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Will your guild be ready for Rated?


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As requested, from the Dev Tracker: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=3326416#edit3326416


Just to clarify, since I've seen this question a number of times in this thread. What we said was:


  • Cross-server PvP queuing is in the works
  • Once it launches, it will allow us to do things such as:
  • More level bracketing

  • 8-man premade queuing

  • Ability to queue for a specific warzone


There is no current timeline for this feature, and there's also no guarantee that it will all happen at once, but cross-server queuing will open up a bunch of possibilities for us. Once we have more details, of course, we will let you know.

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From: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=3339075#edit3339075

David was trying to clarify the 'Future of Warzones' section of the PvP presentation, but that's caused a bit more confusion; apologies. I huddled with Gabe Amatangelo about this question and got a definitive answer.


You can queue as an eight-man Operations group in Game Update 1.2, for ranked Warzones only.


In the future, whenever cross-server Warzone queuing is possible, the plan is to allow people to create teams of eight which can be named, etc.


The PvP team is aware of the importance of ranked Warzones and PvP rankings in general, hence allowing eight-man queuing. Apologies again for the confusion. We hope everyone's going to enjoy the feature!



Apparently the way I'd understood it was correct after all.

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Our guild Matchless will be fully functional and ready for rated warzones come patch 1.2


This is another thread to get a headcount on how many guilds are getting pumped for participation in such epic action.


Can check my stream link down below to check up on our progress.


epic action ?



dont you mean who has the best geared OP broken class and spec you mean waving there e-peens about like they are pro :p




this is going to be very intresting to see :p

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Our guild Matchless will be fully functional and ready for rated warzones come patch 1.2


This is another thread to get a headcount on how many guilds are getting pumped for participation in such epic action.


Can check my stream link down below to check up on our progress.


It makes absolutely no sense to be pumped in anticipation for rated warzones in this game, when Guild Wars 2 is right around the corner.


Starwars offers nothing new, we have all been doing this type of pvp in WoW for years.


This game is really just a time passer until the real prize is ready and that is Guild Wars 2. Any serious PvPer knows this, and so I really have to question someone who makes a post being excited about pvp in this game.

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It makes absolutely no sense to be pumped in anticipation for rated warzones in this game, when Guild Wars 2 is right around the corner.


Starwars offers nothing new, we have all been doing this type of pvp in WoW for years.


This game is really just a time passer until the real prize is ready and that is Guild Wars 2. Any serious PvPer knows this, and so I really have to question someone who makes a post being excited about pvp in this game.




speak for yourself, I dont give a flying **** about GW2. Seen some videos from beta, and pvp there looks like garbage.

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Our guild basically quit after the awful work they are doing with rated warzones, no reward system, and not even ability to queue as a full team in 1.2...


because in 1.2 there will be just pre-season, I bet there will add some ranked base rewards in the short future. and yeas, you can queue as full 8 man team in ranked warzones in 1.2, stop spreading missinformation.

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Our guild basically quit after the awful work they are doing with rated warzones, no reward system, and not even ability to queue as a full team in 1.2...


Siorg quoted this earlier from the dev tracker:


"David was trying to clarify the 'Future of Warzones' section of the PvP presentation, but that's caused a bit more confusion; apologies. I huddled with Gabe Amatangelo about this question and got a definitive answer.


You can queue as an eight-man Operations group in Game Update 1.2, for ranked Warzones only.


In the future, whenever cross-server Warzone queuing is possible, the plan is to allow people to create teams of eight which can be named, etc.


The PvP team is aware of the importance of ranked Warzones and PvP rankings in general, hence allowing eight-man queuing. Apologies again for the confusion. We hope everyone's going to enjoy the feature!"



But yeah, kinda sad that less than a handful of people have expressed interest. I think Maven on Ajunta Pal will be fielding an 8 man, and there are about 3 guilds that will be doing it as well. This preseason thing is kind of interesting, it'll probably be a situation where if you want to actually play a ranked wz you'll have to arrange a time with another guild to queue.

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It makes absolutely no sense to be pumped in anticipation for rated warzones in this game, when Guild Wars 2 is right around the corner.


Starwars offers nothing new, we have all been doing this type of pvp in WoW for years.


This game is really just a time passer until the real prize is ready and that is Guild Wars 2. Any serious PvPer knows this, and so I really have to question someone who makes a post being excited about pvp in this game.


I agree. Anyone who doesn't like what you like is clearly suspect. Can I be your friend?

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