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Guild Summit: Mac users better really want it...


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Nor am I a guy.


From three of your recent, longer posts...


Words: 719

(NOTE: The genie works best on texts of more than 500 words.)


Female Score: 749

Male Score: 1015


The Gender Genie thinks the author of this passage is: male!


Sorry, you're a dude, dude. Or at least you write like one.


Oh the irony is so thick it's intoxicating.


Plus, the crazy is strong in this one.




Word had a DOS version which was released shortly before the Mac version, however the Windows version came much later.


You've never heard of WordPerfect, WordStar, or the vast majority of other word processors for DOS? Microsoft entered the word processor market late. IBM and IBM clones targeted the business market far more than Apple ever did, and therefore a majority of the programs for word processing and other office work were created in both UNIX and DOS before anything Apple.


ASCII graphics FTW.

Edited by cipher_nemo
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From three of your recent, longer posts...


Originally Posted by Onyx

Nor am I a guy.


Words: 719

(NOTE: The genie works best on texts of more than 500 words.)


Female Score: 749

Male Score: 1015


The Gender Genie thinks the author of this passage is: male!


Sorry, you're a dude, dude. Or at least you write like one.


Thank you for providing me with some serious amusement--that was priceless.


But if you ever hung around the SWG forums much, you'd know the truth of that lmao. There are plenty of people around here who can back up my gender.


Suffice it to say, there are girls in this world who think more like guys. And yes, not that it really matters much, but I very very very much am a female:)


Oh the irony is so thick it's intoxicating.


Plus, the crazy is strong in this one.



I agree with the QFE--though I wonder if you noticed it was pointing at someone else;)

Edited by Onyx
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You've never heard of WordPerfect, WordStar, or the vast majority of other word processors for DOS? Microsoft entered the word processor market late. IBM and IBM clones targeted the business market far more than Apple ever did, and therefore a majority of the programs for word processing and other office work were created in both UNIX and DOS before anything Apple.


ASCII graphics FTW.


I think you missed the entire point of my post /sigh


But yes, of course I've heard of them. I used them. And what you've stated above is accurate. Though it has nothing to do with the point that was being made in the previous posts.

Edited by Onyx
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Just wanted to point out, you're a idiot. Your numbers are fancy and all... but you overlooked one critical point. That "200k" Bioware stands to gain, I'd wager my next months pay 60% are already on board with bootcamp. Sputter and cry all day, TOR isn't coming out for CrapOSX. The market isn't there outside of the people already playing via Bootcamp.


As I'm often asked, where are your stats? Where are you getting your 60% from?


One thing I can guarantee you, and I am MUCH more familiar with the situation due to my own professional life, that only about 5% of Mac gamers use Boot Camp - not 60%.


BioWare is missing out on 95% of the potential revenue, and if the numbers are similar to WoW, 25% of the players are on the Mac, meaning if BioWare has 1.6m subscribers, that's 400,000 potential Mac users based on same percentages.


TOR will come out for OS X, it's a matter of time. The market is there, it's growing, and BioWare is learning what Blizzard and Valve already knew - there's a lucrative business to be had there.


Also, you may want to watch calling other people idiots. Just sayin'.

Edited by Lethality
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As I'm often asked, where are your stats? Where are you getting your 60% from?


One thing I can guarantee you, and I am MUCH more familiar with the situation due to my own professional life, that only about 5% of Mac gamers use Boot Camp - not 60%.


BioWare is missing out on 95% of the potential revenue, and if the numbers are similar to WoW, 25% of the players are on the Mac, meaning if BioWare has 1.6m subscribers, that's 400,000 potential Mac users based on same percentages.


TOR will come out for OS X, it's a matter of time. The market is there, it's growing, and BioWare is learning what Blizzard and Valve already knew - there's a lucrative business to be had


I agree it is just a matter of time. Any one who even wants to pretend to be a company can't ignore the Mac market. Blizzard develops for the Mac simultaneously with Windows. EA, the parent company of BW, makes Mac versions of its games. Printer companies like HP and Epson make compatible software for their Mac customers and even have dedicated customer service teams for Mac users.

Edited by Toxen
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As I'm often asked, where are your stats? Where are you getting your 60% from?


One thing I can guarantee you, and I am MUCH more familiar with the situation due to my own professional life, that only about 5% of Mac gamers use Boot Camp - not 60%.


BioWare is missing out on 95% of the potential revenue, and if the numbers are similar to WoW, 25% of the players are on the Mac, meaning if BioWare has 1.6m subscribers, that's 400,000 potential Mac users based on same percentages.


TOR will come out for OS X, it's a matter of time. The market is there, it's growing, and BioWare is learning what Blizzard and Valve already knew - there's a lucrative business to be had there.


Also, you may want to watch calling other people idiots. Just sayin'.


I kind of agree with you, sooner or later they will release Mac OSx version for this game, till then I will play WoW :)

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You know, all this talk over whether companies like BW should make versions of their games makes me think of how I wish Apple would make more of their software compatible with Windows.


I mean, who wouldn't want iLife on their windows pcs?

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You know, all this talk over whether companies like BW should make versions of their games makes me think of how I wish Apple would make more of their software compatible with Windows.


I mean, who wouldn't want iLife on their windows pcs?

There are open source alternatives which are just as capable.
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There are open source alternatives which are just as capable.


No, there really aren't. You're missing the point of the entire end-to-end ecosystem, as Apple has truly provided since the Mac came out... Hardware + Software. That is now extended to services and connectivity, and it's an unbelievable user experience that can never ever be created in a fragmented market like Windows.


It actually makes me sad to think that so many people are missing out on what their digital life could really be like, only to be relegated to a life of frustration instead.

