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Sammelthread: bis wann wurde bereits eingeladen? (erstes Posting beachten!) Part II


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Ich finde BioWare macht bisher einen durchaus richtigen guten Job!

Das manche das mit den Wellen nicht verstehen, naja die können halt nicht um die Ecke denken was BioWare damit bezwecken will.

Das mit den Wellen ist super umgesetzt wie ich finde und es ist daher meiner Meinung nach der beste MMO Start den es bisher gegeben hat.


Mein ich auch! Gestern wurde eigentlich bis Ende November geplant. Aber sie haben sich bis zum 7ten Dezember durchequält. Fand ich sehr imponierend. Ich schließe mich dir also an : )

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Verstehe ich das richtig ?


"We brought about seven online last night, and we'll bring more on as required today."


"Sie" weden heute mehr Wellen als geplant rausschicken. Aber Wenn nur 1 Welle geplant war könnte es auch nach der 2. enden ?!








EDIT: Sieht doch ganz gut aus... 17 Server auf STANDARD, sogar 8 Server auf NIEDRIG !

Edited by Neloovez
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Nein, es ist ein Treuebonus. Man belohnt die, die schon früher bereit waren das Spiel zu kaufen.


Würdest Du hier auch nicht. Du profitierst einfach nicht von den zusätzlichen Freitagen, aber sonst hast Du keine Nachteile.



Stimmt. Aber sie haben das Spiel früher gekauft und damit BioWare bereits einen "Kredit" gegeben. Und den bekommen sie nun in Zinsen zurück.


So langsam kann ich nicht mehr glauben, dass du da so unabhängig bist.

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Verstehe ich das richtig ?


"We brought about seven online last night, and we'll bring more on as required today."


"Sie" weden heute mehr Wellen als geplant rausschicken. Aber Wenn nur 1 Welle geplant war könnte es auch nach der 2. enden ?!







Exakt also hoffen wir mal sie haben mehr als 2 geplant :D

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Natürlich vergisst man, dass man sich 2-3 Tage im Forum geärgert hat, wenn man dann loszocken kann. Das ist ja auch menschlich.


Aber du kannst ja nicht bestreiten, dass diese Art von MMO-Start seine ganz eigenen Probleme erschaffen hat.


Wenn komplette Gilden vom Levelbereich total zerstückelt auf den Servern rumlaufen, dann war das so sicher nicht geplant.


Ich sehe die Vorteile des Systems, aber auch die Nachteile. Und sorry, aber wer nicht zugibt, dass es ein zweischneidiges Schwert ist und immer nur schreibt, dass alles so super toll läuft, der muss sich eventuelle Fanboy-Vorwürfe gefallen lassen.


Nichts gegen dich persönlich, Firderis, aber da muss man nur mal die tausenden Forenposts der letzten Tag lesen, um zu sehen, dass nicht jeder so superglücklich mit diesem Start ist.


Der WoW-Start (z.B.) hat wieder seine ganz eigenen Vor- und Nachteile. Mehr sag ich ja nicht. Es ist aber eben nicht alles so toll, wie einen mancher Mensch hier glauben lässt.


So denken mit Sicherheit einige 13.12.ler die hier immer noch herummgammeln




Sowas macht man einfach nicht mit Kunden !

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Verstehe ich das richtig ?


"We brought about seven online last night, and we'll bring more on as required today."


"Sie" weden heute mehr Wellen als geplant rausschicken. Aber Wenn nur 1 Welle geplant war könnte es auch nach der 2. enden ?!








DAS würde mich bei all meinem Optimusmus wiederrum sehr anpissen. Aber ich denke nicht, dass sowas passiert : (

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Verstehe ich das richtig ?


"We brought about seven online last night, and we'll bring more on as required today."


"Sie" weden heute mehr Wellen als geplant rausschicken. Aber Wenn nur 1 Welle geplant war könnte es auch nach der 2. enden ?!

Fast. Es heisst eigentlich "falls es nötig ist bringen wir heute auch mehr". Umgekehrt kann dies bedeuten, dass es viele kleine Wellen heute geben KANN, falls man es einrichten kann.

Edited by firderis
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Die Leute sind eh nie zufrieden, ich habs verpennt mit dem vorbestellen und klar wäre ich viel lieber früher dran gewesen.


