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How BioWare is ruining Role Play...


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Seriously the Sith have improved there crystal during this time by Synthetically making them. It makes absolutly no sense for any Sith to want a traditional Jedi crystal because lets face it. The Sith want power and infused synthetic crystal is absolute power vs tradfitional rock shaped ones.


And to add to this, the Sith felt that their ability to create synthetic crystals showed their superiority over the Jedi. So if I was a Sith why would I (role play here, not game mechanics) want to lower myself to using a "weak" crystal?

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The special snowflake syndrome. I will never understand why people are so dedicated on going against the flow simply to be unique.


If you put effort into your character, he or she will always be unique, no matter if she's just a grunt in the republic army doing her job like the million other soldiers stationed throughout the galaxy.



In order to not upset other peoples roleplay, I myself strive to go with the flow as much as possible and adapt my characters to that situation. Also, I want to be as immersed in the game as possible, and going against the flow upsets that. If I am to play a Sith, what gives me the most Sith-like feeling? Waving a blue lightsaber around, or a red lighstaber..? The latter, of course.


Seeing Sith Pureblood in the republic will break all the meaning of lore and immersion in this game. Come on, the republic and the jedi wanted to hunt the purebloods to extinction... going against your own people in this era should automatically grant you a billion dark side points. Again, you could argue that empire = automatically evil but I think of things from perspective.

Edited by Majspuffen
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...you could argue that empire = automatically evil but I think of things from perspective.


Indeed. Evil is a point-of-view. To the Empire the Republic is evil. Seriously, with all their noise making and shenanigans. How can they get the slaves to build the statues if the slaves keep thinking they can run off and start a rebellion? Sheesh.

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Seeing Sith Pureblood in the republic will break all the meaning of lore and immersion in this game. Come on, the republic and the jedi wanted to hunt the purebloods to extinction... going against your own people in this era should automatically grant you a billion dark side points. Again, you could argue that empire = automatically evil but I think of things from perspective.


It depends. The Jedi Order is all about redemption. One of the characters I RP is a Chaotic-Good Sith Pureblood Marauder. I could potentially make him a Jedi with Legacy and still have the character work. However, I don't see it working so well as a Sith Pureblood Trooper, for example. It depends on how the character is done.


So, no, I don't see it as ruining RP by any means. There would be defectors in any war. My only gripe is the sudden loss of the accent (most likely).


Either way: I, for one, wholly support RP characters that distrust any Empire race in the Republic. I plan to make this an integral part of my 'smuggler' (I say this loosely as I don't RP him as a smuggler) RP.

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I'm sure someone else has posted this but I will post anyways


Being light/dark side or Jedi/Sith in no way limits what color blade you can wield or use - its a choice. Assaj Ventress started using blue/green blades (Clone Wars) til she was given red ones by Dooku, and she was pretty dark side at that time. Anakin used a blue blade while being dark (ep 3). And I had read somewhere in here they said purple was a darkside choice but duh, Windu used one and so did Ki Adi Mundi prior to the movies. There are other ones to show as well, but I think I can show a point for those not catching it...color of the crystal is not a sign of your side. The Jedi don't normally support a red blade due to two reasons 1) the two most common colored crystals are green and blue throughout history, and 2) red is the color of blood and not a favorable way to get people to trust and follow you as a sign of hope (which is why the Sith favor the color, the process the Sith use to create the colored crystals they use allows them to choose any color they want, they use for the most part synthetic crystals). The cheesiness of putting restrictions on color should have never been put in so that a generation of players get the lore messed up. The same thing was voiced when the double bladed lightsaber was wielded by Darth Maul, it is a obvious martial weapon designed with combat in mind whereas the single blade was thought of more as a protective weapon. And it was a good while before that myth was pushed aside as well (the Jedi weapon master during the Clone Wars uses a double bladed saber).


Anyways, using a color that is not of your "side" actually opens up a whole new realm for RPing, so if ya need help with ideas for the crystal's origin here's a few quick ones -

1) Did you recieve it from a Master on the other side before turning to your current side?

2) Is it a family heirloom?

3) Was it taken from a fallen enemy/friend?

4) Was it gifted to you?

5) Was there a quest involved (not in game of course, this is RP) in acquiring it?

