

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Great idea until it's you being kept behind the barrier....


I agree that is why I suggest at least allowing them to get valor and commendations etc during that time to try to make up for it somewhat.


Another idea what about handicapping... If you are on a short handed team, you get an incremental amount of commendations and valor based on how short handed the team was at the beginning.


Just throwing out possible ideas. *lease jump in with more ideas

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We all know how frustrating it is to be in a warzone where you start out with 4 or 5 people against a full squad. Adding to the frustration is when your team falls way behind, but the zone 120 second timer is almost over and people are added to make the WZ run the full length.

Proposal for developers:

When a warzone starts off 8v7, 8v6, 8v5 etc, allow the first 5, 6, or 7 people on the full strength side to exit the staging area and hold the rest back. When somebody dies, the people in the "hold area" can exit on a 1 dead person to 1 released person basis. The dead person would then be in the holding pattern. Kind of like the penalty box in Ice Hockey. As more players join the understaffed team, more slots would open for full play on the full staffed team.

The players on the strong side would still get full valor so that they are not penalized for the weak side not having enough players, and the PvP match would stay evenly matched in player numbers (not trying to even out skill, gear, etc just numbers).


This is a rough draft of the idea, so feel free to tweak or enhance the idea. Hell even propose other ideas, as long as we come up with some fix.



(assume the first 3 flames that are to come are people who are so gimp that they only can win a PvP when they have 2 or more extra players over their opposition) hehe


I love this idea.

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It sucks when this happens. The game should wait for a full team before start.


A lot of times this isn't the case tho. There are plenty of games I've been in where it appears that our team only has 6 or 7 players, but there are actually 8 people on your team. The 1 or 2 players missing are actually not visible in the ops frame. Seems to happen when people join the game late.


This problem sucks because all those people are probably not going to get heals, unless a healer clicks on the actually character.

Edited by GaryCartel
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Something needs to be done. And I don't think the solution is Rep v. Rep or Imp v. Imp like they have done. If I wanted to play Empire, I would have played Empire. The one thing I hate more than 6 v. 8 is being with a bunch of Imps in Huttball. I'm a Pub, damnit. Some ideas (and some better than others), that can be mixed and matched.


- Add a + Expertise buff to the shorthand team. Balances the game.

- Add a + Valor Bonus per kill to the undermanned tea. Stings a little less.

- Add a + Valor Bonus for a win "Against the Odds", maybe even a title.

- Start the games at 6 v. 6 and don't queue others in until BOTH sides have #7/8.

-This seems like the most obvious no-brainer to me.

- Queue usage CD for leaving a match before its, say, halfway? Quater? over.

-Add in a no-valor gain for a disconnect/leave/vote out before match ends.

- "Invite to Match" function for people on your friends list / guild list, /pvpinvite


That's all I got.

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1. Don't start a game until there are 8 people on each side. Simple as that. I have started quitting all warzones at 30 second mark if we don't have full 8. I know this imbalances the sides even more... not my design. If I designed it I wouldn't allow it, but I'm also choosing not to participate in this fiasco.


2. Make the bolster system account for number of bodies as well? If one side starts at 6, bolster those 6 to the average strength of 8. When another player enters, the bolster system automatically adjusts everyone's stats.

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This problem was asked at guild summit, and tbh by the reply, it shows they haven't got a clue.


"there will be more incentive for people to stay and complete the WZ after 1.2'


Lol doesn't exactly fix the problem, and like has been suggested here and also other posts, just only allow the exact numbers in at a time so it's even, it can't be hard, it's rediculous to expect people to play 5v8 knowing they are going to lose or even 6v8


I so wish they would try it themselves and see this.

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I think your idea is good. Simply put, something must be done about unbalanced WZ matches.


Yes, there have been many occasions where my team of 6 defeated a team of 8, especially when I go in with my premade, but I'd imagine that this is not particularly common. If all unbalanced warzone matches are examined it's likely that the team of 8 wins the overwhelming majority of them.

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This problem was asked at guild summit, and tbh by the reply, it shows they haven't got a clue.


"there will be more incentive for people to stay and complete the WZ after 1.2'


Lol doesn't exactly fix the problem, and like has been suggested here and also other posts, just only allow the exact numbers in at a time so it's even, it can't be hard, it's rediculous to expect people to play 5v8 knowing they are going to lose or even 6v8


I so wish they would try it themselves and see this.


No kidding.

That is like saying "we added blue armor to your ship droid, so that should address the problem..." Non sequiturs are fun and all (actually I love them) but they do not address issues and we do not all have ADD so, your attempt to "ooohhhh shiney" us has failed!

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They would really need to change the queue interface.


  • First, you queue. (you are now "in Queue").
  • When a warzone starts, you are given an Invitation to accept or decline, just like it works now.
  • If you accept, you are moved to a new queue: "Ready for Warzone" queue.
  • Once at least 6 people on each "side" are in this 2nd queue, the Warzone actually starts and the first 6 people on each side are auto-teleported in at this time, in order of acceptance.
  • After the initial 6 people are in, it then ports in more people, in pairs, 1 from each side. It can never port in a person for only 1 side unless that side in the match has a quitter, creating a single spot to fill (computer can check for this condition to allow single inclusions from a side.)


So, it goes like this:

1- lots of people queue

2- 8 on each side get "accept/decline" msg. Accepters are put in 2nd queue.

3- 2nd queue fills with Accepters until it has 6 per side minimum.

--- repeat step 2 (more invites for accept/decline, based on # of declines) until 2nd queue has at least 6 per side.

4- Match then starts, first 6 on each side teleported in.

5- if match is not full, repeat steps 2 + 3

--- only send invites for the remaining spaces, instead of 8.

--- check "accepted" (2nd) queue for more people, but only in pairs. exception: to fill a "quitter spot", it can queue from 1 side only to fill the blank spot.

Edited by Zaodon
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Interesting Solution to the problem.




There is an issue with your solution that I find problematic. Lets say a few members of the strong side (8ppl) are held back (like your proposing).What happens if peeps on your team don't die? Couldn't people waiting to get in be effectively removed from the game and not be able to participate.

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A warzone should never ever ever START if the side are unbalanced. There are no excuses. This is just terribly lazy coding and a complete failure to understand their own game.


Shorten the accept timers or lengthen the timer before the actual start of the match and don't let a match start until there are 8.


End of story.


Just fix the Queuing. There is no need for a bunch of bandaids that give this and that and whatever. They can't managed to get a simple thing like starting an 8 man WZ right why do you possibly think they could program in all the if's, and's and whatever's that may or may not happen.


Face it folks. PVP was a complete after thought. We got sold a bill of goods or given a check that they can't cash.


When you get get the simple stuff right, how could you expect them to actually put together real world open pvp?

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