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Why did Swtor turn into GW2?


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Do you seriously think that allowing better gear stats wise to be obtainable only for best players with high ranks is a way to go? This is the most stupid idea ever! WHY would you reward an already good player with better gear?! So he become even MORE powerful and kill worse/worse geared players even easier?! It makes no sense at all!! Edited by VincentWolf
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Do you seriously think that allowing better gear stats wise to be obtainable only for best players with high ranks is a way to go? This is the most stupid idea ever! WHY would you reward an already good player with better gear?! So he become even MORE powerful and kill worse/worse geared players even easier?! It makes no sense at all!!


you realize there not right? not sure if serious or just incoherent rambling...


Also Mike not sure if your memory is any good but your on ignore bub...

Edited by mordredz
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I have some bad news for you. Combat in GW2 is exactly the same as every other EQ clone. Right down to the major class imbalances.


But you can jump in on every class with any build so it comes down to skill.


Does that frightens you?


Do you seriously think that allowing better gear stats wise to be obtainable only for best players with high ranks is a way to go? This is the most stupid idea ever! WHY would you reward an already good player with better gear?! So he become even MORE powerful and kill worse/worse geared players even easier?! It makes no sense at all!!


They think that pwning undergeared noobs=leet.


So from their perspective it makes all sense. Its PvE mentality thats prevalent in SWTOR.

Edited by GrandMike
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Haha, no. It would take divine intervention to turn SWTOR into GW2. That game was designed around skill from the ground up. This one wasn't.


Yes GW2 was designed entirely around skill. Thats why when I played a guardian most 1v1 fights would be a toss up, but when playing as a necro it would take 3v1 to bring me down.:rolleyes:

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All gear worthless since its all freebie come 1.2...Who wants to pay a monthly sub for no progression just welfare for all? PvP just lost its carrot on a stick thanks for killing this game faster than Rift BW....



SW:TOR is GW2 as well? sweet


2 games for one !




Hey any chance you could turn my copy of Mass Effect 3 into Twisted Metal while you're at it?

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Yes GW2 was designed entirely around skill. Thats why when I played a guardian most 1v1 fights would be a toss up, but when playing as a necro it would take 3v1 to bring me down.:rolleyes:


Clearly the game being designed around skill means that all the players currently playing a pre-public beta are amazing and there are no balance issues whatsoever. And obviously you were playing both classes perfectly, so this is definitely objective truth and not pointless anecdote. Guess they should just cancel GW2.

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Yes GW2 was designed entirely around skill. Thats why when I played a guardian most 1v1 fights would be a toss up, but when playing as a necro it would take 3v1 to bring me down.:rolleyes:


BUT, game is still in closed beta and ANnet is quite quick on finetuning the game, daily updates werent unusual back when GW1 was released.


And theres proably build that pwns your necro, its not like game is released so everyone can play and try builds.

Edited by GrandMike
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skill... in gw2... hahahahaha lol hahahahaha wait wait hahahaha man u are funny


its so dumbed down, that it simply doesnt matter, u are just deluding yourself but thanks for the nice show brah


lol don't feed him, all he will do is bait you into getting a infraction from a CSR when he goe's off to complain...

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skill... in gw2... hahahahaha lol hahahahaha wait wait hahahaha man u are funny


its so dumbed down, that it simply doesnt matter, u are just deluding yourself but thanks for the nice show brah


Really, so when classes/gear is equal, deciding factor who wins is?

Edited by GrandMike
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Clearly the game being designed around skill means that all the players currently playing a pre-public beta are amazing and there are no balance issues whatsoever. And obviously you were playing both classes perfectly, so this is definitely objective truth and not pointless anecdote. Guess they should just cancel GW2.


My point is you and others keep trying build it up to be some kind revolution in gaming, however the truth is that it is going to be more of the same right down to glaring balance issues.

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My point is you and others keep trying build it up to be some kind revolution in gaming, however the truth is that it is going to be more of the same right down to glaring balance issues.


It will have:


WvWvW with bolster similar to SWTOR


competitive PvP where you can have any class with any build with max gear on lvl1


So yah, your "balance issues" are not really there and it will come down to skill.

Edited by GrandMike
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My point is you and others keep trying build it up to be some kind revolution in gaming, however the truth is that it is going to be more of the same right down to glaring balance issues.


How did I build it up to be anything? I said it was designed around skill - the context of this discussion being PvP specifically - and it is. There are no level advantages, no gear advantages and no faction advantages in GW2's version of competitive PvP. It is designed around nothing but the performance of both individual player and team tactics to determine who wins and who loses. SWTOR, WoW and other MMOs of this variety are not designed that way.

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How did I build it up to be anything? I said it was designed around skill - the context of this discussion being PvP specifically - and it is. There are no level advantages, no gear advantages and no faction advantages in GW2's version of competitive PvP. It is designed around nothing but the performance of both individual player and team tactics to determine who wins and who loses. SWTOR, WoW and other MMOs of this variety are not designed that way.