Aber wenn ich jetzt jemand wäre der früh vorbestellt hat dann würde ich mich genauso aufregen andre früher rein kommen. Ich denke mal das gilt für jeden, wir haben also Pech gehabt.


Einfach locker nehmen das Spiel ist ja nicht Lebenswichtig für euch oder ?



Achja und Firderis, danke das du dir die ganze Arbeit machst, das macht alles viel leichter :).

Edited by flesruoyksa
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Die Leute sind eh nie zufrieden, ich habs verpennt mit dem vorbestellen und klar wäre ich viel lieber früher dran gewesen.


Aber wenn ich jetzt jemand wäre der früh vorbestellt hat dann würde ich mich genauso aufregen andre früher rein kommen. Ich denke mal das gilt für jeden, wir haben also Pech gehabt.


Einfach locker nehmen das Spiel ist ja nicht Lebenswichtig für euch oder ?



Doch.. Ich meine nein natürlich nicht :D

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Hello again all -


We're finished with invite waves for today. The servers are filling up, player populations are growing, and we're monitoring the influx of players carefully. More servers will be opened up as we need them.


We're expecting queues, and at peak times you should be too. That's normal for a large-scale MMO launch, as the initial rush of players hit the servers at the same time. If you don't want to queue to play, it's best to try and login at non-peak hours - or possibly play on a different server. We understand the frustration that queuing can cause, and we're working to minimize, but a certain amount of queuing is to be expected during Early Game Access and launch.


Looking forward to tomorrow, I wanted to try and explain the invite 'pattern' you've seen this week. It can be confusing, because we've been inviting a growing number of people on a daily basis, but the timing of people's code redemptions might not seem to match.


It goes back to our pre-order redemption numbers. Our graph of redeemed pre-order codes looks like two mountains with a flat plain in-between, basically. There's a massive peak from back in July (when we announced pre-orders) and a smaller, but growing peak at the end (recently). In the middle, there was a long period where the numbers of people redeeming pre-order codes were steady, but lower.


Now, we've been inviting large numbers of people every day, with more being invited day-on-day. What that has meant is, because of the pattern of pre-order codes being redeemed, on Day One of Early Game Access, we invited a lot of people who had redeemed over a short span of time (late July). Yesterday and today, we invited a lot of people but over a larger span of time (all the way to early December).


The question I know a lot of you have is, why haven't we yet invited those who redeemed very recently? The answer is because of the volume of recent pre-orders that have been redeemed, which is spiking up very high. So, a lot of people have redeemed in a short period of time. Essentially we're in the same place we were on the 13th, where we invited a lot of people, but most had redeemed in the same short period of time.


TL;DR - We've seen a LOT of pre-orders redeemed in the last couple of weeks, and that means that even though we're really close (in date terms) to getting everyone in, we couldn't quite do it today.


Tomorrow's invite waves start at 8AM CST, and I'll start another thread then to track progress.

Aus Email invite wave updates - December 16 (Friday)

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Hello again all -


We're finished with invite waves for today. The servers are filling up, player populations are growing, and we're monitoring the influx of players carefully. More servers will be opened up as we need them.


We're expecting queues, and at peak times you should be too. That's normal for a large-scale MMO launch, as the initial rush of players hit the servers at the same time. If you don't want to queue to play, it's best to try and login at non-peak hours - or possibly play on a different server. We understand the frustration that queuing can cause, and we're working to minimize, but a certain amount of queuing is to be expected during Early Game Access and launch.


Looking forward to tomorrow, I wanted to try and explain the invite 'pattern' you've seen this week. It can be confusing, because we've been inviting a growing number of people on a daily basis, but the timing of people's code redemptions might not seem to match.


It goes back to our pre-order redemption numbers. Our graph of redeemed pre-order codes looks like two mountains with a flat plain in-between, basically. There's a massive peak from back in July (when we announced pre-orders) and a smaller, but growing peak at the end (recently). In the middle, there was a long period where the numbers of people redeeming pre-order codes were steady, but lower.


