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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Bioware, what are you thinking?


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On what basis are there going to be a gaziliion billion Pureblood Sith or Chiss running round the rep side? There are not that many running round on the Imp side in all fairness, species seem to be pretty evenly spread here.


If anything, rep players should hope that people would actually want to play Rep at this point.

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This is that "innovation" that people have been screaming for...Its something no other MMO that I have played has done. Its new, its exciting. Its pretty awesome and its expandable.


That is your opinion. This is a pretty awesome addition to the game. Just because its not what you want doesn't mean the game is boned.


That it is new does not make it good.


I've said it before and i'll say it again, this game has so much broken content already that adding a weak sauce alt rolling program will not help them out of the cesspit they dug by launching in December. I neither want, nor do not want the Legacy patch, what I want is for them to un-**** the rest of the game first. If this really is the best they have for patch 1.2 then the game really is boned.

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still dont see how people are caring about classes when there totally making a mockery of star wars with force wielding troopers/IA/BH/Smugglers.


My companion Ensign Temple, who served in the Chiss Ascendancy and now Imperial Intelligence, is also a force user.


In lore and some parts of the game, some parents choose to hide their force sensitive children from the Sith, or else be forced to send them to the Academy in Korriban and risk losing them forever.

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if the lore is so "Beloved" and the people "really care" the public will self police themselves and make little to no chiss jedi....


true is you love the lore that is in ur mind but that is most probably just in ur mind... the majority (according to your own words) will not respect your personal lore making it not so "universal" as you though.


I may agree with you that is lame but i blame the people that are not able to deal with freedom/choice rather then BW giving them freedom


the things are or BW force us to do as they want or let us free... freedom is a much more intresting thing but at the same time only mature people can manage it and MMO are just another prove that freedom given to kids/weak mind adult more often then not is a bad idea.

Edited by Pekish
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My companion Ensign Temple, who served in the Chiss Ascendancy and now Imperial Intelligence, is also a force user.


In lore and some parts of the game, some parents choose to hide their force sensitive children from the Sith, or else be forced to send them to the Academy in Korriban and risk losing them forever.


And nothing averts attention from Sith recruiters like casually using Force lightning in broad daylight.

Edited by Bielduwyn
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Now that it has been confirmed that getting a character of any race to 50 will allow you to roll that race as any class, I have to ask: Bioware, what are you thinking?


This is a HORRIBLE idea. It makes a total mockery of Star Wars lore...


I stopped here.


You're kidding, right?

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Completely agree, just the thought of a sith pureblood smuggler and the like, it will ruin the game's atmosphere. Instead of allowing us to play classes with species that don't fit, why won't you make some new species such as Cathar and Togruta?
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Completely agree, just the thought of a sith pureblood smuggler and the like, it will ruin the game's atmosphere. Instead of allowing us to play classes with species that don't fit, why won't you make some new species such as Cathar and Togruta?


I must say I whole heartedly agree with this, it would've needed a bit more work to pull off, but it would've been much more worthwhile than what we're getting now.

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If Bioware could put actual additions in place, then this legacy system would rock. It's not the system, it's the execution. The idea by itself is good, devaluation of existing assets by distributing them randomly just crash with expectations at this point.


It's obvious that they deem it less dramatic than some here, but they are still making their material less than special and distinctive this way. By catering to some rationalization that no doubt make sense in a a blurred and indistinct world of ultimate freedom to be anything and nothing at the same time.



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i just watch the whole live stream what the man said when q&a was brought up is that the legacy is a family thing which mean you may not know the actual family u have in the universe and that means if you r some kind of a force user that other family member you just havent met yet will have some force abilities unlocked and so forth.


But i do agree with some part of the posters grip i do not like the idea of less minded creatures and species being able to use the force of any kind cause part of the lore is the average and weak minded can not yield the force.

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it sucks for the people who have leveled multiple classes because there is nothing else to do, considering that in reality there are only four classes in this game.. if you already have all 4 at 50 which won't be unlikely when 1.2 hits.. why would you want another of the same class with just a different race?

I mean new race/class combos is great and a fun thing, but it will be pointless I think

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As I posted above, it is not a question of a small percentage of any race crossing over...the number we will see WILL BE TOO LARGE TO ACCOUNT FOR using the logic you and others are arguing for.


the point is though, you are seeing the game from the point of view of being in your own story. notice how all sith inquisitors are darth nox? it's a story perspective point. kind of like being able to make a chiss sith warrior. from a story perspective you are in a small percentage, maybe even unique. player in the game perspective that may look to be a popular class/race combo. it doesn't matter though as it's the story perspective that counts.



in summation, get used to it. if it were a real problem lucas would have squashed it before bioware even thought it up. ;)

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Lucas made it clear during the canon wars of '03 in SWG that MMOs with the Star Wars name are not canon (at any level) and only expected to hold loosely to the theme. This is nothing new and was a battle fought and lost time and time again...accept it as we did and move on...praying only that they never mutter the term NGE.
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