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This is troubling news about valor...


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At the ratings that I play at, the people that I am against are not at that rating because they have the best gear, they are there because they are very very good. I have had people in my rated battleground groups mostly using the previous season's gear, and we still got the top .5%. Hell, I hit gladiator range in 3s with an alt paladin healer within the first few weeks, in literally mostly the blue PvP set.


I guess what I am trying to say is... If you are that good, the gear isn't going to matter as much as everyone is making it seem like.


If gear doesn't matter, why are people making a big deal about it's level of attainability? If it's truly about showcasing what you've earned, the asthetics, which they said you will attain with Valor ranks, will prove to people you gotten that level.


I miss real PVP in an MMO. It's been very very long. UO did it, GW did it uh...other than that, IMO It's been absent since the late 90s. I'm not saying it's my way or the high way, but there is a demographic that doesn't want the WoW Flavor. We don't want to have to grind gear, in order to use our creativity to win PVP. While we do not want to make gear completely out of the equations, on the contrary, it is very important for customizing etc, why should people be held back who may actually be extremely good PVPers because they don't want to grind the 120 hours or whatever it takes to get Valor 80 or whatever?


Top level gear, for ccompetitive PVP should ALWAYS be attainable from a moderate AT MOST amount of play time. Please leave the endless grinding of gear to carebears.

Edited by Derian
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Yeah you could always do that in swtor...


Why are you now making such a big deal out of it when the system has been the same this whole time?


cause you know ... i hoped for improvement.


Not the exact same stupid afk till i get the gear again ... but here we go.

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cause you know ... i hoped for improvement.


Not the exact same stupid afk till i get the gear again ... but here we go.


And that's why I said in that other thread that grinding warzones for gear is fail. It encourages your behavior of afking in warzones to get gear.

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What is being said here is that we should stop all PvP grinding till 1.2 because everything we grind will be useless untill ranked commendations for War Hero gear and all we will get is one or two lame mounts and to be the leader in a wz (which no one cares about) for our valor grinding.




Or you could PvP to like, i don't know... PvP. To get better at your class and have fun with your teammates.

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hahaha mate you clearly did not read the patch note.


They say the gear , that mean the basic version so to say with stats X , will be attained bu doing the rated zones , NO restrictions to it.


By doing well you get: COLORS , CARS , POWERPUFF GIRLS STUFF ... basically FLUFF.


which means ... lose like a dog ... and be just as good as the guy dressed in black ... but yours is blue ... oh no.


So.... what your saying is that gear = skill?

I mean just because they have the same gear doesn't mean they are as good as you...

In fact I'd be willing to bet that you just worried that after they lose enough and get the gear they will be better skilled then you and end up beating you. That sound about right? ^^


And the fluff comes from a grind as well not skill..

Your pvp rating and subsequent ranking will be the tool you can use to determine how much better you are than another player.. not the fact that you have a better lightsaber which you can then use as a crutch so that you don't even have to try when playing against him.


Good player's should not need any advantage to beat players who are actually worse then them.

Edited by Cruorpunctis
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And that's why I said in that other thread that grinding warzones for gear is fail. It encourages your behavior of afking in warzones to get gear.


Nops actual making the gear for top rated players so that winning have any purpose makes players like me play , yeah i could win ... but why would i lose my time ... so i could dress in some prettier gear? Really ?


Nah , i prefer to lose doing nothing and get my gear , then put effort to get a fluff gear. ;)

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hahaha mate you clearly did not read the patch note.


They say the gear , that mean the basic version so to say with stats X , will be attained bu doing the rated zones , NO restrictions to it.


By doing well you get: COLORS , CARS , POWERPUFF GIRLS STUFF ... basically FLUFF.


which means ... lose like a dog ... and be just as good as the guy dressed in black ... but yours is blue ... oh no.


No, I'll be fine, because I consider myself elite at PvP in swtor. I don't care if they give top level gear to newbies. I read it perfectly fine. I enjoy PVP. I care about gear to the point of being on equal footing with everyone else, maybe even just shy. I don't care. I enjoy PVP, I don't care about digital trinkets that will mean nothing when the next game comes out. This isn't my first rodeo.


They never said what you have to do to earn it.

They just said there would be no restrictions.


For all you know, it could be a massive grind to get it (I doubt it) they just said there would be no restrictions. However that could mean it takes 10 shots at 1000/1000 comms for like a belt.

