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The need for server transfers for toons.


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It's a big must right now. In order to balance out the servers, besides merging them, would be to offer character transfers very soon. Right now, no one wants to switch servers due to the fact that they have gotten so far on their current toon. If you spent hundreds of hours on your toon, but your server is dead, you shouldn't be forced to start over completely on a new server. This along drives people away from the game. So please Bioware, hurry and make server transfers available to everyone.
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It's a big must right now. In order to balance out the servers, besides merging them, would be to offer character transfers very soon. Right now, no one wants to switch servers due to the fact that they have gotten so far on their current toon. If you spent hundreds of hours on your toon, but your server is dead, you shouldn't be forced to start over completely on a new server. This along drives people away from the game. So please Bioware, hurry and make server transfers available to everyone.



you dont follow whats going on around here do you?


try searching for the info from yesterdays all day long info providing event.


your answer lies there roflmfao. "SERVORZ R DED !! !! 1"

we had a guy on our server thought the server was dead, kept saying on generla and trade and yelling and all caps, asking for group, looking for guild , problem wasent server is dead if anything our server is one of the most populated, problem was guy was such a dbag a lot of people had him on ignore so they would "LFG pst" and he would rage coz he couldnt find anyone to group with started saying the server pop must have died or everyone rerolled republic, while he is standing on fleet with hundreds of people around him...... not saying the OP is anykind of or in any way like this guy, just saying its not alwyas what you first think or what the popular trollolo trend says it is.

servers dead indeed, the numbers say different.


go seek and find yesterdays all day long information dump. youll be surprised at whats coming to a fleet near you soon! stay tuned.

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Not everyone asking for transfers are "douchebags"...some peeps are wanting their oceanic server transfer sooner rather then later, others are feeling the pinch from oceanics transferring and others play at different times to other peeps. Whatever the case the game does not have the feel for number of players since launch.


Sure the population in parts may be growing.. some servers are actually rocking... others its harder to tell 10peeps on fleet atm on my server atm as I type this... Early morn there may be 110...


Truthfully Overall it is hard to tell if they are necessary yet ..Ony Bioware can honestly answer.. but we will see



Perhaps the answer Muertepk you should have given is.. douchebags who are rude and offensive are the ones putting average players off playing the game you yourself are defending .. If the population drops it will be in part die to elitist thugs who wrongfully presume that the rudest person makes the forums or the inside gaming environment anything other than pleasant.


Learn some manners and grow up

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So both of u guys are playing on populaed servers. I'm playing on Tryus Academy (europe pvp) and this server had que for first month of game. Now its light populated and in prime time u have 35 ppl in imp fleet and 20 on rep fleet. To get group for any flashpoint takes arround 1-2hours. PvP que if u miss ilum time is arround 25min not to mention u there is no WZ before daily reset.

So if there is even 1 server like this players (customers) deserve characters transfer immidiately becouse ppl are paying to play this game not to dance with npc on fleet.

And about rerolling as i know some will say that, would you reroll to some other server when you are high legacy lvl when u have 3 lvl 50 alts with almost every crafting profession.


So yeah i say character transfer and/or server merge supposted to be here liek yesterday!

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Not everyone asking for transfers are "douchebags"...some peeps are wanting their oceanic server transfer sooner rather then later, others are feeling the pinch from oceanics transferring and others play at different times to other peeps. Whatever the case the game does not have the feel for number of players since launch.


Sure the population in parts may be growing.. some servers are actually rocking... others its harder to tell 10peeps on fleet atm on my server atm as I type this... Early morn there may be 110...


Truthfully Overall it is hard to tell if they are necessary yet ..Ony Bioware can honestly answer.. but we will see



Perhaps the answer Muertepk you should have given is.. douchebags who are rude and offensive are the ones putting average players off playing the game you yourself are defending .. If the population drops it will be in part die to elitist thugs who wrongfully presume that the rudest person makes the forums or the inside gaming environment anything other than pleasant.


Learn some manners and grow up




hmmm where did i call anyone besides the person i said ON MY SERVER ACTED LIKE ONE? eh? please? oh you cant you didnt read past dbag b4 you replied did you? yeah i didnt think so. /ignore

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So both of u guys are playing on populaed servers. I'm playing on Tryus Academy (europe pvp) and this server had que for first month of game. Now its light populated and in prime time u have 35 ppl in imp fleet and 20 on rep fleet. To get group for any flashpoint takes arround 1-2hours. PvP que if u miss ilum time is arround 25min not to mention u there is no WZ before daily reset.

So if there is even 1 server like this players (customers) deserve characters transfer immidiately becouse ppl are paying to play this game not to dance with npc on fleet.

And about rerolling as i know some will say that, would you reroll to some other server when you are high legacy lvl when u have 3 lvl 50 alts with almost every crafting profession.


