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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

R.i.p. Ilum?


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I've heard a lot of talk around the forums but it's kind of scattered and confusing, is BW getting rid of Ilum for good or are they just removing the PVP incentive?


Please post links to posts that are confusing you. If this is a troll it is a poor one. ;)

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Please post links to posts that are confusing you. If this is a troll it is a poor one. ;)


I'm sorry but I cannot fulfill your link fetish, it's just they talked about "removing" something from Ilum at Guild Summit but their statement is very vague and I just want to know what this entails.

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Who knows what the future holds for Ilum. One thing I do know, is they are doing their best to keep people away GRADUALLY and allow it to die on it's own right now.


Typically on a Tuesday (weeklies) on my server there's a large amount of players running around Ilum getting weeklies/dailies done. This morning, there was only a handful looping mid for crates. Is it dead? No. Did I stay? No.

Edited by Ozzone
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I'm sorry but I cannot fulfill your link fetish, it's just they talked about "removing" something from Ilum at Guild Summit but their statement is very vague and I just want to know what this entails.


they are removing the snow and replacing it w/ lava and creepers..

Edited by badseed
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I'm sorry but I cannot fulfill your link fetish, it's just they talked about "removing" something from Ilum at Guild Summit but their statement is very vague and I just want to know what this entails.


Your request if very vague and how you wish us to answer you can not be determined.


A link or a quote that confuses you would help us HELP YOU. We are not force sensative and can not read your mind. ;)

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In 1.2 (I think) the daily and weekly in Illum are being removed (and I believe kill valor as well). They have found that:


1) These are the largest source of frustration for many.

2) The greatest source of PvP exploits


They have stated it will still be open for PVP and they plan or rethinking open world PvP and releasing something in the future.

Edited by Zarrot
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You make it hard to like you. If you would learn to be explicit in your writing and not post questions that are vague in the first place it would make it easier for people to help you.



Edited by Trineda
removed quote
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pretty sure they said they're going back to the drawing board in 1.2 . and the changes/date are TBD...but 1.2 kills Ilum, it will be nothing more then a place to go for world PVP .. w/ Lava and Creepers and mario kart racing ... Edited by badseed
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Valor will be used as a prestige, kinda like the number of years you been working.. you get senority.


So when someone see's WOW your a War Hero or a Warlord, you know that person either spent a lot of time PVP on that toon and makes you wonder if they got any sunlight at all.




In 1.2 (I think) the daily and weekly in Illum are being removed (and I believe kill valor as well). They have found that:


1) These are the largest source of frustration for many.

2) The greatest source of PvP exploits


They have stated it will still be open for PVP and they plan or rethinking open world PvP and releasing something in the future.

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theyre turning it into a huge race track where we will play mario kart SWToR style ..


That would actually be awesome.


Well, as long as the daily attached to it isn't "win a race".

Because even with 5 people doing it, it's going to be frustrating as hell to get a win out of it.

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Kills (opposite faction) in warzones now count toward your ilum dailies. Ilum is being redesigned, no word on what that will be or when.


This is incorrect.


Currently each Warzone you complete counts 3 credits towards the Ilum dailies. Nothing to do with actual killing of players in WZ. So you need to complete 10 WZ to get all 30 for the Ilum daily. Wins or losses, it doesn't matter.

Edited by jgoldsack
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pretty sure they said they're going back to the drawing board in 1.2 . and the changes/date are TBD...but 1.2 kills Ilum, it will be nothing more then a place to go for world PVP .. w/ Lava and Creepers and mario kart racing ...


Yep, back to the drawing board is the key phrase they used.

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Yep, back to the drawing board is the key phrase they used.


Yeah, it was a nice idea but faction inbalance, server pops, and the general nature of players to exploit any system hurt it. It was suppose to be about taking objectives and not crates and real PvP not kill trading but it failed so they are going to re-build it. I prefer that. It nice to have a company admit their mistakes and say we screwed this up so rather than leave a bad buggy exploitable mechanic we are going to pull it and redesign.

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