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Everything posted by Lord-Detrick

  1. I have made tickets about this in the past and I have a good reason to question the existence of this item. A armor set is not a set without the pants, and like ALL people I have talked to not one person has been able to get the Resilient Ultra Chrome leggings. I have spent days running around Voss trying to find any quest I have not done and I have already completed them all. The customer service representatives are useless in this matter and refuse to help me understand if this item even is implemented into the game. I ask how can this be a set of armor if you cannot complete it? Its a shame because its a great looking armor... well.. every part I do have, other than the pants.
  2. I am only trying to see how many people feel the developers are not putting effort into the game, more or less thinking about possibly making the game a long term option to subscribe to..
  3. I am wondering am I the only one who feels this way about some of the remarks from the developers including some of their decisions? I look through a good portion of the developer tracker posts and quite a few state how they feel they do not want to put the effort into making certain changes, due to complexity or making a effort to put large amounts of mods for the mod system in. Their reason for the removal of the beta modding system is because they feel the large amounts of mods that were available was unnecessary and was too much work to make the amount of items to code into the game. Now why bother making a game if there is absolutely no uniqueness of pretty much anything? The graphics are really sad in concept of design, armor sets look like they were put together in a rush... I really am wondering how many people feel this way?
  4. 1.generic suggestions A great idea for this game is complexity in regards to crafting and the mod system. my complexity I mean the following; uniqueness quality <not exceptional and ect.> I mean like SWG's crafting system that has a quality system for the resources ect. variation large selection of player made items weapons, and armor. 2. outfitting the current ability to duel wield light sabers as a Jedi guardian should be implemented due to the fact they do in the movies and the trailers. <Malgus> <Grand Master Shan's master> as proof.
  5. I am all for it, but unfortunately for us the devs are not because they designed the game to focus the cinematic for the companions to link to the ship and they do not want to put forth the effort to fix their mistake. They clearly mention this in the dev tracker, they also refuse to make the game complex referring to the amount of mods from the original mods system as too much effort.
  6. This is interesting.. You choose real wars as a example, this is "Star Wars" not real life. now even in real life the factions have talked between troop wise. in the civil war they did it all the time. That being said faction is just alignment that should not affect anything you can make friends in both places. If you want a great example of what I am implying Star Wars Galaxies is a perfect example for this, the game lasted 8 years, that's a long time for those who cannot see the big picture. In regards to the harassment that's what ignore is for..
  7. I cannot express how much it would mean to talk to the opposing faction through tells more or less add them to friends and group with them, and not only trade with them. I believe the whole situation is completely pointless to basically block almost all contact with the opposing side. We came here to make friends and be social, why not with the other side? SWG had it and everyone was happy with it and it was great, we could do just about the same stuff with everyone else that was with our faction. It would really help if we could trade with opposing players and friend them and send mails.
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