Now, we've been inviting large numbers of people every day, with more being invited day-on-day. What that has meant is, because of the pattern of pre-order codes being redeemed, on Day One of Early Game Access, we invited a lot of people who had redeemed over a short span of time (late July). Yesterday and today, we invited a lot of people but over a larger span of time (all the way to early December).


The question I know a lot of you have is, why haven't we yet invited those who redeemed very recently? The answer is because of the volume of recent pre-orders that have been redeemed, which is spiking up very high. So, a lot of people have redeemed in a short period of time. Essentially we're in the same place we were on the 13th, where we invited a lot of people, but most had redeemed in the same short period of time.


TL;DR - We've seen a LOT of pre-orders redeemed in the last couple of weeks, and that means that even though we're really close (in date terms) to getting everyone in, we couldn't quite do it today.


Tomorrow's invite waves start at 8AM CST, and I'll start another thread then to track progress.

Aus Email invite wave updates - December 16 (Friday)



Keine Wellen mehr? DAS ist nun echt lame...okay...wow

Zumindest wenn ich richtig gelesen habe bin ich nun stark enttäuscht.

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Wkdclwncar Wendell Bailey

@Rockjaw I redeemed my code on the 9th but it registers on SWTOR site as the 15th :( Will this change if I get in today or not?


Stephen Reid

@Wkdclwncar You should still get in.

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Hello again all -


We're finished with invite waves for today. The servers are filling up, player populations are growing, and we're monitoring the influx of players carefully. More servers will be opened up as we need them.


We're expecting queues, and at peak times you should be too. That's normal for a large-scale MMO launch, as the initial rush of players hit the servers at the same time. If you don't want to queue to play, it's best to try and login at non-peak hours - or possibly play on a different server. We understand the frustration that queuing can cause, and we're working to minimize, but a certain amount of queuing is to be expected during Early Game Access and launch.


Looking forward to tomorrow, I wanted to try and explain the invite 'pattern' you've seen this week. It can be confusing, because we've been inviting a growing number of people on a daily basis, but the timing of people's code redemptions might not seem to match.


It goes back to our pre-order redemption numbers. Our graph of redeemed pre-order codes looks like two mountains with a flat plain in-between, basically. There's a massive peak from back in July (when we announced pre-orders) and a smaller, but growing peak at the end (recently). In the middle, there was a long period where the numbers of people redeeming pre-order codes were steady, but lower.


Now, we've been inviting large numbers of people every day, with more being invited day-on-day. What that has meant is, because of the pattern of pre-order codes being redeemed, on Day One of Early Game Access, we invited a lot of people who had redeemed over a short span of time (late July). Yesterday and today, we invited a lot of people but over a larger span of time (all the way to early December).


The question I know a lot of you have is, why haven't we yet invited those who redeemed very recently? The answer is because of the volume of recent pre-orders that have been redeemed, which is spiking up very high. So, a lot of people have redeemed in a short period of time. Essentially we're in the same place we were on the 13th, where we invited a lot of people, but most had redeemed in the same short period of time.


TL;DR - We've seen a LOT of pre-orders redeemed in the last couple of weeks, and that means that even though we're really close (in date terms) to getting everyone in, we couldn't quite do it today.


Tomorrow's invite waves start at 8AM CST, and I'll start another thread then to track progress.

Aus Email invite wave updates - December 16 (Friday)

UPS Sry erst gerade gehsehen leute habt ihr nen Rad ab ich dreh echt durch..............

Edited by Takenji
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Hello again all -


We're finished with invite waves for today. The servers are filling up, player populations are growing, and we're monitoring the influx of players carefully. More servers will be opened up as we need them.


We're expecting queues, and at peak times you should be too. That's normal for a large-scale MMO launch, as the initial rush of players hit the servers at the same time. If you don't want to queue to play, it's best to try and login at non-peak hours - or possibly play on a different server. We understand the frustration that queuing can cause, and we're working to minimize, but a certain amount of queuing is to be expected during Early Game Access and launch.


Looking forward to tomorrow, I wanted to try and explain the invite 'pattern' you've seen this week. It can be confusing, because we've been inviting a growing number of people on a daily basis, but the timing of people's code redemptions might not seem to match.


