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**December 16th Waves**


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Seriously Bioware, This is beginning to get beyond a joke, there are so many rumors circling the forums which you could stop with one post, ONE POST!!!! Thats all we need, even if its bad news like no-one is getting in today e.g. I think i speak for everyone when i say that it would be a great help to all of us.


1 post Bioware. Its all it takes, A few minutes of someones time to put all of your customers minds at rest, stop all these stupid rumors and regain the faith of us all.


I am not raging at Bioware for the EGA just for the lack of communication, just to clarify.

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CAN SOMEON PLEASE TELL ME why somehow i got billed for my pre order on 11/30 which i ordered 11/28 and bioware manages to make their server say i didnt ordered until december 9



how can i be charged for a pre order a week before you say i ordered?


ah because YOU ARE WRONG BIOWARE. you are BENDING ME OVER . 4 hours on a phone queue to be told email theM? still waiting on two email tickets...


dont bill me for something if you cant deliver.


i should be at least level 15-20 by now avoiding the competition and ganking from everyone thats getting in today.



now i'lll be lucky to get in at all as the queues are going to skyrocket.

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I find my anticipation for this game bordeline unhealthy. f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5


I haven't been this anxious since i was a little kid. Let me play already!


PS. Do you think it helps or hurts that we are flooding their servers with all of our refreshing and posting on the forums?

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I know it...the minute i have to leave it will turn up....grrrrrrrrrr lol

well im 12th, even though i PO in July!! Thanks Game shop....grrrrrrrrrrrrr again





I am in the same situation.


I actually bought the game in august but only got my code dec 10th. woopi for Gamestop!


Oh well S*** happens :)

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