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Custom Guild Emblems?


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I watched the guild summit on Monday and was very excited to see that guild emblems would be implemented into game. Then I realized that most games use premade emblems, but my guild already has an emblem! We have a graphic artist that worked really hard to develop an emblem we're all very proud of. I am officially requesting a way for guilds to get their emblems approved so that we can use them in SWTOR. Our emblem is clearly posted at the top of our Forums here
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They will be pre-set emblems. I'm sure they will have many many emblems. As cool as it sounds to be able to design and upload them, that could lead to many other issues.


The most obvious issue is emblems that are rude or hateful. Imagine an emblem that displayed the middle finger, Nazi symbol, gang sign, or any other image with a hateful message.


The other issue is that a person makes the design, uploads it and it has to be approved. This would be ok, but would have to set to very specific standards. Then what if the emblem doesn't look right on their gear, the person who created it could be upset and last out against Bioware about it, and accuse the person who approved it of tampering with it.


Like I originally said, I think the idea sounds cool, but there is that chance that it could lead to very very negative effects.

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1) The most obvious issue is emblems that are rude or hateful. Imagine an emblem that displayed the middle finger, Nazi symbol, gang sign, or any other image with a hateful message.


2) The other issue is that a person makes the design, uploads it and it has to be approved. This would be ok, but would have to set to very specific standards. Then what if the emblem doesn't look right on their gear, the person who created it could be upset and last out against Bioware about it, and accuse the person who approved it of tampering with it.


1) Clearly you are correct, all images would need to be approved. I am requesting a process by which emblems can be submitted and approved.


2) This makes sense. The approval process would need to come with some disclaimer that guilds would need to sign before submissions would be considered. I imagine the disclaimer would include a clause that bioware is not responsible for the in game appearance.

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I was the guy that made a "badge" for my beta group, BW was cool with me but pretty plain.


This game is their baby and they dont want their stuff used because they dont even want the colors altered, its in the diclaimer that comes with the website kit.


Further, they liked the badge I made, but I was only allowed to name it the Unofficial badge


In short, they are pretty tight with the artwork, dont want you messing theirs up, and dont want any outside sources messing their vision up. Now things might change, no reason not to ask....but I doubt their feeling on this have changed.

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