So yeah i say character transfer and/or server merge supposed to be here like yesterday!


i just dont see how saying theres x amount of people on the fleet at the ONE time you check means anything at all, maybe everyone is in a flashpoint? on ops? on OTHER PLANETS ,maybe? maybe all those people who ran around fleet wasting time dont need to use the igtn? maybe there are crew skill vendors other places in the galaxy?


see there is 3 people who are in this topic saying "gee my fleet looks dead that means the server needs to merge with another........


all a server merge does is cause EVERY ONE to complain when they log onto new server


sure people rolled onto a server near them, or onto a server some guild leader said to right? so deal with it. there is no reason for a handful of people on underpopulated servers to cause any kind of ruckus when there are plenty of populated servers to re roll on.


the direction this game has always been in is multiple characters, the more characters you roll the more buffs and other legacy bonuses you get savvy? REROLL on a populated server leave your current toon in hypersleep. once 1.2 comes live youll have already started on leveling your legacy.....


or dont you folks bother to keep up with whats going on in the near future? do you see why there are people saying pssshh server merge? server transfer? yes in the far far future there will be, until then REROLL, as the bioware people are bust getting things that are fun and neat for the majority of the people. you need several NEW characters anyways so why NOT reroll?


and to make sure , i didnt call anyone in this topic a dbag like that one replicant says i did, thats a plain faced lie.

only person i refered to as a d bag was the racist, homophobic, anti bioware, foul mouthed trollolo on my server that complained the "servorz r ded !!!1" on general chat....



there is no real NEED for massive server merging IMHO, as you need to level new toons several times over to gain the legacy benefits..... so yeah why you wasting good rested xp time here? reroll onto a populated server and know in the future youll be able to share across servers......or go blindly behind the bandwagon of the "complaint of the week club"


reroll now get your legacy started. youll wish you had rerolled instead of spinning wheels on a "ded servorz!!1!!"

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A friend of mine at work started his toons in a guild with coworkers on a different server. Now that his coworkers aren't playing as much, he wants to join our guild with previous WoW players on a different server. Unfortunately, he has to start all over... He has maxed out toons on a different server with lots of credits just sitting there.


While I understand the need for server balance, there is also a desire for server transfers.

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i just dont see how saying theres x amount of people on the fleet at the ONE time you check means anything at all, maybe everyone is in a flashpoint? on ops? on OTHER PLANETS ,maybe? maybe all those people who ran around fleet wasting time dont need to use the igtn? maybe there are crew skill vendors other places in the galaxy?


see there is 3 people who are in this topic saying "gee my fleet looks dead that means the server needs to merge with another........


all a server merge does is cause EVERY ONE to complain when they log onto new server


sure people rolled onto a server near them, or onto a server some guild leader said to right? so deal with it. there is no reason for a handful of people on underpopulated servers to cause any kind of ruckus when there are plenty of populated servers to re roll on.


the direction this game has always been in is multiple characters, the more characters you roll the more buffs and other legacy bonuses you get savvy? REROLL on a populated server leave your current toon in hypersleep. once 1.2 comes live youll have already started on leveling your legacy.....


or dont you folks bother to keep up with whats going on in the near future? do you see why there are people saying pssshh server merge? server transfer? yes in the far far future there will be, until then REROLL, as the bioware people are bust getting things that are fun and neat for the majority of the people. you need several NEW characters anyways so why NOT reroll?


and to make sure , i didnt call anyone in this topic a dbag like that one replicant says i did, thats a plain faced lie.

only person i refered to as a d bag was the racist, homophobic, anti bioware, foul mouthed trollolo on my server that complained the "servorz r ded !!!1" on general chat....



there is no real NEED for massive server merging IMHO, as you need to level new toons several times over to gain the legacy benefits..... so yeah why you wasting good rested xp time here? reroll onto a populated server and know in the future youll be able to share across servers......or go blindly behind the bandwagon of the "complaint of the week club"


reroll now get your legacy started. youll wish you had rerolled instead of spinning wheels on a "ded servorz!!1!!"


Mate im an aussie player with my lvl 50 trooper and a jedi about to go lvl50, i ahv eto wait 2 months to transfer now i think im gonna have to remind you that your opinion is thick. there is no way id RE DO every quest every part of storyline so soon after doing it initially, to save some time, because that would be a tremendous waste of time. who in their right mind really wants to re level as this person said they had MULTIPLE lvl 50's with maxxed crafting, who really wants to start again, hell i bet you'd be pissed if you had to..


i also want to note for you that at this stage there is what 124 us realms? and 3 aussie/oceanic. guess where the better concentration of players is. the us realms are far too spread out. shipping off some of the realms that are pretty much empty wont hurt anyone, unless your a hermit who wants his own private space....


i truly do not understand the attitude you have towards the possibility of some realms being merged as with the very quiet realms its all positive and will NOT negatively affect you. i have seen the effect of dead realms on wow and the tedium of not being able to recruit or pug, i understand the problem when it is then applied to other situations.


PS for those wondering from the chatter of the free transfers to the oceanic realms the hold up till early april is implementing the system, happy to be corrected by a dev but i would seem likely that, thats the time the realm transfers would become a pay to use thing.


sorry for long winded reply is it 5am, and the quoted posters whining irritated me.

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hmmm where did i call anyone besides the person i said ON MY SERVER ACTED LIKE ONE? eh? please? oh you cant you didnt read past dbag b4 you replied did you? yeah i didnt think so. /ignore


I think I found one

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