6) Is it a crystal that is said to have other properties that explains why you use it? (and yes certain crystals do have some properties that do not transfer to a MMO but are seeable in the comics/books/RPGs)

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It depends. The Jedi Order is all about redemption. One of the characters I RP is a Chaotic-Good Sith Pureblood Marauder. I could potentially make him a Jedi with Legacy and still have the character work. However, I don't see it working so well as a Sith Pureblood Trooper, for example. It depends on how the character is done.


Sith Pureblood Trooper is on the verge of an impossibility. Almost all Sith Pureblood born are force sensetive, and those who are not are executed, for they are abominations. I believe this is stated in the Revan book but I could be confusing things.


So if I see more than one Sith Pureblood trooper, then the immersion of the sith race is totally ruined for me. Even seeing one is very hard on the immersion. Lorelols... *cringes*

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I know this won't end the debate, but it should:


News Flash: Bioware adds more customizeable choices to the game!


Isn't roleplay about choosing?

For all of you troopers who envisioned a character with untapped, undiscovered force potential that they suddenly discover in a heroic moment... For all of you who were complaining about how the character you made up has switched factions and there's no mechanism for it in-game, for all of you who have cited movie examples of differently-aligned force users or non force users picking up every shade of lightsaber...


If the idea of carrying a purple saber is anathema to you, then don't.

If the idea of using the force is inconceivable to you, then don't.

If a certain species could *never* be anything but evil to you, then don't roll one.


What's incredible about the changes is that now, you can choose. And you do not have the right to argue what *others* may and may not choose. If you can't live in a world where *other* people make choices you don't like, then roleplay might not be right for you. (Society in general might not be right for you either, but that's an opinion.)


It's like the same-gender romance stuff; it's coming, and it doesn't *necessarily* have to have anything to do with you. It merely opens more options.

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Sith Pureblood Trooper is on the verge of an impossibility. Almost all Sith Pureblood born are force sensetive, and those who are not are executed, for they are abominations. I believe this is stated in the Revan book but I could be confusing things.


So if I see more than one Sith Pureblood trooper, then the immersion of the sith race is totally ruined for me. Even seeing one is very hard on the immersion. Lorelols... *cringes*


Definitely on the verge as far as SPBs go, but defectors do happen, so it's not entirely impossible, just not plausible (spoiler below about Trooper story).




After all, Elara was with the Empire. Through her side quests you learn all about the trials and tribulations that come with being such.


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With regard to the legacy abilities here is an article regarding it:




Other Legacy unlocks will not be available until you've leveled a class to 50, however. Such is the case with unlocking new skills. Do you wish your Bounty Hunter could shoot Force lightning? After 1.2, if you relate the Bounty Hunter to a level 50 Inquisitor, it'll be possible, though with some significant limitations.


A Bounty Hunter won't suddenly turn into a Force-wielding super user. Every class has a heroic moment ability which requires the presence of a companion to activate. Only by using these heroic moment abilities will you be able to access the cross-class Legacy abilities. That essentially means you can only use the abilities out in the questing world; they're locked out when you're in a full group or in a PvP Warzone.


"It's a balancing mechanism. We wanted to make the abilities powerful and useful but we know that some players are going to eventually have all seven others on one character. We had to be cognizant of that when we were creating them so we don't give the player seven super-powerful abilities he can use in rapid succession."



Notice you can't use them in groups or pvp only in your personal solo quests with a companion. In full groups and pvp they are locked so for the most part you will not even see them and that also depends on how the bounty hunter or imperial agent is realted to a level 50 Inquisitor.

Edited by ScarletBlaze
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Lightsaber is not just a weapon but also a symbol. Colour of a lightsaber represent ones philosophy, and approach to force and matters of life and death... Sith with a blue/green lightsaber and jedi with red one would look very odd. Can you imagine survivor(or his descendant) of a genocide wearing uniform or symbols of the people that comitted genocide? And both Sith and Jedis comintted acts of genocide against each other and in terms of perspective I find i t hard to belive that any side would carry the otheres symbols and lightsaber(and its colour) is a symbol as much as it is weapon... Edited by NikPer
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Lightsaber is not just a weapon but also a symbol. Colour of a lightsaber represent ones philosophy, and approach to force and matters of life and death... Sith with a blue/green lightsaber and jedi with red one would very odd. Can you imagine survivor(or his descendatnt) of a genocide wearing uniform or symbols of the people that comitted genocide? And both Sith and Jedis comintted acts of genocide against each other and in terms of perspective I find i t hard to belive that any side would carry the otheres symbols and lightsaber(and its colour) is a symbol as much as it is weapon...


