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get rid of factional segregation


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I cannot express how much it would mean to talk to the opposing faction through tells more or less add them to friends and group with them, and not only trade with them. I believe the whole situation is completely pointless to basically block almost all contact with the opposing side. We came here to make friends and be social, why not with the other side? SWG had it and everyone was happy with it and it was great, we could do just about the same stuff with everyone else that was with our faction. It would really help if we could trade with opposing players and friend them and send mails.
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I too would have liked to see no faction segregation from the start, but the way the game is currently set up it probably wouldn't make much sense to change it now.


The empire vs. republic mindset is probably too entrenched by now, and allowing communication between factions across the board would almost certainly lead to bad outcomes, because lets be honest, the majority of the player base is not mature enough for this...


Kinda reminds me of this

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This is interesting.. You choose real wars as a example, this is "Star Wars" not real life.

now even in real life the factions have talked between troop wise. in the civil war they did it all the time.

That being said faction is just alignment that should not affect anything you can make friends in both places.

If you want a great example of what I am implying Star Wars Galaxies is a perfect example for this, the game lasted 8 years, that's a long time for those who cannot see the big picture.


In regards to the harassment that's what ignore is for..

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I cannot express how much it would mean to talk to the opposing faction through tells more or less add them to friends and group with them, and not only trade with them. I believe the whole situation is completely pointless to basically block almost all contact with the opposing side. We came here to make friends and be social, why not with the other side? SWG had it and everyone was happy with it and it was great, we could do just about the same stuff with everyone else that was with our faction. It would really help if we could trade with opposing players and friend them and send mails.


It's to prevent harassment between factions.

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No, that's what the "sides cannot talk to each other" wall is for. The ignore option is for problem players on my own faction.


That makes absolutely no sense. There is no logical reason as to why the people who play one faction can't be talked to. I play both factions. When I get on the Republic side I don't go all "hail empire" on them.


Not to mention legacy names are cross faction. If anything we should just be defined by our legacy name not our individual character. People troll plenty on their own without factions fighting. Adding to the base wouldn't change much, you'd still have to /ignore people at regular.


You think that people will fight because people win/lose in warzones? What about when the faction imbalances cause same side factions to fight? That shouldn't be allowed either by your logic because your fighting the same faction, so people are bound to be ruthless since your fighting in the game.

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