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Why did Swtor turn into GW2?


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People like the OP is exactly the reason why pvp in SWToR is so horrible.. the systems are fine (decent), but the players and their way of thinking is simply just horrible.. The whole "treadmill in pvp", and only playing for gear progress ruins pvp :/.


Can we please do pvp cause pve is boring, and just have fun :)?


Don't fret little buddy in 6 months you will get your wish and Bioware will mail you full Elite Warlord set for keeping the sub rolling.:)

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Also shows how much research YOU did.


was that sarcasm ;\


If so,


8 dungeons storymode

8 same dungeons explorable mode with 3 different path leading to 3 different overall dungeon


32 dungeons


i can't tell if its sarcasm D: dam you internet!


Rift had over 50k dynamic events and that game flopped.


Rift had 1 event that kept happening all the time across all maps with the same goal but only with reskinned monster. it also was not dynamic.

Edited by mastersloup
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Don't fret little buddy in 6 months you will get your wish and Bioware will mail you full Elite Warlord set for keeping the sub rolling.:)


Already cancled my sub, running out in 13 days.


But tell me man, do you TRUELY belive that people should grind 6-7days/hour in order to be able to compete in pvp? Do you truely find it funny to kill people with 14-15k ish hp over and over and over and over?

Dont your brain have the slightest thought that pvp should be about skill from the moment you enter, and not be about grinding for gear for god knows how long untill you are able to compete?


FYI i have a VR 67 toon, i play for fun and the challenge of winning, i like a fair and fun pvp match on equal terms.. Sadly you are the guy who will get 4 medals, and if we are slighty loosing the warzone you are gonna go afk in the corner, or start shouting actively that we might aswell lose the warzone cause this will gain you faster valor in the long run. YOU ruin my pvp experience in SWToR, not the game systems :/...


Freely handed out gear, without a grind (not a hard one atleast) is probably the wisest choice from the pvp department since well, the beginning of the development of this game.

Edited by Jadeor
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grats? Gw 2 will follow in Gw1 footsteps and die.


Guild Wars has sold almost 7 million copies and it's one of the most successful PC games ever made. In comparison, Diablo II and Starcraft II both sold 4-5 million and they're generally considered huge hits. For a 7 years old game it still has a very nice player base - where do you see this game in 7 years?


Personally, I'm a Battlemaster with the gear and I'd like them to hand it out for free for everyone. No valor grind, not even any commendation gring, just give everyone the gear the moment they hit 50. I facepalm every time I see someone terrible smashing face in PvP just because they're outgearing the opposing team. Gear based PvP is just terrible.

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I dont think this is necessarily true.


Everyone feels entitled to a fair and fun experience.


Developers cant figure out a way to deliver that so they throw gear at everyone.


If I could queue for 5-10 mins for a WZ that was actually 8 on 8 and people withing 5-10% of my gear level .. I wouldn't care who had better gear than me.


As it is (was) pvp for the first week or so is not fun, at all. You are just fodder.


putting in more effort --> better gear what exactly isnt fair about that?


it takes 2 weeks of casual play to have gear that is competitve and the reason casuals are getting stomped is because they r bad lack knowledge of their class and probably didnt even think about remodding their gear


there is no other mmo that is as casual friendly as this one except maybe hello kitty and expertise is a bad stat

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PvP should be about skill and not who has more time to play the game.


Exactly. But people who think they are special like the OP want a gear advantage over 'casuals' so they can roll them easily and continue their illusion they are more skilled. When really they just don't like being outplayed by someone who puts half as much time in.


And GW2 will be the one MMO to rule them all no matter how much denial you are in.

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Guild Wars has sold almost 7 million copies and it's one of the most successful PC games ever made. In comparison, Diablo II and Starcraft II both sold 4-5 million and they're generally considered huge hits. For a 7 years old game it still has a very nice player base - where do you see this game in 7 years?QUOTE]


7 million divided by 4 over 7 years = big diffrence


arenanet made its players buy the same game 4 times, it did not sell 7 million. thats like adding all of wow expansion sales together and saying thats how many copies of wow sold.


GW fanbois are worse than star wars fans and that is saying alot

Edited by Vis-Tecum
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What are you babbling about...Gw2 will die because it has no PvE whatsoever same reason Gw1 died... And WoW is still going strong log into any server and you will see the major cities still packed...And is far as needing gear...Rated battlegrounds the best geared people fight other best geared people so i dont see this gear advantage you speak of...




