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Maruader Rotation


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Anyone found a solid Rotation for Maruader I'm only level 15 and there already seems to be too many skills IMO.


I'm hoping at endgame they narrow down the rotation a lot I haven't figured out the best rotation at all so far? Anyone care to share feedback or advice on what they are thinking/doing?

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I can't go into specific rotations as I have yet to memorize the names of the skills and talents and I'm at work so I can't log in but I can tell you that it's not going to get more streamlined as you progress, quite the opposite really. I never got the chance to play Marauder/Sentinel at max level during the beta but I heard reports saying that you have to use somewhere between 15 and 20 keybinds regularly. Correct me if I'm wrong though as I'm only talking about what I've heard which should always be taken with a grain of salt. Edited by Meatrose
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This is somenthing I really interested in. I play Marauder as well and still didn´t find a goog rotation. Somentimes I use the hability random.


I like to use a lot of keys, but hope i wouldnt need an extra keyboard to play regulary the marauder.


let´s see if an experimented Marauder player answer this post cause I´m really lost too.

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God I hope not, not saying your wrong but if not I don't know how fun that will be.


If that's the case they should implement Macroing like Rift had, macro 1 macro 2 lol.


Not that I want it to be too simple it's just a 15 to 20 button rotation will kill any class that has to move which is melee.


I hope they reconsider mechanics

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Well let's wait for a marauder/sentinel with extensive beta experience (max level experience) to shed some light on this but I just wanted you to know that the 15 to 20 keybinds I was talking about would not be your basic "stand around and single target dps a boss" rotation, a lot of those would be for situational abilities.


It will get more complicated as you level up though as we have several rage-generating abilities with varying cooldowns and lots of damage dealing abilities, some of which relies at least partially on procs of different kinds. Add to that your extra resource which at 30 stacks can be spent on any of three different buffs and they also have different cooldowns. It's a lot to monitor and control at once but I would think that once you get the hang of it (if ever) it will be really rewarding to play a marauder/sentinel. Then again, I only got to play during one of the weekend betas and only played a sentinel to level 17 so don't read too much into what I'm saying.

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Yes I have the same issue.


That being said I am hoping that by focusing on a specific talent tree, some abilities will get enhanced and thus become the highest priority for you to use, ending up simplifying things a bit.


The most confusing ability for me right now is Ravage. Sure it doesn't cost any rage, but it is also 3 sec channeling during the time I could do 2 Basic attack and gain 4 Rage that I could use for another strong ability.


I am low level though, but it seems that in every case Battering Assault is the single most important ability we have since it generates 6 rage.

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Haven't played yet but have read TONS of material and most of the information suggests that if played right it is quite a chore to do. Some people love the intricacies of playing this way and others hate it.


I has to do with watching: fury, rage, and using abilities specific to certain situations. It's always about getting the 30 stacks of fury so you can use berserk and there's two other ablities that use the 30 stacks of fury I can't remember their names.


In addition to the above it's about using your rage in a way that doesn't leave left over rage or go into a rage-deficit. Its knowing what moves build rage, and what 'finishers' use rage and knowing those values so you can get the most from your rage.


Jedi Knight/Sith Warrior only have to worry about the rage component. Sentinels/marauders have to consider rage AND fury.


The complexity does in fact interest me. But doing this all the time over 50 levels and end-game might get tiresome. Right now I am torn between a DPS warrior(like being able to respec tank if need be) and marauder. Will likely start with jedi knight dps spec and roll a sith marauder to get the sith storyline.

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It's all very situational.


I only went through about 20 levels in the beta, but generally, I would try to jump in and AoE, burn through my power bar, Ravage as soon as that was empty if I needed to finish a guy off and he was at 25-35%, then keep alternating between energy building, the two handed attack to kill dudes (or AoE to work 'em down if there were too many mobs around), and Ravage if I ever empty my power bar and I just need a hard hit to finish off a mob.




Jump in to attack if you're going up against a group and no one is CC'd.

Use your power attacks to burn a mob close to death, use AoE attacks otherwise.

Use Ravage when your energy bar is depleted and you need a hard hit to bring down a mob.

Always put your 15 sec buffs on before you jump into battle. They make a difference.


IMO, anyway.

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I'm already really missing an option like Power Auras... where I could tell the UI to flash or pop an icon mid-screen when I hit 30 Fury, or when an important cooldown is ready.


I did feel a bit flooded with attack skills at first, but I'm pleasantly surprised to find I'm enjoying the process of experimentation and prioritizing.

Edited by xO_om
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I'm really happy reading this thread. The idea of 15-20 abilities and alot of situational abilities should really show the difference between the good and not as good.


I played a slayer in war and had 18 abilities I always used and I was probably the best small scale slayer in the game so hopefully the Mara really works for me.


