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Why did Swtor turn into GW2?


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I'm not familiar with any of those names. Players? NPCs in another game?


I agree, PvE here is fairly basic. Not as basic as some games, but not nearly as difficult to master as others either. PvP, imo, is always a challenge (or more challenging) because players try different tactics. Not suggesting WZs don't suck, just that PvP is more difficult (here).


sorry, lady vashj and archimonde are from warcraft 3, and later turned into super bosses in world of warcraft (most characters from warcraft 3 that get turned into wow bosses tend to be hard....with a few exceptions).


and yes, pvp is harder in this game than pve. pvp, in general, takes longer to master than pve. although unlike pve, once pvp is mastered that is pretty much it for the rest of the game without a major shakeup in how the classes play, whereas pve fights are constantly being added.

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If you make gear a matter of time investment, the casuals wail. If you make it too easy, those seeking a challenge beat their war drums and set sail with the ragequit armada.


Great analogy I'm chuckling at this in my office.

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All gear worthless since its all freebie come 1.2...Who wants to pay a monthly sub for no progression just welfare for all? PvP just lost its carrot on a stick thanks for killing this game faster than Rift BW....




real pvpers pvp for enjoyment.so you have fun thinking pvp just lost its "carrot on a stick"when in reality.you arent a real pvper if your only doing it to get gear


and i hope you go back to wow,because one of the reasons wow got ruined was because people forgot how to have fun and only cared about gear

Edited by CrunkShizzle
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Excellent point. Apparently they're trying to crack said nut with Warhammer 40K, but that project has been shelved more times than a can of baked beans. Mortal Online is, I suppose, the closest thing to a functional FPS MMO available, and unless you enjoy having no linear progression whatsoever in your game while being fed into a PvP meat grinder on a daily basis, I would highly recommend avoiding it like the plague.


Regardless of how you do it, there will be whine. If you make gear a matter of time investment, the casuals wail. If you make it too easy, those seeking a challenge beat their war drums and set sail with the ragequit armada.


Balance takes time. Many patches will be required, and after dozens and dozens more, problems will persist. I suppose the simplest solution is to provide more avenues to acquire competitive gear without breaking down the associated challenge.


Not an easy task.


I'm about to break your heart, like mine was broken. About a week ago it was announced that half the team working on Warhammer 40k was sacked, and the game is going single player :(

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Patch 1.2 WarHero Set Requires no Rating thus free Best in slot for all if you are actual WarHero Rank you get a whole colored crystal...:rolleyes:


You will still need to get rank 60 and get your BM set, as in order to get the WH piece, you must turn in the corresponding BM piece. BM gear still will have a rank 60 requirement. So no, there is not "free" BiS for all.

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All gear worthless since its all freebie come 1.2...Who wants to pay a monthly sub for no progression just welfare for all? PvP just lost its carrot on a stick thanks for killing this game faster than Rift BW....


It was always intended that gear not be a focus of PvP in this game. The gear sets were supposed to be for prestige; to distinguish the great from the good.


I was honestly surprised that there was as much of a gear gap as there is currently, but I'm glad that they're fixing this issue.

Edited by Varicite
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THIS is the most idiotic thread I've ever seen.

I'm 19 years old, I've spent over 10 000 hours gaming in my life, over 3 MMOs and 2 RTS games, I've been reading forums for 6 years, and no thread was more dumb than this one.


First of all, you probably know nothing about Guild Wars 2. I assume you are a kid who has heard about it, heard the hype, "no more DPS/tank/heal setup" or "no gear pvp" or "interactive quests" but in the end has no idea about the game.


Than let us say that you know nothing about SWTOR either, because it's everything but like Guild Wars 2.



I of course only read the title and a few lines of your BS, but if you think PvP in this game is not gear based, why don't you go and play some in the lvl50 bracket in tionese gear? Or if you were referring to Battle Master being too easy to get, go outside and get some vitamine D.

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You will still need to get rank 60 and get your BM set, as in order to get the WH piece, you must turn in the corresponding BM piece. BM gear still will have a rank 60 requirement. So no, there is not "free" BiS for all.


Buahaha i can get BM rank in 3 days...

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THIS is the most idiotic thread I've ever seen.

I'm 19 years old, I've spent over 10 000 hours gaming in my life, over 3 MMOs and 2 RTS games, I've been reading forums for 6 years, and no thread was more dumb than this one.


