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Everything posted by hellfireguard

  1. I don't want to see a LFG feature that places people in groups together. I think the way they have it now is perfectly acceptable. They are forcing players to reach out and communicate with others through whispers and general chat to put together a group. Is it obnoxious? Yes. But I have been able to add a ton of people to my friends list because of it. More than I can say about other MMOs who need not be named.
  2. My patcher has said 4PM GMT all morning... To those of you complaining about not being able to play because of maintenance, it's not like they didn't tell you days in advance that this was going to happen. This was posted a few days ago on the launcher. You could have planned around it better.
  3. Welcome to the world of MMO maintenance.
  4. 11AM should be when they come back up. Depending on how applying the patch goes, it could be a little later. Just giving you some fair warning before 11:01 hits and I have to start reading all the OMGWTF threads because its past 11 and people can't get in.
  5. It's like beating a dead horse at this point... YOU can disable the tracking. YOU can take it upon yourself to explore in more depth before/after missions. YOU can make these choices. I prefer having the map tell me where to go. I don't want to have to spend hours looking in the wrong area for some items I need to destroy because I misinterpreted text. I'm sure there are others who agree with me. I'm sure there are others who agree with you. I would be willing to guess that more people would rather be told where to go than not, so making a change like that to better suit you is ridiculous.
  6. I love it. The story is great. I actually like that it has a single player feel to it, even in a group. Rolling for dialog is pretty cool. The quests seem more important than they would if it was just some orc telling me to kill 20 of x and return to him. It may take longer to accept a quest, but it feels more rewarding playing through it. Even if the quest is just kill 20 of x and return. I enjoy PvP as well too but I haven't played it nearly enough to significantly reflect on it. I don't mind the graphics at all. Will I be playing this in 6 months? Probably. I really like the character stories and want to see how all of them unfold.
  7. Yes there are a lot of abilities, but it is definitely situational. For instance, if I'm soloing with my companion I'm probably not going to use crippling strike. If I'm fighting an easy enemy I likely won't use ravage. It really all depends. Personally, I've found a core set of skills to use for questing, grouping, and pvping that I like and find to work effectively. It just takes a lot of playing around with.
  8. I'd try it out around 18. In my opinion, it isn't as memorable as Black Talon, but it was still a cool flashpoint in terms of design.
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