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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

**December 16th Waves**


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Not quite 3 full days.


They are patching and doing maintenance on the 19th. Soooo.


If we do not get in until tomorrow then we will get 1 1/2 maybe 2 days out of it. Enough time to setup a toon and run around a bit before the 20th.


It is rather disappointing to say the least.

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It seems to be each wave is about half to 3/4 a day, which means I either will get in on the last wave (dec 12th) or not at all today.


Im just upset because I tried to enter my code in early november and the site kept refusing to let me, then once it went through it registered as the 12th =/


oh well looks like im just gonna put on some sunglasses and go outside, I just hope my body doesnt turn into dust


Same happened to me, pre-ordered on 11/29 tried to reg. couldnt, finaly reg. on 12/9 , think code redemption shows 12/10, ???? should be in today, (I'LL PAY THEM FOR OVERTIME) we could all kick .50 cents we could pay them about $5000.00 each in OT,lol. JUST LET US IN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;);)

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Enough with everyone saying that this is "early game access" so we should just be happy. Wake up! It's a marketing scam. The game "launched" on December 13th. But in order to facilitate this wave crap they called it a pre-order. They always planned on releasing the game on the 13th, not the 15th, but people get more excited when its "supposed" to be released on the 15th and then BW "moves" it to the 13th. Saying that you should be happy because you are getting early game access is like saying that you should be happy something cost $4.99 instead of $5 because you saved a whole penny.


This has been a lesson in marketing 101.

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too bad gamestop didn't give me my code untill i had to hunt them down. dec. 11th here still waiting :)


Aye, I had a issue with Target.com on my pre-order of 10/28/11. Took them three weeks to get me my EGA code which was already used. Then two more weeks of no replys from target.com and I went back to SW:TOR who fixed my issue for a 12/10/11 EGA entree. I've been trying to get target.com to expediate my CE because alot of other vendors are but they refuse, so I will get in have about 2 grace period days then a week off while my GF continues to play from the 20th.

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look on the bright side guys. If BW treat those that pre-ordered in december this badly spare a thought for those that didn't pre-order at all; on the 20th they will find a bioware rep arriving at their house so that they can deliver the kick in the nethers personaly :cool:


First post in here that i found amusing :jawa_biggrin:

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Did any of you mongos even read the official post for today?


"Morning! We are entering into the final stretch for outstanding invites. Those of you who pre-ordered in December should be happy today - barring any major issues."


Stop crying that you probably won't get in today and just wait.

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