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inconsistent healing in pvp


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Has any one else noticed inconsistent healing numbers in war zones?


It's most evident whilst using rapid shots. The non-crit hits vary from 120 to 180 regardless of the buffs i or my target have.


I'm open to the idea that i could be being a little slow and i'm missing some thing quite obvious. Just wanted to know if any one else has found this (not the part about me being a little slow of course :rolleyes: )

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I *think,* and I might be wrong, but I always thought that this was due to the way stats are boosted in WZ's. I thought that your stats were boosted to the stats of the player of the highest level with the highest total in that stat. To clarify, because that sentence was convoluted: You join a Huttball, and someone on the other team is a level 49 with a 50% tech crit bonus. Your stats get boosted to 50%. You join an Alderaan and there's a level 49 with 75% tech crit bonus, so you get boosted to 75%. This would explain why you have higher #'s in some, and lower in others. Just to reiterate, I could be wrong! But I saw that nobody's responded yet, so I thought I'd give my 2 cents.



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I have noticed some recent inconsistencies on my Merc healer but they differ from yours. After the last patch I was about 5 mins into a Huttball game when I saw a medal award pop up for me. I checked the chat box and what do I see? I just got the medal for the 2.5k heal.


Five minutes into the match and it just now popped?


This is from a more than half geared battlemaster who universally gets that medal within the first 3 - 4 heals. In other words I get it within the first 20 seconds of the match and not even think twice about it.


I don't know what to make of that game. Its not like a did a respec or changed cylinders. Needless to say my heal numbers were $%# that round.

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thanks for the reply's you lot.


To clarify i'm level 50 and have been healing in wz's for quite a bit. During pve the heals from rapid shots stay the same so long as my buffs/de-buffs are the same (around 175 normal to 300+ crits unbuffed).


Guess i'm still missing some thing. It could possibly be the damage variable on the weapons but then why would it stay consistent in pve?

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