Can't wait to get higher than 14 lol

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Yes there are a lot of abilities, but it is definitely situational. For instance, if I'm soloing with my companion I'm probably not going to use crippling strike. If I'm fighting an easy enemy I likely won't use ravage. It really all depends. Personally, I've found a core set of skills to use for questing, grouping, and pvping that I like and find to work effectively. It just takes a lot of playing around with.
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I'm really happy reading this thread. The idea of 15-20 abilities and alot of situational abilities should really show the difference between the good and not as good.


I played a slayer in war and had 18 abilities I always used and I was probably the best small scale slayer in the game so hopefully the Mara really works for me.


Can't wait to get higher than 14 lol



Do you mind elaborating on how having to use a lot of abilities vs a smaller number of abilities makes someone good or bad?


So in order to be a 'good' or 'quality' player at a video game you have to be able to use 20+ abilities perfectly? That's the hallmark of a 'good' player? I'm not sure if I should feel sorry for you or just dislike you or both.

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I'm really happy reading this thread. The idea of 15-20 abilities and alot of situational abilities should really show the difference between the good and not as good.


I played a slayer in war and had 18 abilities I always used and I was probably the best small scale slayer in the game so hopefully the Mara really works for me.


Can't wait to get higher than 14 lol


Yes but WAR had that ridiculous nerfed buttons add on which was like macros on steroids. 20 skills with that kind of help is easy mode. Without macros being readily available the amount of skills certainly does look daunting.


Anyway I will be persevering with my sentinel and hope that reflex memory kicks in within the next ten levels ;)

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I for myself really enjoy this class to be kind of complex. I played some 5-buttons characters in WoW and always thought that it is annoying to hit 3 keys and win every fight. In SWTOR, the enemies are (too ?) strong when coming to Dromund Kaas, and it's awesome to already have a lot of stuff to get you out of situations.
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The qq on the forums is hilarious. Ok 1, never used nerfed buttons. I preferred to think myself what needed to be used.

Also to the other poster, where did I say having alot of abilities makes you good? I said I will enjoy the fact there's alot of variety and alot of situational abilities. Quit being butt hurt.


In saying that having 4 abilities total to use is ezmode.

Edited by Palori
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Do you mind elaborating on how having to use a lot of abilities vs a smaller number of abilities makes someone good or bad?


So in order to be a 'good' or 'quality' player at a video game you have to be able to use 20+ abilities perfectly? That's the hallmark of a 'good' player? I'm not sure if I should feel sorry for you or just dislike you or both.


So, what? In your opinion, in a PvP situation where a class who is balanced around having 5 usable skills (in a linear matter) is facing a class who is balanced around having 15 usable skills (with a complex priority system), it takes equal amounts of skill for either player to win? The more complex/flexible a class is, the higher the skillcap.


With 1 ability to spam in your rotation, you will be just as good as anyone, as long as you're spamming that ability. With 2 abilities, one spammable, one stronger, but with a cooldown, you'll at least have to pay enough attention to use stronger attack whenever off cooldown. Now add 13 more abilities to that, each situational, some perhaps proc dependant, some having synergy with other skills, some longer cooldown buffs that might change how your rotation goes for the duration. Then you'll actually have to pay attention to how you should play.


The complexity of any class is clearly related to how challenging that class is to play, and for players who look for a class that doesn't scream "play me this way!", but lets you figure out stuff and experiment, it's obviously more exciting to have a lot of tools to work with.

Edited by iikkap
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So, what? In your opinion, in a PvP situation where a class who is balanced around having 5 usable skills (in a linear matter) is facing a class who is balanced around having 15 usable skills (with a complex priority system), it takes equal amounts of skill for either player to win? The more complex/flexible a class is, the higher the skillcap.


With 1 ability to spam in your rotation, you will be just as good as anyone, as long as you're spamming that ability. With 2 abilities, one spammable, one stronger, but with a cooldown, you'll at least have to pay enough attention to use stronger attack whenever off cooldown. Now add 13 more abilities to that, each situational, some perhaps proc dependant, some having synergy with other skills, some longer cooldown buffs that might change how your rotation goes for the duration. Then you'll actually have to pay attention to how you should play.


The complexity of any class is clearly related to how challenging that class is to play, and for players who look for a class that doesn't scream "play me this way!", but lets you figure out stuff and experiment, it's obviously more exciting to have a lot of tools to work with.



Pretty much what i was thinking except I was bound by my iphone.

Im kinda getting sick of ppl sooking because they are keyboard turning clickers playing a rather complex class and arent competitive in pvp. (not pointing at anyone in particular).

The fact is more experienced players (note i didnt say "better" or "good", thats only something those who get butthurt say) enjoy harder more complex classes and since they are more experienced, tend to do very well with those classes.

Does that mean a player without the experience necessary will be able to compete? God no! Why should they?

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For as long as I have been playing, I have not been following a "rotation". You keep track of Rage, Fury, Rage spender abilities CD and act accordingly. You have to improvise according to the fight's individual needs, however.


P.S.: Having to use Assault sucks.

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