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Why did Swtor turn into GW2?


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All that talk about GW2... Seriously who cares about that game, which release date is not even here? You didn't even play it, lore is not that awesome and you making it look somehow superb and godish. Most of the press say that GW2 is a great game, but it will not live up to the hype it's generating, because it's not that revolutionary as you think.


How do you know who played it and who didnt? Crystal ball?


Well then... Diablo 3 is coming out on may 15th! :D I'm certainly taking a break from SWTOR to play D3 even if it doesn't have arenas on start. I don't care about those if I can kill the big horned demon one more time :D And the awesome gear grind! Omg! Makes me want to play D2 one more time.


We made fun of the people who killed Bhaal for umpteenth time back in the day :p


Gear grinds ruined MMOs.

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How do you know who played it and who didnt? Crystal ball?




You don't really need a crystal ball for it. I'm pretty sure 99% of people here didn't play it as closed beta is not easy to reach.


We made fun of the people who killed Bhaal for umpteenth time back in the day :p


Gear grinds ruined MMOs


Gear grind in D2 was really fun. Maybe because after 20th time you said to yourself "this time the loot is going to be awesome....*finishes the run* aw still nothing. Ok one more ime...". It keep the player playing for some strange reason. Addicting like gamble.


In most MMO's gear grind is not fun.

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I don't consider the grinders "hardcore PvP" players, I see them more as hardcore PvE'rs, because that's where the grind belongs.


Any "hardcore PvP" player wants balanced, close fights where it's skill based, not having an overwhelming advantage because you played 12 hours a day since release.


Grinding != Skill or anything, I could probably be Valor 100 on my Sorc if I played that toon, but instead I have 4 50's so that when 1.2 comes, I can have 4 toons to play for premades etc.


If SWTOR continues this path, I will continue playing. If SWTOR = skill based, I think it will get many more subs than it will lose if it stays a grindfest. As grinding isn't fun and it certainly isn't competative PvP.


Interesting. I assume your Ideal game then would be one that you created a character that is already max level with the best gear for both pve and pvp (screw grinding for gear, you look epic bro, you've earned it) seeing grinding isnt skill or fun or anything. Maybe then they could just in game mail you all of the things your character did as it climbed its way to max level( wouldnt want to bother with lvl grinding either). The let the good times roll, you just bucked the MMO system.

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Patch 1.2 WarHero Set Requires no Rating thus free Best in slot for all if you are actual WarHero Rank you get a whole colored crystal...:rolleyes:


Requires the same item to be exchanged from battlemaster, learn to read, whine a bit less, glad you're not going to gw2... thank you, come again.

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Back in the day ppl were willing to put time into earning gear, sadly now the entitlement generation has started playing mmo's and has ruined WOW and many other games.

The entitlement generation feels they should have everything right now with no work on a silver platter...


Actually back in the day people pvped to kill other players and didn't need a reward to do that. True story.

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If SWTOR ends up being 1/3 as good of a PvP game as GW2 I would be shocked...and I actually enjoy, at times, the PvP in SWTOR.


SWTOR has pretty much tryed to copy successful parts of many MMOs, so I guess it was just about time they got around to ones that will be their ultimate demise.


lol as good as GW1 pvp? made my day...

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Already cancled my sub, running out in 13 days.


But tell me man, do you TRUELY belive that people should grind 6-7days/hour in order to be able to compete in pvp? Do you truely find it funny to kill people with 14-15k ish hp over and over and over and over?

Dont your brain have the slightest thought that pvp should be about skill from the moment you enter, and not be about grinding for gear for god knows how long untill you are able to compete?


FYI i have a VR 67 toon, i play for fun and the challenge of winning, i like a fair and fun pvp match on equal terms.. Sadly you are the guy who will get 4 medals, and if we are slighty loosing the warzone you are gonna go afk in the corner, or start shouting actively that we might aswell lose the warzone cause this will gain you faster valor in the long run. YOU ruin my pvp experience in SWToR, not the game systems :/...


Freely handed out gear, without a grind (not a hard one atleast) is probably the wisest choice from the pvp department since well, the beginning of the development of this game.


Then stop posting? so many oh i cancelled but i still like to complain on the forums nonstop cause im special...

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You don't really need a crystal ball for it. I'm pretty sure 99% of people here didn't play it as closed beta is not easy to reach.


Well, you didnt play it so...


And most people dont need to play it, there are tons of ingame game footage around, you dont have to read or listen to press, just watch whats game like. They dont hide anything, no NDA for press etc.


Gear grind in D2 was really fun. Maybe because after 20th time you said to yourself "this time the loot is going to be awesome....*finishes the run* aw still nothing. Ok one more ime...". It keep the player playing for some strange reason. Addicting like gamble.


In most MMO's gear grind is not fun.


Most of the people i know never took that hook, and its not about gear grind totally, its developers that put in some shinies on low-ish drop rates and think "we have our retention dealt with". It worked only for WoW.


Interesting. I assume your Ideal game then would be one that you created a character that is already max level with the best gear for both pve and pvp (screw grinding for gear, you look epic bro, you've earned it) seeing grinding isnt skill or fun or anything. Maybe then they could just in game mail you all of the things your character did as it climbed its way to max level( wouldnt want to bother with lvl grinding either). The let the good times roll, you just bucked the MMO system.


You cant think 1 bit outside the box. And gear grinds are soooo 2004, its 2012 now.


Actually back in the day people pvped to kill other players and didn't need a reward to do that. True story.


"Back in the day" for him is WoW raids and BGs.


lol as good as GW1 pvp? made my day...


Yah, its nowhere near it, sad.