Sadly alot of ppl lack in the skill department and want advantages to make up for this, idc either way i can hold my own, but for the most part ppl want something over another player...


And for the not so quick ppl, your still on ignore mike... go check the Def of that word...

Edited by mordredz
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Sadly alot of ppl lack in the skill department and want advantages to make up for this, idc either way i can hold my own, but for the most part ppl want something over another player...


SWTOR is game custom tailored to those people, so whats teh problem?

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Really, so when classes/gear is equal, deciding factor who wins is?


The ones that play more time (ppl like you call no lifers), afterall the more you play the more practice you get, or do you think that being a weekend warrior makes you a good player?

Gear means nothing, i for one (and im war hero) couldnt care less if the weekend warriors get the same gear as me, they will be in each WZ my free Assassin medal, ubber geared or not.

If giving free epics means more ppl joining the game, then give it to them, we need more ppl to WZs, FPs and pug OPS.

Edited by Can-Vi
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The ones that play more time (ppl like you call no lifers), afterall the more you play the more practice you get, or do you think that being a weekend warrior makes you a good player?


Better player wins. Do you think you playing 30-40 hours a week auto-pwns someone who plays 10-15 hours?


Gear means nothing, i for one (and im war hero) couldnt care less if the weekend warriors get the same gear as me, they will be in each WZ my free Assassin medal, ubber geared or not.


OP seems to have a problem with this, thats why he started this topic :D


If giving free epics means more ppl joining the game, then give it to them, we need more ppl to WZs, FPs and pug OPS.


It wouldnt work in SWTOR, its built for PvEers to have something to grind on the side.

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The ones that play more time (ppl like you call no lifers), afterall the more you play the more practice you get, or do you think that being a weekend warrior makes you a good player?

Gear means nothing, i for one (and im war hero) couldnt care less if the weekend warriors get the same gear as me, they will be in each WZ my free Assassin medal, ubber geared or not.

If giving free epics means more ppl joining the game, then give it to them, we need more ppl to WZs, FPs and pug OPS.


You'd think that a change that makes more players competitive in PvP and at the same time entices more people that may not be queueing up at all to do so would be welcomed. Unfortunately a lot of people that PvP in MMOs do it within this genre because for a long time it has favored those that do more over those that do well. You can tell who among the player base do both because they'd never complain about stuff like this.

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Dear PvP hardcores,


You want to encourage new players to PvP. THAT is how PvP stays new and relevant. If the only thing a brand new, fresh, just off the level 50 grind, green PvPer has to look forward to is getting pwned hard as soon as they que for warzones simply because they don't have the gear even though they have much more skill than your spamming tracer missile, or grav round then they will quit.


All you will be left with is the same half-witted, mouth breathers you always do in PvP.

Edited by Brittaany_Banks
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Haha, no. It would take divine intervention to turn SWTOR into GW2. That game was designed around skill from the ground up. This one wasn't.


That implies that GW2 is supposedly light years ahead of other MMOs when in actuality it isn't. It is heavily instanced, classes are not equal, and it will come down to cookie cutter specs just like the other games.


Edit: I will admit it is a good game, but it in no way blows the competition out of the water like many ArenaNet fanbois are hoping it will.

Edited by Silwyth
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All gear worthless since its all freebie come 1.2...Who wants to pay a monthly sub for no progression just welfare for all? PvP just lost its carrot on a stick thanks for killing this game faster than Rift BW....


You say this as though you enjoy gear grinding. If so, there's plenty of that available in PVE.


If you PVP for the enjoyment of doing battle however, please shut the hell up.

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This essentially. Real PvPers don't care about gear, they WANT an equal playing field where all that matters is skill.


This ^^ it has nothing to do with entitlement and everything to do with valuing real competition. Its not like Valor was ever an indication of anything but time spent.

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Dear PvP hardcores,


You want to encourage new players to PvP. THAT is how PvP stays new and relevant. If the only thing a brand new, fresh, just off the level 50 grind, green PvPer has to look forward to is getting pwned hard as soon as they que for warzones simply because they don't have the gear even though they have much more skill than your spamming tracer missile, or grave round then they will quit.


All you will be left with is the same half-witted, mouth breathers you always do in PvP.


This would be correct.

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That implies that GW2 is supposedly light years ahead of other MMOs when in actuality it isn't. It is heavily instanced, classes are not equal, and it will come down to cookie cutter specs just like the other games.


No, it implies that it would take a redesign of every single facet of this game as it applies to PvP to turn SWTOR into GW2; something as likely as divine intervention. If you want to be a pedant over the wording be my guest, but strawmen arguments over something so trivial seems a bit pointless even for an internet forum for a video game.

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