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BH nerf - what do you reckon?


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Meh, Operative got a slight nerf but inevitably made them stronger, because it made them realize they didn't need to get Jarring Strike and the double stun combo is actually more effective.


But on topic, who knows. The article didn't specify but I hope it means that the tracer missile armor debuff doesn't stack. Beyond that, I do not see what they could reasonably nerf, at least on the Mercenary side of things (the only side I have experience with). Thereafter, let's hope it's not a blind nerf, if Pyrotech, that underpowers Mercs as a result of some sort of powertech issue.

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What do you reckon its going to be guys;


Its either Mercenary arsenal or powertech pyro. My bet is on powertech pyro and that we are going to be the new operative :p Since bw doesn't like us glass cannons


i have a assault vanguard lv50 mirror to pyro powertech, i'll be sad if it is pyro/assault. but oh look sith warrior is getting more abilities. marauder needs more abilties really??

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I cant see it being PT, as not enough people play them as it is. IF they do nerf the dps then they really need add something else like a CC or more mobility.


Personally I would like to see the tracer missile tweaked on the merc class - give them a reason to explore other skills - it would be unpopular at first but I think we may end up enjoying the change.

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I cant see it being PT, as not enough people play them as it is. IF they do nerf the dps then they really need add something else like a CC or more mobility.


Personally I would like to see the tracer missile tweaked on the merc class - give them a reason to explore other skills - it would be unpopular at first but I think we may end up enjoying the change.


Well operative is just as underplayed and they got nerfed so it won't save us, and im seeing more nerf pt threads nowadays

Edited by Shredzz
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I think there's 3 options:


1) Bounty Hunter heat management. AFAIK we have 4 more heat available than troopers with their ammo.

2) Mercs and their Missile massacre.

3 and probably most likely) Killing the Caroline Parakeet like they killed Assassin hybrid Specs.

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I think there's 3 options:


1) Bounty Hunter heat management. AFAIK we have 4 more heat available than troopers with their ammo.

2) Mercs and their Missile massacre.

3 and probably most likely) Killing the Caroline Parakeet like they killed Assassin hybrid Specs.


I'm betting option 3 and 1.

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It's fairly obvious what they are going to nerf: PyroTech PT.


It was always supposed to be a DoT-centric, less mobile, medium-ranged spec. Due to some changes late into beta, it also gained the ability to crit hard and very often thanks to changes to Superheated Rail and PPA. No one plays PyroTech for the DoTs now - they do it for the burst damage, something that AP was once known for.


To fix this error, what specific skills will be targeted?


Superheated Rail

30% armor pen on top of the 60% from Puncture is ridiculous, especially for a spec that is mainly doing elemental damage to begin with! I expect the 30% armor pen to be reduced or changed entirely so that more of PyroTech's damage can be mitigated by armor.


Prototype Particle Accelerator

If it wasn't already obvious, this skill is broken for Powertechs (Merc version requires channels/casts to use the ability) because it means constant casting of your highest damage attack. I expect a cooldown to be attached and/or a change in which abilities proc the attack: Flame Burst + Unload (instead of Flame Burst + Rocket Punch).


Other than PPA, PyroTech Powertech has no reason to ever Rocket Punch or be in <10m range (except for the occasional Carbonize). Taking away that synergy (which also breaks Carolina Parakeet) and adding Unload instead makes PyroTech more of a ranged-centric damage dealer for Powertechs who want to fight just outside melee range. This is very much in line with the original DoT and medium-range design of the tree from beta.



Again, the goal isn't to break hybrid builds like CP but to tone down PyroTech DPS which became absurdly high due to some small tweaks very late into beta that did not get enough testing, allowing the spec to get out of control. The breaking of specific hybrid builds is just collateral damage.

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I, for one hope that Bounty Hunters get brought into line with Troopers on our class mechanic, that would be my hope for this 'nerf'. Also that our cast animations become a better mirror of theirs.