Then stop posting? so many oh i cancelled but i still like to complain on the forums nonstop cause im special...


What, do you think that QQing about QQing makes you - special? rofl

Edited by GrandMike
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Well, you didnt play it so...


Nope, but I read press reviews and they are not that all "**** THIS GAME IS AWESOME!@#" like some people express. When I read people opinions about GW2 they consider it somekind of messiah in mmo world. I see another game with interesting parts on paper. I will buy it, but I'm not that hyped about it. I was more hyped on SWTOR, because of the lore.



Most of the people i know never took that hook, and its not about gear grind totally, its developers that put in some shinies on low-ish drop rates and think "we have our retention dealt with". It worked only for WoW.


I agree, but it hooked up many people.

It did not work for me in WoW.




You cant think 1 bit outside the box. And gear grinds are soooo 2004, its 2012 now.


I think it can have it's place even in 2012. Diablo was always about gear progression and grind and it was fun slashing through mobs and bosses to get it. Well at least for some people(it wasn't a small group like you assume tho ;) ).

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PvP should be about skill and not who has more time to play the game.




Grinding is generally not fun. Having to grind for gear is a way to keep subscribers playing an otherwise lackluster game.


GW have great PvP gameplay. They didnt need to keep players grinding to keep them occupied. I played the game since beta and still play the game on occasion when I want 30 min of fastpaced PvP action. It is the creativity, organization and skill of the players that decide the outcome. Not whoever have the most freetime to grind gear.


Looking forward to GW2.

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Nope, but I read press reviews and they are not that all "**** THIS GAME IS AWESOME!@#" like some people express. When I read people opinions about GW2 they consider it somekind of messiah in mmo world. I see another game with interesting parts on paper. I will buy it, but I'm not that hyped about it. I was more hyped on SWTOR, because of the lore.


From PvP PoV it can be considered messiah, especailly compared to SWTOR.


PvE? Who cares, in last x years it comes down "theres that big dude that needs beating". Its not really hard to recreate that :D

Even BW said (when they were still lucid) that gang banging on "1 giant boss" is not heroic :p Spark was lost somewhere along teh way :eek:


I agree, but it hooked up many people.

It did not work for me in WoW.


Well i guess now developers will finally comprehend gear grinds are past, at least for significant success.

Riding on success of WoW didnt work out for any game tahat followed it.


I think it can have it's place even in 2012. Diablo was always about gear progression and grind and it was fun slashing through mobs and bosses to get it. Well at least for some people(it wasn't a small group like you assume tho ;) ).


Yah, but:


Most of those people grew up...eventually :p


Last year fashion cant be sold as new shiny thing (not that i completely agree with conotations with that statement but it fits here) :eek:

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Have fun waiting for the cross sever, with how well everything else in this game runs its probably going to be a while.


Games been out 4 months and you think it runs badly? name another game thats given you this much content and trying to apease the players? oh you can't... k

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Games been out 4 months and you think it runs badly? name another game thats given you this much content and trying to apease the players? oh you can't... k


quality > quantity


And they have actually REDUCED quantity for PvP.


And with 1.2 they will reduce the quality of PvP (that wasnt anything to write home in the first place, bordering acceptable)

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Grinding is generally not fun. Having to grind for gear is a way to keep subscribers playing an otherwise lackluster game.


GW have great PvP gameplay. They didnt need to keep players grinding to keep them occupied. I played the game since beta and still play the game on occasion when I want 30 min of fastpaced PvP action. It is the creativity, organization and skill of the players that decide the outcome. Not whoever have the most freetime to grind gear.


Looking forward to GW2.


It was a free game aka the whole appeal of it, its pvp wasnt better than wow/swtor/daoc or many others, there was no need to grind in a free game and the mechanics were horrible, it sold so many cause after 2yrs it cost 9 bucks...

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I got a PM in January making it clear to me that cross server wouldn't be ready before 2013. So like you said... they can have a nice time wating for it.


But after seeing a remarkable collapse of PvP player base on my server, my opinion on cross server has changed. Playing with the same 8 Imp's every round is getting predictable and boring.


rofl 2013? so you have a inside man eh? LOL posts like this truely make my week...

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It was a free game aka the whole appeal of it, its pvp wasnt better than wow/swtor/daoc or many others, there was no need to grind in a free game and the mechanics were horrible, it sold so many cause after 2yrs it cost 9 bucks...


And its obvious that you had never played it.


It was never free game.

Edited by GrandMike
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All gear worthless since its all freebie come 1.2...Who wants to pay a monthly sub for no progression just welfare for all? PvP just lost its carrot on a stick thanks for killing this game faster than Rift BW....
Change the thread title please. It's badmouthing GW2 alot.


Also what comes to the carrot on the stick, I understand the people who want it in SWTOR considering SWTOR's PvP is not entertaining in the long run.

Edited by PalawaJoko
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While we do welcome all feedback, both positive and negative, we ask that your feedback be constructive. For better understanding on helpful feedback, please refer to this thread by Allison Berryman.


Additionally, we would like to remind you that the topic of the thread is regarding the changes to how gear is obtained in PvP in Game Update 1.2. While we understand some members are using other games as an analogy for comparison, we do ask that all replies are constructive, on-topic and relate to Star Wars™: The Old Republic™.


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If SWTOR ends up being 1/3 as good of a PvP game as GW2 I would be shocked...and I actually enjoy, at times, the PvP in SWTOR.


SWTOR has pretty much tryed to copy successful parts of many MMOs, so I guess it was just about time they got around to ones that will be their ultimate demise.


I have some bad news for you. Combat in GW2 is exactly the same as every other EQ clone. Right down to the major class imbalances.

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