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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

**December 16th Waves**


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Below is a list of valid Star Wars: The Old Republic codes that have been redeemed under this account.

12.16.2011 Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Early Game Access: Ready to play

12.12.2011 Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Early Game Access: Ready to patch

12.12.2011 Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Standard Edition Pre-Order



Well kids, it has been fun.


Hold the line and may the Force be with you. See you on the other side fellow Decemberist!!!


The next wave has unleashed!!!

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My fellow Decemberists...


You guys are lucky. My computer, back at my dorm, runs so smoothly. It ran the beta of this game on top graphics and everything. We brought it down here to our home so I could play the actual game. Unfortunately for me we have no nearby internet providers (pisses me off) that can give us FASTER INTERNET! All we have is the sickening broadband crap from our local internet/phone provider for a WAY OVERPRICED cost. They are literally stealing money and giving us crap internet and there is nothing people can do about it.


Not to mention, I have crappy everything except for my Graphics Card, but still ran perfectly fine in my dorm room. I tried logging on, but the resolution would keep changing on me, making it run slower. I tried to play, but every time I turned I'd have to wait 5-10 seconds for it to load and render. It was fun on the beta (got in on the last day so I didn't have much time to test), but this I can't do. :(:(:(


TL : DR Internet/computer sucks so I'll see you guys in a couple of weeks :(



Edited by Iamaborat
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never understood why you english people put the month firsth like this 12/13/11


In europe this has some sense 13/12/11 Going day(little)/month(medium)/year(big)


whats the sense in your sistem? :-)


In American English, at least conversationaly, it's natural to say it that way, so it's often written that way.


"What's today's date?", she asked.


In reply, he said, "Oh, it's February twentieth, two-thousand and six."


So that would be written as: Feb. 20, 2006, or 2/20/06.


I think the reasoning is that for at least the first 28 days of each month, all twelve months have a 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. so by putting the month first, you're immediately eliminating the question: "Which 20th is it?" In essence it's using the month as a adjective to the day. It's like saying: "A red apple."In English, putting certain adjectives behind the noun without a modifier or pronoun is awkward, it's like trying to say "A apple red."


It's not unusual to say it day, month, year, either, but it's not quite as common.


"In reply, he said, "Oh, it's the twentieth of February, two-thousand and six." but you have to have the pronoun "of" in the sentence to link the adjective of the month to the primary noun of the numbered date. Of course, this isn't entirely accurate, as you could pick any portion of the date as the primary noun, such as using the year with day and month as the modifying adjectives too...


Anyway, that would write as: 20, Feb. 2006, or 20-2-06. Putting the date first in purely abbreviated or numeric notation might seem subconciously awkward to American English speakers since the "of" that can be there when written or spoken isn't there in purely numeric form.


If you hunt around in American documents and literature or computers, you'll find both formats, but month-first seems to dominate in the common parlance.



day-month-year: a logical progession from smallest to largest time unit.

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