RBGs are battles of which team has the most Legendaries not skill. Same as arena atm, Rogues with Legendaries globalling 4.8k+ resilience players in under 4 seconds. You know why WoW succeeds? It's able to be played on max settings with 6+ year old machines.

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putting in more effort --> better gear what exactly isnt fair about that?


it takes 2 weeks of casual play to have gear that is competitve and the reason casuals are getting stomped is because they r bad lack knowledge of their class and probably didnt even think about remodding their gear


there is no other mmo that is as casual friendly as this one except maybe hello kitty and expertise is a bad stat


Gear progression in pvp just dont work. Gear progression is something that was invented for PvE encounters, to make sure that you felt that your character was progressing, since your skill as a player couldnt progress, due to your optimal dps rotation is piss easy.


Imagine Counter strike, if you play enough you get 200 health, and your weapons do twice as much damage. Do you truely belive that is a good system?

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this is hilarious, i think the game is getting better and better GW2 will die and suck btw, i'll stick to SWTOR..


You and the OP can duel eachother after GW2 comes out as you will be the last 2 remaining.

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Guild Wars has sold almost 7 million copies and it's one of the most successful PC games ever made. In comparison, Diablo II and Starcraft II both sold 4-5 million and they're generally considered huge hits. For a 7 years old game it still has a very nice player base - where do you see this game in 7 years?QUOTE]


7 million divided by 4


arenanet made its players buy the same game 4 times, it did not sell 7 million. thats like adding all of wow expansion sales together and saying thats how many copies of wow sold.


GW fanbois are worse than star wars fans and that is saying alot


Except that GW1's xpac does not work the same. Many people only bought prophecye. or nightfall or faction not all 4. According to the wiki they sold 5 million copy of nightfall and faction together. this is not counting prophecy and eye of the north

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dam that a slap in the face to every one that has invested time to rank up valour. Low blow from Bioware, why didnt they let people know that future PvP gear wouldnt need any ratings .


BW seem to be completely clueless about running an mmo well PvP side anyway


Give me a break "invested time to rank up valor". Everyone killtraded for their valor, and those who didn't, like myself, would happily reset all valor points to punish them. This is the next best thing.

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Freely handed out gear, without a grind (not a hard one atleast) is probably the wisest choice from the pvp department since well, the beginning of the development of this game.




This. Surprised BW has the balls to do this. Luckily their core combat is decent enough (now, after several major patches) that the PvP in this game may actually survive, even if the overarching system is still taking baby steps (Ilum is an epic failure, but WZs are OK; RWZ might pan out decently).


As long as they don't do something retarded like force players to arena4gear, SWTOR PvP may sustainable for casual / nonserious play.

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putting in more effort --> better gear what exactly isnt fair about that?


it takes 2 weeks of casual play to have gear that is competitve and the reason casuals are getting stomped is because they r bad lack knowledge of their class and probably didnt even think about remodding their gear


there is no other mmo that is as casual friendly as this one except maybe hello kitty and expertise is a bad stat




Playing casually aka 1-2 hours a night won't get you full champion gear in 2 weeks. Believe it or not, there are people who aren't lucky enough to win items from the stupid champion bags. Going on 70+ bags between my Merc and Jugg with ZERO items but commendations so far.

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As long as they don't do something retarded like force players to arena4gear, SWTOR PvP may sustainable for casual / nonserious play.


FYI, the only way to obtaint Warhero (new best gear) will be from participating in the Rated warzones, this can both be done as solo player or as a group. So its not 100% free, but you dont have to grind the valor atleast..

Bioware ALMOST made pvp about skill entirely, so close :/....

Edited by Jadeor
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If we are discussing promising future pvp scenarios then I cant see how any mmo pvp fan can not at least look at a massive, three server, two week long battle without thinking 'blimey that could be cool'. Of course you could just say 'lol GW2 will fail'.


Seriously, regardless of genre/license/title does such a thing not make the pvper in you think it sounds great? DAoC is still talked about as having stupidly great world pvp that no one has come close to beating. As a player who likes pvp I will support any game that tries something new or old so long as it gives me a good pvp experience.


It wont kill swtor. It wont do everything better than swtor but I imagine it will do some things better and will fail only on a par with this game.


So please, give up on the 'your game is dead' 'no your game will fail' 'my dad is bigger than your dad' 'well my dad knows kung fu' tripe.

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