The rest of it is going to make or break the game for me, if I see heavy handed slamming nerfs, I'll find a more fun way to spend my time and gaming dollars. I didn't spend all these hours just to end up being useless in pvp or hard modes.


On the other hand, if I see changes that make sense, like reducing our armor penetration on Superheated Rail by half even, then I'll adjust, keep playing, and have fun.


I do think it's very childish the way they phrased the whole thing,


'Oh and we're uhm, gonna nerf the Bounty Hunter, uhm, but won't say how ya know.'

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It's fairly obvious what they are going to nerf: PyroTech PT.


It was always supposed to be a DoT-centric, less mobile, medium-ranged spec. Due to some changes late into beta, it also gained the ability to crit hard and very often thanks to changes to Superheated Rail and PPA. No one plays PyroTech for the DoTs now - they do it for the burst damage, something that AP was once known for.


To fix this error, what specific skills will be targeted?


Superheated Rail

30% armor pen on top of the 60% from Puncture is ridiculous, especially for a spec that is mainly doing elemental damage to begin with! I expect the 30% armor pen to be reduced or changed entirely so that more of PyroTech's damage can be mitigated by armor.


Prototype Particle Accelerator

If it wasn't already obvious, this skill is broken for Powertechs (Merc version requires channels/casts to use the ability) because it means constant casting of your highest damage attack. I expect a cooldown to be attached and/or a change in which abilities proc the attack: Flame Burst + Unload (instead of Flame Burst + Rocket Punch).


Other than PPA, PyroTech Powertech has no reason to ever Rocket Punch or be in <10m range (except for the occasional Carbonize). Taking away that synergy (which also breaks Carolina Parakeet) and adding Unload instead makes PyroTech more of a ranged-centric damage dealer for Powertechs who want to fight just outside melee range. This is very much in line with the original DoT and medium-range design of the tree from beta.



Again, the goal isn't to break hybrid builds like CP but to tone down PyroTech DPS which became absurdly high due to some small tweaks very late into beta that did not get enough testing, allowing the spec to get out of control. The breaking of specific hybrid builds is just collateral damage.


This guy basically wants to turn powertech pyro into a mercenary



Just because its called pyro doesn't mean its majority elemental, it says you play Powertech in your signature but i really doubt it, Because if you did then you would realise its 50% kinetic



Railshot 3.5-5k crits - Weapon Dmg

Thermal Detonator 3-3.6k crits - Kinetic dmg

Rocket punch 2.6k crits - Kinetic dmg


Flame Burst 1.7k crits - Elemental

CGC 600-750crits on ABOVE 30% - Elemental(2k-4k in a 15sec rotation)if always up.

CGC 800-1k crits on BELOW 30% - Elemental(3k-5k in a 15sec rotation)

Incendiary missile crits for 1-1.4k - elemental does 2k-4k over 18secs


This is all rough, but you can see the majority isn't elemental. AP with burst? its a complete sustained dps tree with utility you don't know the trees. Unload required for pt? are you an idiot? thats completely **** for pt, its on the merc one you know why? cause THEY HAVE TWO BLASTERS SO IT DOES MORE DMG(sorry for caps) so you basically want to remove the use of rocket punch? i like using fun abilities like rocket punch + is our 4set bonus for combat tech pvp.


The reason why we get 90% arm pen over mercs is cause we need to be in 4-10meters to reset our railshots! They can do all of the pyro rotation from RANGED. Power Shot + their unload > Flame burst + rocket punch. They also get the +%co of aim as its tier 1 of their tree compared to tier 2 of our tree. Our Railshots do more to mpensate for flame burst being so damn ******. I personally don't want to be a carbon copy of a merc just cause you want to be more ranged.



P.s sorry for the wall of text

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It could even be explosive fuel getting nerfed, stacking power + surge enhancements, popping power adrenals+relics paired with explosive fuel, has allowed people to turn an allready burst heavy specc into a 2 min (allmost)insta gib specc.


Thinking about it, it kinda makes sence.


Like others mentioned, could also be the AoE, TM, a number of things really.

Edited by CorruptorII
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