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2V-R8 I want u SILENCE!!!


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How to shut down/silence that annoying droid? I tired of listening robot talking everytime I entering my ship. I don't want to change game settings everytime. Damn, I'm sith!! I should use the force to silence my enemies, but I can't deal with my own droid! Bioware pls add voice settings to ship droids and MAKE THEM SUFFER for their annoying talking!
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personally, I've gotten in the habit of hitting Ctrl+S when I board my ship, just to quickly turn the sound off.


Most annoying droid ever.


I feel C2-N2 is more annoying. At least Twovee is occasionally appropriately cowed. Still, the restraining bolt for their voices will be an early buy. Probably the next big ticket item after the Lv25 speeder, or earlier if it's only a few kCr.

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Here's from Darth Hater


Q: Any plan to give some form of crafting advantage through Legacy?


A: Crafting beginning to be more BoE, less BoP. Ship droids sell crafting mods for your droids, including voice restraining-bolt.

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OMG i've spent an hour looking for his wave file To permanently silence him. The only thing more annoying would have been if he'd sounded like Jar-Jar Binx!!


Shhh! Don't give BW any sick ideas. OMG it might be too late. I can see it now, they'll change out the male Consular's voice for a Jar-Jar Binx voice! :eek:

Edited by Ghost_Spectre
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The legacy repair droid apparently doesn't sell a restraining bolt, at least from what I've heard.


It seems like that was just a joke from Bioware. As of patch 1.2 both ship droids speak a lot less, but they do still occasionally say something.

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weird because c2-n2 doesn't say anything when i get on my ship.


They cut way down on the number of times that he speaks. It's not longer every single time you walk by.


Now if they'd just implement a mute button on ALL the companions, it'd be great. Doc and M1-4X are the only two I can stand to listen to.

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:mad: Please BIOWARE for the love of all things sane, PLEASE SHUT THESE DROIDS UP!!!!!! Even when on the fleet, their constant bleeping makes one want to punch through solid concrete in RAGE. There isn't a day that passes where I yearn to drive my lightsaber into J8R-1 <Flashpoint Courier> Look, at least allow an option in the sounds menu in preferences to shut them up. Oh yeah and that ship droind C2-N2's days are numbered too. You guys silenced him for a week then released another patch which got him going again. Edited by LordShanon
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