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I'm a Sage, and I suck


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So I rerolled a Sage alt and I'm now level 21, which isn't that high, granted, but still I do miserably in PVP. To be fair, healer/light armor type/ is not my preferred play style, so suckage could be attributed to that, HOWEVER I like to think I'm good at adapting.


So do any of you sage/sorc's have less than obvious pointers? I know DOTs won't prevent capping after so that removes one shady tactic from my pool of skills. Barring that, I find myself performing these roles:


Healing = my heals suck, by and large. I'm hoping it's just a level 21 thing. Also, due to frequent movement and LOS issues, I have to constantly roam to keep my target in sight and after 1 or 2 heals I draw the attention of at least one of the enemy. See FIGHTING below.


Defending Caps = to date, defending primarily occurred via DOT'ing and then running...then running back and DOT'ing again. Inevitably someone grows weary of this and comes after me. See FIGHTING below. (This cheap tactic won't be available to a sage-baddie like me after tomorrow though...so I definitely need a back up plan. lol)


Offense = At this time, my only attack worth mentioning is Telekinetic Throw (chain lightning for you sorcs, that-pebble-throw-thing for everyone else), so I basically just spam that, periodically using Project and my long (but weak) DOT just to fill up the down time between TK cool downs. Inevitably someone attacks me though. See FIGHTING below.



TL;DR = I get my *** beat!


Longer = My only real strategy when getting attacked is to stun/root and run, hoping that someone else picks a fight with my stalker so I can creep back into the battle area unmolested. One on one I get totally p0wnd. More than one, it's just ridiculous.


Is this just a function of my lower level?




It's a very humbling experience to go from consisently being in the top 3 damage and objective positions in the rankings with my main...to now being consistently in the bottom 3 in damage and healing (though I'm always high in objectives at least :-/

Edited by Emrakkia
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So I rerolled a Sage alt and I'm now level 21, which isn't that high, granted, but still I do miserably in PVP. To be fair, healer/light armor type/ is not my preferred play style, so suckage could be attributed to that, HOWEVER I like to think I'm good at adapting.


So do any of you sage/sorc's have less than obvious pointers? I know DOTs won't prevent capping after so that removes one shady tactic from my pool of skills. Barring that, I find myself performing these roles:


Healing = my heals suck, by and large. I'm hoping it's just a level 21 thing. Also, due to frequent movement and LOS issues, I have to constantly roam to keep my target in sight and after 1 or 2 heals I draw the attention of at least one of the enemy. See FIGHTING below.


Defending Caps = to date, defending primarily occurred via DOT'ing and then running...then running back and DOT'ing again. Inevitably someone grows weary of this and comes after me. See FIGHTING below. (This cheap tactic won't be available to a sage-baddie like me after tomorrow though...so I definitely need a back up plan. lol)


Offense = At this time, my only attack worth mentioning is Telekinetic Throw (chain lightning for you sorcs, that-pebble-throw-thing for everyone else), so I basically just spam that, periodically using Project and my long (but weak) DOT just to fill up the down time between TK cool downs. Inevitably someone attacks me though. See FIGHTING below.



TL;DR = I get my *** beat!


Longer = My only real strategy when getting attacked is to stun/root and run, hoping that someone else picks a fight with my stalker so I can creep back into the battle area unmolested. One on one I get totally p0wnd. More than one, it's just ridiculous.


Is this just a function of my lower level?




It's a very humbling experience to go from consisently being in the top 3 damage and objective positions in the rankings with my main...to now being consistently in the bottom 3 in damage and healing (though I'm always high in objectives at least :-/


The healing tree gets better and better synergy the higher you go up in it. It's pretty bad at lower levels.

The damage is abysmal without speccing into the damage trees. Project is hideously inefficient, use Disturbance.


Also remember that positioning is huge for you. Always hug a pole or a node or something you can LoS around, and always go for the high ground when you can. It makes your knockback more effective.

Edited by Grubfist
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Grab the talent that removes the cooldown on TK throw... and then just spam tk throw all game and you're going to get top kills & damage the majority of the time, especially in the lower brackets.



Seriously, until 40 you don't even need to apply your dots. As long as you've got gear on (It doesn't even need to be good gear) 2-3 tk throws will kill just about anyone in that bracket.

Edited by Aidank
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Change spec to balance, at level 21 sink point into the one skill that gives you CD less throw.


Change "Fighting" to "Spray gravel at anyone that appears to want to move anywhere, use CD for longer range if he's too far away"








Oh, and don't forget to always take the upper routes when doing huttball, you can spray gravel at anyone on the ground for even more slowing utility.


And always try to stay near one or more other sages or commandoes and slow anything attacking or (lol) trying to run away from them. They use grav rounds so people will rage at them and not you.

Edited by Morticoccus
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