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So it's not ok for "hardcores" to have gear progression?


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One wonders why are you even here at all then?


Because this is a MMO? Maybe you are new to this kind of game , let me explain to you , on MMO , you get rewards for doing things , kill the mob drops items , see?Not that hard right?


This is NOT a FPS game mate , so yeah , we expect to get something when we do something ... otherwise i will always do what i do now , afk wzs , i mean lol , there is nothing to be gained? Then it is because it is not meant for me to do anything.

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Because this is a MMO? Maybe you are new to this kind of game , let me explain to you , on MMO , you get rewards for doing things , kill the mob drops items , see?Not that hard right?


This is NOT a FPS game mate , so yeah , we expect to get something when we do something ... otherwise i will always do what i do now , afk wzs , i mean lol , there is nothing to be gained? Then it is because it is not meant for me to do anything.


Uh...he just admitted he's only here because he prepaid time. So...yeah.


Again, persistent advancement is a TERRIBLE idea for competitive PvP.


MMOs like TOR are all about PvE.

Edited by EternalFinality
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Uh...he just admitted he's only here because he prepaid time. So...yeah.


Again, persistent advancement is a TERRIBLE idea for competitive PvP.


MMOs like TOR are all about PvE.


Well , i remm the devs saying it was a important part of the game , thus i expect more than this mini game it will become on 1.2.


Then again if it is all about pve i dont know why so many people whine when i afk :D

Well , dont really matter anyway.

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So that feels kind of static. If there were different choices for the new #1 then that would be interesting.


But even if there were different choices, how would you feel about being above everyone else based on stats and abilities to the point that they almost certainly wouldn't present a challenge to you? It wouldn't be your skill that won the battle for you anymore. Based on your previous answers, it seems to me that you would prefer a system that constantly offered you more and more challenges as you got better and your character progressed, rather than one that took them away as your character progressed.


If that is the case (please let me know), I do have a system in mind based on your interests that I would like to lay out for you and see what you think.

Edited by Laokoon
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Well , i remm the devs saying it was a important part of the game , thus i expect more than this mini game it will become on 1.2.


Then again if it is all about pve i dont know why so many people whine when i afk :D

Well , dont really matter anyway.


Yeah, we should be listening to an afker on advice about PvP design.



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Yeah, we should be listening to an afker on advice about PvP design.




you see im at a point where i dont rly care anymore.


I afk , yeah , so what lol? Losing or winning carry almost no gap , 4 medals and afk is actually much better than get 4 medals and win.


When the new gear hits , this will become even better lol.

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WoW has what you minority people want. Epeen. Go get it there if it was so great.


Such truth. I don't get why these "hardc0r3 pvp3rs" want to turn every game into WoW. It had excellent gear progression, reserved for only the most "hardcore" players. Then play it by all means! Why would you want to ruin the fun for everyone else by trying to make every game like WoW?

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Everytime i see a post like this, all I hear in my head is "Wahh i want evrything for free i want it NOW NOW NOW Mommy. Timmy has better toys than me!"




See, I don't CARE how good gear is. For all I care you can have RANK ZILLION gear.


It's irrelevant.

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Because this is a MMO? Maybe you are new to this kind of game , let me explain to you , on MMO , you get rewards for doing things , kill the mob drops items , see?Not that hard right?


This is NOT a FPS game mate , so yeah , we expect to get something when we do something ... otherwise i will always do what i do now , afk wzs , i mean lol , there is nothing to be gained? Then it is because it is not meant for me to do anything.


If you expect to never have a gear reset then you should probably not play MMOs. I hear if you play dragon age you'll never have to see another player running around in your "super chest of the whale" armor...

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If you expect to never have a gear reset then you should probably not play MMOs. I hear if you play dragon age you'll never have to see another player running around in your "super chest of the whale" armor...


You clearly did not understand what i was talking about.


gear reset is normal , new tier = gear reset.

Sure every MMO does it, nothing new there.


Now , making the losers gear = to the winners?yeah ... dont rly make me want to win.


What im talking about is how i WILL afk in every freaking rated wz (or get 4 medals and then run around dont rly see much dif while im watching my movies) and in the end my gear will have the same stats yours will , is it because i will win? I dont think so ;)

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You clearly did not understand what i was talking about.


gear reset is normal , new tier = gear reset.

Sure every MMO does it, nothing new there.


Now , making the losers gear = to the winners?yeah ... dont rly make me want to win.


What im talking about is how i WILL afk in every freaking rated wz (or get 4 medals and then run around dont rly see much dif while im watching my movies) and in the end my gear will have the same stats yours will , is it because i will win? I dont think so ;)


Why don't you like skill based PvP?

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You clearly did not understand what i was talking about.


gear reset is normal , new tier = gear reset.

