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Guild Summit: Mac users better really want it...


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I have edited my post to explain in detail why MOST ppl don't use macs for games


Yes, but the people who DO use Macs for games use Macs for games. That number is larger than ever and growing, and those are the people that want TOR on the Mac.

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I just can't take Macs seriously. They do everything that a PC does in a different skin, but have far less software available to them. And they cost more. Their build quality is good, but it had better be for the price.


People seem to have an emotional connection to Apple for who knows why. Maybe they feel elitist or like they're rooting for the underdog, or maybe they aren't good with computers and buy into the Mac being easier/safer/more reliable. If I ran nothing but WMP, Phtoshop and Office, I'm sure my PC would never crash.


Anyway, I would rather research dollars get put into more content than a native Mac client. It's not just the initial R&D, but the maintenance, getting patches working/tested, updating for the new OSX Cougarcat or whatever, keeping new drivers working (we've seen how much apple love providing this to Blizzard), etc.


It's just such an expensive proposition for no reason other than to get those people who refuse to run Bootcamp.


And really, would you buy a Mac and NOT run Bootcamp?

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I just can't take Macs seriously. They do everything that a PC does in a different skin, but have far less software available to them. And they cost more. Their build quality is good, but it had better be for the price.


People seem to have an emotional connection to Apple for who knows why. Maybe they feel elitist or like they're rooting for the underdog, or maybe they aren't good with computers and buy into the Mac being easier/safer/more reliable. If I ran nothing but WMP, Phtoshop and Office, I'm sure my PC would never crash.


Anyway, I would rather research dollars get put into more content than a native Mac client. It's not just the initial R&D, but the maintenance, getting patches working/tested, updating for the new OSX Cougarcat or whatever, keeping new drivers working (we've seen how much apple love providing this to Blizzard), etc.


It's just such an expensive proposition for no reason other than to get those people who refuse to run Bootcamp.


And really, would you buy a Mac and NOT run Bootcamp?


Boot Camp is not a thing you run... educate yourself, then come on back and I'll explain further.

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I just can't take Macs seriously. They do everything that a PC does in a different skin, but have far less software available to them. And they cost more. Their build quality is good, but it had better be for the price.


People seem to have an emotional connection to Apple for who knows why. Maybe they feel elitist or like they're rooting for the underdog, or maybe they aren't good with computers and buy into the Mac being easier/safer/more reliable. If I ran nothing but WMP, Phtoshop and Office, I'm sure my PC would never crash.


Anyway, I would rather research dollars get put into more content than a native Mac client. It's not just the initial R&D, but the maintenance, getting patches working/tested, updating for the new OSX Cougarcat or whatever, keeping new drivers working (we've seen how much apple love providing this to Blizzard), etc.


It's just such an expensive proposition for no reason other than to get those people who refuse to run Bootcamp.


And really, would you buy a Mac and NOT run Bootcamp?


You DO know that without the Mac, Windows might never have been here? IE Bill Gates NEEDED Steve Jobs. No Steve Jobs(if he never existed) = maybe no Windows


Also bootcamp isn't something u run. Oh wait poster above me already said that.....

Edited by DarkSamink
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oh just stop, you are just arguing semantics, you dang well know what they mean.


No, because people have been in here in the past who truly have no clue and think Macs can just "run Boot Camp" to play TOR. I will not let ignorance slide on the topic.

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You DO know that without the Mac, Windows might never have been here? IE Bill Gates NEEDED Steve Jobs. No Steve Jobs(if he never existed) = maybe no Windows


Also bootcamp isn't something u run. Oh wait poster above me already said that.....


And without Microsoft, Apple would already be out of business. Soo, what is your point?

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Who said one or the other has a technical "advantage"? They are virtually the same. And that's the point.



You did. Your original statement was:


Actually, the Mac does everything and more that a PC does.



We're waiting to hear what the "and more" part is. When asked to explain the "and more", you came back with (in order):


"First tell me what a PC can do that a Mac can't" - Pretty disingenuous, since you made the claim first


"What business is it of yours what computer I buy?" - None, but that doesn't answer the question, does it?


"They both do the same thing" - Uh....ok, but again...



Look, I agree with you that it's no business of mine which platform you choose to use. That's cool. Just don't go throwing around poorly-considered statements about how they do MORE, then get huffy when people ask you to support that.


You might also, next time, research the comparability options before purchase, rather than buying the smaller-market platform, then yelling that every company doesn't go out of their way to support your niche choice (and right or wrong, Macs ARE a niche portion of the gaming market).

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Macs are way too expensive fashion gadgets that can do the same a normal PC can do, for a third of it's price.


People buy them for the same reason they wear Armani or Versace, use Paco Rabanne or Carolina Herrara parfums, drive the year's BMW coupe, and take a cruise trip around the mediterranean sea... just fashion.

Edited by Orisai
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Everything I've said about the Mac market, and design/development trends, and market share, and EVERYTHING that supports this game being on the Mac, is factual. It's incumbent upon YOU if you want more details, because I've provided them all for 3+ years.


And I'm not about to do it again for a newcomer to the discussion who's grossly misinformed.


You're wrong rookie. The facts are there, it's up to you to look them up.

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You did. Your original statement was:




We're waiting to hear what the "and more" part is. When asked to explain the "and more", you came back with (in order):


"First tell me what a PC can do that a Mac can't" - Pretty disingenuous, since you made the claim first


"What business is it of yours what computer I buy?" - None, but that doesn't answer the question, does it?


"They both do the same thing" - Uh....ok, but again...



Look, I agree with you that it's no business of mine which platform you choose to use. That's cool. Just don't go throwing around poorly-considered statements about how they do MORE, then get huffy when people ask you to support that.