First of all, you probably know nothing about Guild Wars 2. I assume you are a kid who has heard about it, heard the hype, "no more DPS/tank/heal setup" or "no gear pvp" or "interactive quests" but in the end has no idea about the game.


Than let us say that you know nothing about SWTOR either, because it's everything but like Guild Wars 2.



I of course only read the title and a few lines of your BS, but if you think PvP in this game is not gear based, why don't you go and play some in the lvl50 bracket in tionese gear? Or if you were referring to Battle Master being too easy to get, go outside and get some vitamine D.


Stop your babbling noob. My point is if were gonna have Rated wz's lets make the challenge worth something and meaningful...How about certain high rank for the weapon...Not i qued solo ranked and Sat in stealth AFK on a node watching T.v. I have the same gear as the number 1 battle ranked team Herp Derp.

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All gear worthless since its all freebie come 1.2...Who wants to pay a monthly sub for no progression just welfare for all? PvP just lost its carrot on a stick thanks for killing this game faster than Rift BW....


Let me guess you need gear to beat people up, THE LOL IS ON U!


Also GW2 will be total fail sauce, so be prepared for that F2P model to sink faster than a 200 pound turd.



Edited by Caeliux
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Let me guess you need gear to beat people up, THE LOL IS ON U!


Also GW2 will be total fail sauce, so be prepared for that F2P model to sink faster than a 200 pound turd.




I love the logic here! No mention of why it will fail and the mistaken assumption that it's F2P when it is actually B2P.

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I love the logic here! No mention of why it will fail and the mistaken assumption that it's F2P when it is actually B2P.


GW2 sucks so bad already they don't even have a forums lol. The anticipation for a FT2 model has been badly misguided by promises of a changed game from where GW1 was total fail.


Same company, same people, same fail concept ahead.


If you honestly think maintenance on a FT2 model of a mmo is going to be tremendous, not including all the gold spammers, hackers, and all the lag and bugs all mmo's bring, then you have no idea how that ship of disaster will bring to the mmo market.


Mark my words GW2 will be more fail than Warhammer.


PVP concept game with crappy PVE content, that is what GW2 will be like.


You better stick with Swtor or WoW if you want both concepts with PVP/PVE, cause fact is GW2 will be total fail sauce.

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Stop your babbling noob. My point is if were gonna have Rated wz's lets make the challenge worth something and meaningful...How about certain high rank for the weapon...Not i qued solo ranked and Sat in stealth AFK on a node watching T.v. I have the same gear as the number 1 battle ranked team Herp Derp.


Who cares if you're high ranked if you used some super awesome weapon nobody else could get to do it?


It's like being proud of beating a game w/ cheat codes.

Edited by Varicite
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Back in the day ppl were willing to put time into earning gear, sadly now the entitlement generation has started playing mmo's and has ruined WOW and many other games.

The entitlement generation feels they should have everything right now with no work on a silver platter...


It's a game not work. People pay to be entertained not to play to work.


Only reason mmorpgs had serious grinds or work was due to technical limitations placed on the game, which is why most people didn't play them back then. Ironically, mmorpgs expanded when games were design away from the simplistic grindy game and hardcore players.


Speaking of entitlement what makes you entitled to demanding that game be design the way you wanted it when it's not even your own money that payed for the development of the game? Whoever provided the initial investment for BW to developed this game can design their game any way they want and you have no right to demand what those investors want. It's obvious as an investor you want the highest return on your investments if that means making swtor a hello kitty island adventure game, then that is what developers will be told to do. It's about money not your failed game design philosophy. Regardless what the developers do to game, swtor is a business and BW will do what is in the best interest of the investors, which usually is in the best interest of the majority of players. Unfortunately, your not part of that majority.

Edited by Knockerz
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You will still need to get rank 60 and get your BM set, as in order to get the WH piece, you must turn in the corresponding BM piece. BM gear still will have a rank 60 requirement. So no, there is not "free" BiS for all.


Just curious, but when did they put VR60 requirement back on BM gear on the PTR? last i checked/read there was no requirement anymore...

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You will still need to get rank 60 and get your BM set, as in order to get the WH piece, you must turn in the corresponding BM piece. BM gear still will have a rank 60 requirement. So no, there is not "free" BiS for all.


Nope, because the BM set will also not have any rank associated with it.


Ranks are for titels only after 1.2.

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Hello everyone,


This thread has really wandered offtopic and does not focus on Star Wars™: The Old Republic™. In order to keep the forums tidy and conversations in one place please use this thread to discuss the topic of gear progression, we will be closing this current thread. Thank You!

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