Exactly. If a cop pulled me over and was dressed in a hot dog suit while driving the Oscar Meyer wiener mobile, and said "License and Registration...". I would not take the "cop" seriously.


Now if this person pulled me over and said "You have just won a lifetime supply of hot dogs.". Okay... I might believe this.

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As someone else said roleplay is a choice you choose to do on your own character. What I do with my character can be entirely different than what you do with yours. Neither is wrong, just different.


People have different styles of roleplay and that is what makes things fun and different. If you don't like a certain roleplay style or something they are doing, the simple solution is not to roleplay with them.


People have a right to choose how they want to play whether it fits what you think they should do or not.


Some jedi may carry a red saber but with the options of more colors being available there are more colors to choose than just that and some may choose a different color altogether. Same can be applied to the Sith.


We do not have the right to tell someone else what they are doing is wrong. When we do that we are wrong and that is where we also are infringing on someone else's rights to enjoy the game the way they want to.


This may not be something you like but some people like it and we should just let them enjoy the game.


The decision has been made to allow different colors so the best thing we can do is learn to live with it.


I didn't like the way the legacy name was tied into all my characters but I learned to live with it.


Sometimes you have to learn to just go on and let some things go. Unfortunely for roleplayers we are the miniority in the game and so for the majority of people they wanted this and that is why it was allowed.


Do you have to like it ? No. But to try to tell someone else how to roleplay their character we can't do.

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As someone else said roleplay is a choice you choose to do on your own character. What I do with my character can be entirely different than what you do with yours. Neither is wrong, just different.


I disagree.


So you would be okay with... me naming my cyborg bounty hunter "Terminator" and playing it out that I am from the future looking for a Jedi Knight by the name of John Conner. And I can't allow him to live because in the near future there is going to be an apocalypse on Corellia. And John is the Jedi Council's destined leader to fight the cyborg threat.


This is wrong.

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I disagree.


So you would be okay with... me naming my cyborg bounty hunter "Terminator" and playing it out that I am from the future looking for a Jedi Knight by the name of John Conner. And I can't allow him to live because in the near future there is going to be an apocalypse on Corellia. And John is the Jedi Council's destined leader to fight the cyborg threat.


This is wrong.


If that is what you want it doesn't affect me considering I have a choice to roleplay with you or not.


If I don't roleplay with you it doesn't affect me at all.

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If that is what you want it doesn't affect me considering I have a choice to roleplay with you or not. If I don't roleplay with you it doesn't affect me at all.


But you said there is no wrong way to role play. So why would you not want to role play with me? Opting to ignore the elephant isn't exactly classy. :cool:


EDIT: Wanted to add to this that you can ignore me all you want but, now you are impeding on someone else's role play inadvertently yourself. If Mr. Terminator (from the example) is attempting to find John Conner by interrogation of your character at the local cantina... and you just outright ignore my presence. Just saying.

Edited by DarthRavnos
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I disagree.


So you would be okay with... me naming my cyborg bounty hunter "Terminator" and playing it out that I am from the future looking for a Jedi Knight by the name of John Conner. And I can't allow him to live because in the near future there is going to be an apocalypse on Corellia. And John is the Jedi Council's destined leader to fight the cyborg threat.


This is wrong.


Straw man harder, please.

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And obliterating Star Wars lore is? :rolleyes:


Unfortunately, your credibility is completely diminished by this statement. Star Wars lore is not, in fact, obliterated. Lightsabre crystal colour has nothing to do with your alignment. This has been proven time and time again with actual lore examples.


Non-Jedi/Sith characters using the Force is also not "obliterating" lore. You see, the failure in your logic happens right from the beginning of your argument when you make the statement, "Seriously BioWare? Anyone has the potential to use the Force. Even the non-sensitive." I don't know how to tell you this, but if someone is able to use the Force, that makes them Force-sensitive by definition and by practise.