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So.... what your saying is that gear = skill?

I mean just because they have the same gear doesn't mean they are as good as you...

In fact I'd be willing to bet that you just worried that after they lose enough and get the gear they will be better skilled then you and end up beating you. That sound about right? ^^


And the fluff comes from a grind as well not skill..

Your pvp rating and subsequent ranking will be the tool you can use to determine how much better you are than another player.. not the fact that you have a better lightsaber which you can then use as a crutch so that you don't even have to try when playing against him.


Good player's should not need any advantage to beat players who are actually worse then them.


You seem to think i care about an advantage. i dont.


implement a stronger version of that buff that makes people more ... equal. One that actually work for Wzs , do i care? Not one bit , hell make it so strong that all gear in the wzs become the same as a green piece of a new lvl 50.


Now when i leave the wz , i want my win to have meant something , rating?

Really that proves nothing to me.


Now will if fight for blue straps over red straps ? i assure you i wont , i will get the blue straps and call it a day. let the other have their red straps, in the end , it is the same , and costed me ... at least what ,10 hrs less? good enough for me.

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Nops actual making the gear for top rated players so that winning have any purpose makes players like me play , yeah i could win ... but why would i lose my time ... so i could dress in some prettier gear? Really ?


Nah , i prefer to lose doing nothing and get my gear , then put effort to get a fluff gear. ;)


You won't get anything. You'll be AFK kicked.

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Nops actual making the gear for top rated players so that winning have any purpose makes players like me play , yeah i could win ... but why would i lose my time ... so i could dress in some prettier gear? Really ?


Nah , i prefer to lose doing nothing and get my gear , then put effort to get a fluff gear. ;)


This just doesn't make sense to me and it's bad for the game in the long run. Look at how Rift was at launch. The players who spent the most time in warzones and the ones who ranked up first got exactly what you want now. They got all the best gear and could outperform everyone else. What happened was a huge gap was created where the one side who grinded more, seriously didn't even need to try to kill the other team. Do you know what happened? People quit. It isn't fun getting farmed by people who spent more time than you.


It also creates a hole where the longer the game goes on, the more valor or ranks are required for gear. So if a new player were to join say a year or two later and saw how many warzones he had to get farmed through in order to "get good", then he would get discouraged and quit.

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Battlemasters will have a faster progression anyway.


A BM-geared premade will destroy newbies pugs.


Plus we don't know the amount of commendations required for the new gear.


Stop complaining, it happens in every mmo. New gear = Your old gear is junk.

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Only read the OP, but I love this change.


I'm of the opinion that PvP should be skill-based and not gear or grind-based.


I also love cosmetic stuff and fluff, so I still have an incentive to raising my valor rank.


I wish gear didn't have stats at all, tbh. At least in PvP. Maybe modifiers (e.g. lower str and heighten end), but that's all. Everyone should enter a warzone on equal ground.

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This just doesn't make sense to me and it's bad for the game in the long run. Look at how Rift was at launch. The players who spent the most time in warzones and the ones who ranked up first got exactly what you want now. They got all the best gear and could outperform everyone else. What happened was a huge gap was created where the one side who grinded more, seriously didn't even need to try to kill the other team. Do you know what happened? People quit. It isn't fun getting farmed by people who spent more time than you.


It also creates a hole where the longer the game goes on, the more valor or ranks are required for gear. So if a new player were to join say a year or two later and saw how many warzones he had to get farmed through in order to "get good", then he would get discouraged and quit.


I never said it should create a gap IN the wz, hell if they ever implement that buff that evens people out in the wz ,at 50 everyone got all skills , it would work out.(not the current one full of gaps)


Instead they make the gear a simple well fare thing? What is the point in it? None.


if it is well fare why i would lose my time getting it? nah i pass the old grind , movie watching PvP here i come.

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You will be able to vote to kick players.


then i will find a a group before joining lol what ya need ? 60%? will make a party with 4x.


nps there.


well ... people will lose 100% sure now ... not that i care still faster ... nice.

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You sound like an angry spoiled kid. Is this how you act in all situations when you don't get your way?


When i dont get things my way i find the way to get the most i can from the situation at hand.


Which in this case is simple doing this.