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No, there really aren't. You're missing the point of the entire end-to-end ecosystem, as Apple has truly provided since the Mac came out... Hardware + Software. That is now extended to services and connectivity, and it's an unbelievable user experience that can never ever be created in a fragmented market like Windows.


It actually makes me sad to think that so many people are missing out on what their digital life could really be like, only to be relegated to a life of frustration instead.


Yes and you pay a stupidly high premium to look your nose down at others...well done.

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No, there really aren't. You're missing the point of the entire end-to-end ecosystem, as Apple has truly provided since the Mac came out... Hardware + Software. That is now extended to services and connectivity, and it's an unbelievable user experience that can never ever be created in a fragmented market like Windows.


It actually makes me sad to think that so many people are missing out on what their digital life could really be like, only to be relegated to a life of frustration instead.

I've proved over and over in this thread that just because you say so doesn't make it true. Everything from the apple viruses to actual component level "quality" you have been wrong time and time again.


Like I've said over and over I manage a mixed environment and I repair macs on the side. I've experienced about every version of the mac experience produced in the last 10 years.


Your refusal to acknowledge reality is actually boring me and I've almost completely lost interest in this thread as a result..

Edited by Tool_of_Society
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As I'm often asked, where are your stats? Where are you getting your 60% from?


One thing I can guarantee you, and I am MUCH more familiar with the situation due to my own professional life, that only about 5% of Mac gamers use Boot Camp - not 60%.


BioWare is missing out on 95% of the potential revenue, and if the numbers are similar to WoW, 25% of the players are on the Mac, meaning if BioWare has 1.6m subscribers, that's 400,000 potential Mac users based on same percentages.


TOR will come out for OS X, it's a matter of time. The market is there, it's growing, and BioWare is learning what Blizzard and Valve already knew - there's a lucrative business to be had there.


Also, you may want to watch calling other people idiots. Just sayin'.


Till you actually provide a credible poll, which is doubtful cause no poll on the internet is actually credible, going to say that your 25% Mac user on WoW isn't true. A more credible number based on the given information would put it at best 10%. So using your 1.6 million that is 160,000 subscribers (2.4 Million per month at $15 per month) But we still don't know how many subscribers EA would gain for having a Mac OS version as compared to the amount people already willing play with Windows/Bootcamp.

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Who cares? Not the target market of games like TOR, that's for sure. PC owners do not upgrade their machines any more than Mac owners do. They simply buy another.


I know this might be hard for you to fathom, but you're in the teeny minority.


The large success of Newegg.com disagrees.

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Till you actually provide a credible poll, which is doubtful cause no poll on the internet is actually credible, going to say that your 25% Mac user on WoW isn't true. A more credible number based on the given information would put it at best 10%. So using your 1.6 million that is 160,000 subscribers (2.4 Million per month at $15 per month) But we still don't know how many subscribers EA would gain for having a Mac OS version as compared to the amount people already willing play with Windows/Bootcamp.
I can do one better by providing hard data. Valve through STEAM collects anonymous information about the hardware of their users. You can find out all kinds of information including that 5.68% of steam users are running a Mac OS. To provide some context Steam has over 70% of the digital distribution market for games with up to over 5 million concurrent users.


Seriously though I didn't realize I had missed such a hilarious claim as 25% of WoW players are on a mac..

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THIS says pretty much everything that needs to be known about gaming on a Mac. Look at the to 10 best sellers. There is not much interest by anyone to make macs a mainstream gaming platform. It isn't just BioWare, it is nearly the entire industry.


Now, if you want to talk casual games, Iphones and Ipads get those in spades. But Macs as a serious gaming platform? No.

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One thing I can guarantee you, and I am MUCH more familiar with the situation due to my own professional life, that only about 5% of Mac gamers use Boot Camp - not 60%.


There is no such thing as a "Mac gamer". Macs are amazing, but NOT for gaming.


Nobody in their right mind buys a Mac as a gaming machine. Besides it's not really about Macs (since technically they are pretty much PC's), it's about Mac OS X, which is undeniably far superior to Windows or Linux.


That being said, the market is way to small and you can already game via Bootcamp just like you had a regular PC.


With the amount of problems the game has, it's just not financially viable for them to develop (and then support) a Mac client.

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You have to remember that most of SWTOR is based on the Hero Engine which does support Mac yes, but very primitively as the support is fairly new. Now the version Bioware uses I'm going to bet doesn't support mac very well, if at all. "I'm assuming this is the case"


Now let's think this out for a sec. Last i checked Apple's PC market share in US is just over 8% Now I'll bet not even half of those are using their Mac for 3D gaming. For Bioware to overhaul their engine for a demographic so small is pretty idiotic, it would probably cost them more $$$ to do this then they would ever get back. Windows PC's account for over 90% of all Internet traffic. The fact that on average Developers make quite a bit less $$$ on the Mac compared to the PC Platform is yet another.


Maybe if the engine was completely Bioware's I could see the potential, but this is obviously not the case. Any sane person not arguing devil's advocate can clearly see that gaming on a Mac is less then Ideal.


Interesting... It looks like iOS 5 has overtaken Mac OS.







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How so?


I'm getting tired of dual-booting. I may just swing by the Apple store and pick up a copy of parellels. See how the game runs on it. I want to upgrade my old Mac, but I'm waiting until they bring out the 2012 lineup.

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I'm getting tired of dual-booting. I may just swing by the Apple store and pick up a copy of parellels. See how the game runs on it. I want to upgrade my old Mac, but I'm waiting until they bring out the 2012 lineup.
Parallels is supposedly really good but I haven't had a chance to test it first hand. I've seen many an argument that VMWare Fusion is a better product though. Something for you to chew on before deciding.
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