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Did Blade Rush become gimped???


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So, I have a full Combat tree Sentinel and during a WZ I used Blade Rush and noticed something. Before the patch today the animation would show two swipes and damage the opponent twice. Now, it's one swipe and only averaging between 650-1050 in damage. Is it just me or has anyone else noticed this and is this damage lower than what it used to do??? Seems to me that a move that is at the top of a skill tree should have a much larger impact than what it's currently doing.
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Not true. Maybe not quite as much pure damage as watchman, but far from gimp.


When the DoT build is doing more damage in PvP AND healing at the same time....yeah...Combat is pretty underpowered.


Sure the movement perks are nice...I'm Combat and not looking to change anytime soon, but our damage is pretty weak compared to Watchman...and Focus too from what I've been able to tell.

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When the DoT build is doing more damage in PvP AND healing at the same time....yeah...Combat is pretty underpowered.


Sure the movement perks are nice...I'm Combat and not looking to change anytime soon, but our damage is pretty weak compared to Watchman...and Focus too from what I've been able to tell.


I don't know. I don't feel weak at all fighting watchman/annihilation sentinels/maras. I recognize my damage is slightly below theirs and I have to be ready to use counters to certain abilities, but I don't feel particularly underpowered.

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I switched to combat last night because I wanted to give it a fair shot with good gear. The damage is nice but it is just so damn squishy compared to Watchman...sorcs kill me so quick.


On the good side, 4k blade storm crits are sexy.


If you can land a full master strike after precision you will see even higher crits on the final tick.

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Combat tree is about timing your attacks. I never leave percision off the cool down.


Percision, master strike, zealous, Blade rush, blade strom and they normally are pretty much dead. unless its abounty hunter or have some nice heals.


People on the server keep asking how I do soo much damage and kill so fast as Combat. And i say though i feel like i havent peaked out in the spec. The class is all about timing. I geared towards watchmen so im not fully optimized for Combat and I still take it to alot of BM geared imps

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