It goes back to our pre-order redemption numbers. Our graph of redeemed pre-order codes looks like two mountains with a flat plain in-between, basically. There's a massive peak from back in July (when we announced pre-orders) and a smaller, but growing peak at the end (recently). In the middle, there was a long period where the numbers of people redeeming pre-order codes were steady, but lower.


Now, we've been inviting large numbers of people every day, with more being invited day-on-day. What that has meant is, because of the pattern of pre-order codes being redeemed, on Day One of Early Game Access, we invited a lot of people who had redeemed over a short span of time (late July). Yesterday and today, we invited a lot of people but over a larger span of time (all the way to early December).


The question I know a lot of you have is, why haven't we yet invited those who redeemed very recently? The answer is because of the volume of recent pre-orders that have been redeemed, which is spiking up very high. So, a lot of people have redeemed in a short period of time. Essentially we're in the same place we were on the 13th, where we invited a lot of people, but most had redeemed in the same short period of time.


TL;DR - We've seen a LOT of pre-orders redeemed in the last couple of weeks, and that means that even though we're really close (in date terms) to getting everyone in, we couldn't quite do it today.


Tomorrow's invite waves start at 8AM CST, and I'll start another thread then to track progress.

Aus Email invite wave updates - December 16 (Friday)


Bitte sag das du nur Sadist bist und das n sehr später April Scherz ist. Alles ander wäre nun wirklich ein Schlag ins Gesicht.

Edited by xXEnecoXx
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Verstehe ich das richtig ?


"We brought about seven online last night, and we'll bring more on as required today."


"Sie" weden heute mehr Wellen als geplant rausschicken. Aber Wenn nur 1 Welle geplant war könnte es auch nach der 2. enden ?!








EDIT: Sieht doch ganz gut aus... 17 Server auf STANDARD, sogar 8 Server auf NIEDRIG !


du verwechselst hier was...sie haben in dem post nicht von wellen geredet sondern von Servern die online gestellt worden sind.

"Wir haben letzte Nacht sieben online gestellt, und wir werden mehr aktivieren als wir heute eigentlich benötigen"

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Hello again all -


We're finished with invite waves for today. The servers are filling up, player populations are growing, and we're monitoring the influx of players carefully. More servers will be opened up as we need them.


We're expecting queues, and at peak times you should be too. That's normal for a large-scale MMO launch, as the initial rush of players hit the servers at the same time. If you don't want to queue to play, it's best to try and login at non-peak hours - or possibly play on a different server. We understand the frustration that queuing can cause, and we're working to minimize, but a certain amount of queuing is to be expected during Early Game Access and launch.


Looking forward to tomorrow, I wanted to try and explain the invite 'pattern' you've seen this week. It can be confusing, because we've been inviting a growing number of people on a daily basis, but the timing of people's code redemptions might not seem to match.


It goes back to our pre-order redemption numbers. Our graph of redeemed pre-order codes looks like two mountains with a flat plain in-between, basically. There's a massive peak from back in July (when we announced pre-orders) and a smaller, but growing peak at the end (recently). In the middle, there was a long period where the numbers of people redeeming pre-order codes were steady, but lower.


Now, we've been inviting large numbers of people every day, with more being invited day-on-day. What that has meant is, because of the pattern of pre-order codes being redeemed, on Day One of Early Game Access, we invited a lot of people who had redeemed over a short span of time (late July). Yesterday and today, we invited a lot of people but over a larger span of time (all the way to early December).


The question I know a lot of you have is, why haven't we yet invited those who redeemed very recently? The answer is because of the volume of recent pre-orders that have been redeemed, which is spiking up very high. So, a lot of people have redeemed in a short period of time. Essentially we're in the same place we were on the 13th, where we invited a lot of people, but most had redeemed in the same short period of time.


TL;DR - We've seen a LOT of pre-orders redeemed in the last couple of weeks, and that means that even though we're really close (in date terms) to getting everyone in, we couldn't quite do it today.


Tomorrow's invite waves start at 8AM CST, and I'll start another thread then to track progress.

Aus Email invite wave updates - December 16 (Friday)



BITTE bestätigt von WANN diese Meldung ist !!! BITTE von Gestern. Sprich Bezieht sich auf gestern. Mein Herz rutscht gard in die tiefsten Tiefen meiner Hose...

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