Sure every MMO does it, nothing new there.


Now , making the losers gear = to the winners?yeah ... dont rly make me want to win.


What im talking about is how i WILL afk in every freaking rated wz (or get 4 medals and then run around dont rly see much dif while im watching my movies) and in the end my gear will have the same stats yours will , is it because i will win? I dont think so ;)


So you expected to walk into rated warzones with welfare epics and faceroll people who are better than you? Yes, before this patch every battlemaster was in welfare epics because you could have afk'd or kill traded your way to them. Battlemaster a week ago didn't have a damned thing to do with skill, that you thought so is pretty sad.


I really don't care if you afk. We had a few people who tried that on our server. Soon they realized that the game wasn't fun when everyone had you on ignore and autoreported you for everything. Say you afk'd to the best pvp gear in the game. Now what? You've managed to get yourself ostracized by your community, so have fun strutting. Eventually players like you get bored and move on. Just from reading your posts in this thread I think the community will survive...

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Why not have it to where instead of gear progression for PvP, you get "skill points progression?" At certain intervals, you get an additional skill point to put into a skill tree. Warhammer Online had this in it, to an extent. Your skills get a boost, or you get that extra bit of survivability/damage capability added.


Honestly, I have no problem taking my medicine and getting crushed in PvP. I just look at it as a new learning experience, and a desire to get better with my character. I just recently came from CoH, where our "gear" was costumes(had no impact stat-wise, but certain pieces looked cool as hell).


I just hope the new armor looks good, regardless of stats. I like going into combat with a very dashing and dapper appearance.

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Pvp in swtor will die quickly without gear progression. I would bet that most of the people against it are pve players . Also whats good for the goose is good for the gander. Pve doesn't need gear progression either. The scripted events should just take more skill to complete. All gear progression in pve does is prevent new 50s from being able to take part in end game content. Elitist pve players prevent players from seeing that content by telling them they are not geared enough. Whats worse? At least new 50s are allowed into all current pvp content where they then become the easymode content for the geared 50s.


Fixed for you. No one wants to be your easymode content just because you geared faster.

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you see im at a point where i dont rly care anymore.


I afk , yeah , so what lol? Losing or winning carry almost no gap , 4 medals and afk is actually much better than get 4 medals and win.


When the new gear hits , this will become even better lol.


I believe this thread was about "hardcores" who wanted gear progression. You know, the people who are competitive and like to play a game to compete. The people who think of pvp strategies when they aren't playing. You don't sound even close to competitive.

Edited by MrSteebin
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I believe this thread was about "hardcores" who wanted gear progression. You know, the people who are competitive and like to play a game to compete. The people who think of pvp strategies when they aren't playing. You don't sound even close to competitive.


Actually, this thread is about wanting a gear advantage and a steady supply of other players to faceroll over because of that gear.

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Actually, this thread is about wanting a gear advantage and a steady supply of other players to faceroll over because of that gear.


"Hardcores" don't afk in warzones because they will get no reward. That was my point.

Edited by MrSteebin
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Maybe it's because it's my first MMO, but I don't get the idea behind gear progression, PvPwise. If anything, the progression for that kind of stuff should come from the player getting better, and the satisfaction comes from knowing you yourself improved and can fight opponents who have also improved.


That's why people play any competitive games, right? Because their competition gets strong along with them, not because the game decides that you've played x amount of time and now you get better numbers than the other guy.


Of course, if the game isn't deep enough and players feel like they hit a ceiling, then that's a problem. But that just means the game is ***, right?


I dunno how it works in MMOs tho.

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We have to get rid of this idiotic get reward for grinding mentality. If a game can compel its players to play only by rewarding them with gear for X amount of time played, then the game is not really worth playing.


Ever seen people racking up hundreds of hours in games because those are fun? Take Team Fortress for example, it has a crapload of content to unlock, yet the game is genuinely fun without all the unlocks. The rewards are just a byproduct. The aim is to have fun, not to grind gear.


Problem is the so called hardcore players have simply been mind conditioned, brainwashed for over 20 years now with these sort of things in MMOs. You have been conditioned to this state to the point that simply playing for the sake of challenge is no longer fun for you.


If you demand rewards for having a no life, then you should really reconsider your priorities in this very life.

Edited by NoTomorrow
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Actually, this thread is about wanting a gear advantage and a steady supply of other players to faceroll over because of that gear.


I was kind of looking at this thread being about part-time PvPers wanting gear handed to them without much effort.

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I was kind of looking at this thread being about part-time PvPers wanting gear handed to them without much effort.


But I don't care if you have better gear than me because you put in more effort and did your pvp in an 8 man instead of solo. I just don't want you to be able to ruin the pvp fun I'm having by wiping the floor with me because you're wearing that gear when you're fighting me!

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