You might also, next time, research the comparability options before purchase, rather than buying the smaller-market platform, then yelling that every company doesn't go out of their way to support your niche choice (and right or wrong, Macs ARE a niche portion of the gaming market).


LOL, Macs are not a niche. 10-20% of any market - ESPEICALLY the desktop computer market - is not a niche. BMW would KILL to have 10% of the auto market.


There's no question that Macs are the better choice for me in every category. As I've stated before, only a fool buys a computer based on the ability to play games.


And every day, more and more people are realizing the same thing... Macs are the better choice for the things they really do.


And THAT feeds into the reason there should have been a Mac version of TOR right from the start. Like Blizzard does.

Edited by Lethality
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You DO know that without the Mac, Windows might never have been here? IE Bill Gates NEEDED Steve Jobs. No Steve Jobs(if he never existed) = maybe no Windows


Also bootcamp isn't something u run. Oh wait poster above me already said that.....


Without Xerox neither would be around.


Jobs ripped off the GUI from Xerox for the Lisa, and Gates ripped of the GUI from the Lisa for Windows.

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And without Microsoft, Apple would already be out of business. Soo, what is your point?


Uhm, no LOL, unlike Microsoft(Which I have no problem with at all) Apple makes there own Hardware(Computers etc) and Software(OS, etc) Where Microsoft only makes Software. So ur statement is wrong and stupid. Apple could live on without MS but MS couldn't have even started without Apple I suggest reading the history of the two company's before trying to prove someone wrong, but u just look dumb.

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Ah but they are.


Yes? they can be used for gaming?


Plz, a vid of bf3 at ultra x4 AA 16as 1080p runing at steady 60fps with vsync turned on with less than 2300u$S (lcd included)


Just tell me how much a setup like this will cost me if i want a PC with and apple in the case


cf hd6970's

i5 2500k @ 4.5ghz @ 1.2v

8gb corsair vengance

asus m8z68

500gb raid 0 WD black

2tb WD Black

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Why buy a Mac when you can buy a PC that is FARRR more powerful for LESS and has the same capability?



The only real reason is for production editing, all other arguments for Macs can be summed up with "im a fanboy of apple/macs". Just like most of lethality's posts.



All software developers know this as well.



Apple will only be able to sustain itself in the gaming market via portable devices from the iphone/ipad. It will never have a larger market share in the hardcore gaming market of Consoles or Computer games, not unless they completely revamp their companies goals and priorities.

Edited by iResist
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Uhm, no LOL, unlike Microsoft(Which I have no problem with at all) Apple makes there own Hardware(Computers etc) and Software(OS, etc) Where Microsoft only makes Software. So ur statement is wrong and stupid. Apple could live on without MS but MS couldn't have even started without Apple I suggest reading the history of the two company's before trying to prove someone wrong, but u just look dumb.


I think he's referring to the "bail out" in '97 when MS bought a buttload of Apple stock. Which, let's be honest, Jobs could have talked any company into doing but he gave his old pal Gates first crack

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You DO know that without the Mac, Windows might never have been here? IE Bill Gates NEEDED Steve Jobs. No Steve Jobs(if he never existed) = maybe no Windows


Also bootcamp isn't something u run. Oh wait poster above me already said that.....



LOL u'r funny


XEROX was the one, steve jobs literaly steal from them

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I think he's referring to the "bail out" in '97 when MS bought a buttload of Apple stock. Which, let's be honest, Jobs could have talked any company into doing but he gave his old pal Gates first crack


Uhmm no again but i guess you don't look up the history. Kids now a days

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LOL, Macs are not a niche. 10-20% of any market - ESPEICALLY the desktop computer market - is not a niche. BMW would KILL to have 10% of the auto market.


There's no question that Macs are the better choice for me in every category. As I've stated before, only a fool buys a computer based on the ability to play games.


And every day, more and more people are realizing the same thing... Macs are the better choice for the things they really do.


And THAT feeds into the reason there should have been a Mac version of TOR right from the start. Like Blizzard does.


Love how you attack people who buy computers on the ability to play games. Thing about a gaming machine, it can do everything a non gaming machine can do, even what a Mac can do. PC gaming is my hobby, and buying a Mac would in no way shape or form be conducive to my hobby. Why would I buy a Mac? I would be limiting myself in a huge way for my hobby. If high end gaming is one of the many things someone wants to do with their computer, then buying a Mac is the worse investment to make. Why is it the worse investment? Cause the Mac can't be upgraded, and if one wants to keep their computer up to date for high end gaming, a Mac is basically a throw away computer when it comes to high end gaming and they'll have to buy another $2000 computer, when it is much much cheaper to upgrade computers (even paying someone to do it for you) in the same time frame.


I agree if someone wants to do things not game related as one of the main aspects, then yes PC or Mac, it doesn't matter. But people are fools for buying Macs if they want to do high end gaming as one of their main aspects to their computer.


It is not anywhere near foolish to buy computers based on their ability to play games when gaming is one of the main reasons someone want to have a computer in the first place.


And before you mention, get a console for gaming, they are cheaper.... no, There are lots of things that a console can't do that a PC can do for gaming.

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LOL u'r funny


XEROX was the one, steve jobs literaly steal from them



LOL nooo you're* funny


Xerox had the mouse true, but they couldn't make it right, Jobs BOUGHT the rights to its design and then made it BETTER.


LOL stole it haha

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Uhm, no LOL, unlike Microsoft(Which I have no problem with at all) Apple makes there own Hardware(Computers etc) and Software(OS, etc) Where Microsoft only makes Software. So ur statement is wrong and stupid. Apple could live on without MS but MS couldn't have even started without Apple I suggest reading the history of the two company's before trying to prove someone wrong, but u just look dumb.


look at my links above your post, oh and Apple couldn't have started with out Xerrox

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