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What Im seeing in this post is actually written by 3 types of people:

1. GW fanboys/trollers

2. Fresh 50'ies or even worse - lowbies

3. And last but not the least the people that are already 55+ pvp rank


I would love you to show me how big is a gap between Cen-Champ and Champ-BM, since you're complaining that the PVP is not about skill is about gear. Let me tell you: its around 2% increase. Does it make a difference? No it doesnt, it still comes down to skill.

Im working 10 hours/day, and I still had time to get to 65+ valor without any kind of cheating. I just played warzones, daily. I dont care if you have less time than others, it is not our problem, it means you're not that commited, that doesnt mean you should get un-ranked gear same as other players that have commited more than you.

PVP in SWToR hasnt been about gear...you get Centurion full armor in like 1.5 weeks tops, which will make you competitive against any Battlemaster. The current warzones are not about gear also, they are about teamplay actually.

So all of you being happy that there will be no req for War Hero gear, are just a bunch of no-timers that didnt have enough time to play this game and will like to not grind at all as other do. That's just plain selfish.

As a person or two have stated before me... LET's just install vendors that sell RAKATA gear for credits and that's it...Hit 50, get Rakata and War Hero gear and you 're set. Game finished.



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When i dont get things my way i find the way to get the most i can from the situation at hand.


Which in this case is simple doing this.


You are acting like a child. If I were your friend in real life I would tell you to cut that **** out. "oh I'm just going to afk with a party of 4 to get my way"

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What Im seeing in this post is actually written by 3 types of people:

1. GW fanboys/trollers

2. Fresh 50'ies or even worse - lowbies

3. And last but not the least the people that are already 55+ pvp rank


I would love you to show me how big is a gap between Cen-Champ and Champ-BM, since you're complaining that the PVP is not about skill is about gear. Let me tell you: its around 2% increase. Does it make a difference? No it doesnt, it still comes down to skill.

Im working 10 hours/day, and I still had time to get to 65+ valor without any kind of cheating. I just played warzones, daily. I dont care if you have less time than others, it is not our problem, it means you're not that commited, that doesnt mean you should get un-ranked gear same as other players that have commited more than you.

PVP in SWToR hasnt been about gear...you get Centurion full armor in like 1.5 weeks tops, which will make you competitive against any Battlemaster. The current warzones are not about gear also, they are about teamplay actually.

So all of you being happy that there will be no req for War Hero gear, are just a bunch of no-timers that didnt have enough time to play this game and will like to not grind at all as other do. That's just plain selfish.

As a person or two have stated before me... LET's just install vendors that sell RAKATA gear for credits and that's it...Hit 50, get Rakata and War Hero gear and you 're set. Game finished.




I'm Valor 66. Have played hard since closed Beta in August, but thanks for making an assumption.


Like I said, if Gear doesn't matter, why is this such a big deal? You still have to earn the gear. People QQ on these forums constantly about anything.


There is a 10 rating jump between Centurion and Champion. That is huge. Champion to BM is small. IF you can get Champion gear, you are fine, and guess what? NO requirement for that, so why care about War Hero or whatever's requirement, if gear doesn't matter? What are you afraid of?

Edited by Derian
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What Im seeing in this post is actually written by 3 types of people:

1. GW fanboys/trollers

2. Fresh 50'ies or even worse - lowbies

3. And last but not the least the people that are already 55+ pvp rank


I would love you to show me how big is a gap between Cen-Champ and Champ-BM, since you're complaining that the PVP is not about skill is about gear. Let me tell you: its around 2% increase. Does it make a difference? No it doesnt, it still comes down to skill.

Im working 10 hours/day, and I still had time to get to 65+ valor without any kind of cheating. I just played warzones, daily. I dont care if you have less time than others, it is not our problem, it means you're not that commited, that doesnt mean you should get un-ranked gear same as other players that have commited more than you.

PVP in SWToR hasnt been about gear...you get Centurion full armor in like 1.5 weeks tops, which will make you competitive against any Battlemaster. The current warzones are not about gear also, they are about teamplay actually.

So all of you being happy that there will be no req for War Hero gear, are just a bunch of no-timers that didnt have enough time to play this game and will like to not grind at all as other do. That's just plain selfish.

As a person or two have stated before me... LET's just install vendors that sell RAKATA gear for credits and that's it...Hit 50, get Rakata and War Hero gear and you 're set. Game finished.




Well i guess from the time will have open now from no more pvp grind we can all begin to farm PvE pieces to use in PvP eh ... still they said they are gonna fix that :rolleyes: gonna see before i believe.

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