"But Imperial Agents being able to Force Choke proves that Bioware has no idea what they're doing." I really hate to break this to you, but you seem to have failed to do even basic research into what the Legacy system is, and how it operates. If you had done your research, and paid attention, you would have learnt that the only way for that IA to Force Choke anyone is if they are in some way connected to a Sith Warrior. Bioware calls it a "Family Tree" for a reason, you know.


And just out of curiosity, how is a non-Jedi/Sith using a Force power "obliterating lore" anyway? I ask this because I just assumed that you knew Luke Skywalker was not a Jedi, and had only a couple of days of instruction before he was able to use the Force to not only survive a dogfight with an actual Sith Lord, but direct a fast moving torpedo into an opening only two metres wide. And this is before he was able to somehow figure out a way to telekinetically move a lightsabre several metres away from him, again without any kind of training.


Apparently, Lucas was "obliterating" lore right from the very beginning. You should probably tell him that.

Edited by Kharnis
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What about Sith Pureblood troopers? Is that not obliterating the lore?


Almost all Sith Pureblood that are born are force sensetive. Those that are not force sensetive are executed.


You can spin a tale, sure, here I'll do it for you:

The Sith Pureblood mother knew that her child was not force sensetive, but her motherly feelings refused to let the other people of her species kill her only child, so she fled.


She happened upon a republic world and asked for someone to take her child and raise it as one of their own.



Is this a good background for a Sith Pureblood trooper? Excellent! Now imagine this x100 for that is what we'll see on our RP servers. It's a go d da mned (spacings because of profanity filter, geez) stretch and your character will be super-unique and I, along with a lot of other roleplayers who actually care about the lore and story, will facepalm at this

Edited by Majspuffen
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But you said there is no wrong way to role play. So why would you not want to role play with me? Opting to ignore the elephant isn't exactly classy. :cool:


EDIT: Wanted to add to this that you can ignore me all you want but, now you are impeding on someone else's role play inadvertently yourself. If Mr. Terminator (from the example) is attempting to find John Conner by interrogation of your character at the local cantina... and you just outright ignore my presence. Just saying.


Actually not roleplaying with someone because you dont like something is a choice. The point I'm making is I can choose to roleplay with who I want and when I want but I am in no way will tell someone what they are doing is wrong.


I will explain that their style and mine don't work at this time. Does that mean that later I will not roleplay with them? No. Just means for now our styles are different and I am not infringing on their rights to roleplay their way.


I didn't say I would ignore you, just said I wouldn't roleplay with you. There a difference. The only people I ignore are people who are rude, mean and harrass me and then they are given 3 warnings before they are ignored.


And I rarely roleplay in a cantina so finding my character hanging around a cantina might be a little hard. My guild tends to roleplay in character in quests, in flashpoints, out in the world. We rarely hang around the cantina, so good luck in finding me there. :p

Edited by ScarletBlaze
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What about Sith Pureblood troopers? Is that not obliterating the lore?


Almost all Sith Pureblood that are born are force sensetive. Those that are not force sensetive are executed.


You can spin a tale, sure, here I'll do it for you:

The Sith Pureblood mother knew that her child was not force sensetive, but her motherly feelings refused to let the other people of her species kill her only child, so she fled.


She happened upon a republic world and asked for someone to take her child and raise it as one of their own.



Is this a good background for a Sith Pureblood trooper? Excellent! Now imagine this x100 for that is what we'll see on our RP servers. It's a go d da mned (spacings because of profanity filter, geez) stretch and your character will be super-unique and I, along with a lot of other roleplayers who actually care about the lore and story, will facepalm at this


Not entirely. In a galaxy of trillions or more, it would probably happen a lot. That said, that's not a 'background' at all. That's the opening sentence that should typically be followed by the rest of their childhood, young adult and possibly parts of their adult life, depending on how old the character is. Is it cliche? A bit. Not as bad as, "You killed my parents, prepare to die." type characters, but still cliche.


Similar backgrounds happen. Not everyone can have a unique snowflake back story to go with their characters. I'd say that most of the time I've interacted with people, their unique nature came in the form of their personalities, not by their backgrounds.


Moreover, you don't just up and state your background to everyone you meet. The majority of my guild mates don't know my character's entire history IC, and I've been in the guild since summer of '09. Only a select few do, and I use that information to build the character.

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