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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Bioware, what are you thinking?


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Unlocking existing features is no way to build a Legacy. :confused:


Throwing stale fish and useless toys at us is no way to make us proud of the game.

I also find it funny that they will remove the sorc's companion sacrifice ability and put a similiar one in legacy unlockables. That's just lazy. Edited by PalawaJoko
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This. Inquisitor Arzanon says this himself: purity has nothing to do with loyalty.


Personally, I always wanted to make a Sith Pureblood Jedi, or a Miralukan Sith. There's not even anything wrong with Miraluka being Sith, there's one in KoTOR II.


The fact that so many people here aren't getting this is astounding. Race does not dictate one's moral disposition or affiliation with particular group. Infact, isn't this usually refered to as sterotyping?


The majority of the Sith Pure Blood quests all revolve around how interbreeding with humans and other species has watered down their lineage. Considering that this is not the first time Pure Bloods have shown themselves, it would be completely foolish to believe that none had ever crossbred during the previous Sith campaigns...and the results of those couplings would be out in the galaxy.


What people here are suggesting is that you are either born good or evil, and are unable to make any moral decisions outside of what your race is born with. This is just shamefully ignorant and silly. Let this stupid notion about race crossovers die. It's already been established in the cannon, it's a fact of the real world, and it's just sterotyping in bad taste.

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I don't even know what to say about this or where to start...


So we're going to see Sith Pureblood troopers/jedi, bounty hunters with force abilities and more absolutely lore breaking stuff. Why don't you just throw everything outside the window regarding the lore and make your own IP. There are some of us in the community who care at least a bit about the lore (mainly the reason why I play this game) instead of those who care only about everything being handed to them disregarding the lore or whatnot.


This is just plain ridiculous and I sincerely hope you're not going through with this... :mad:


What people here are suggesting is that you are either born good or evil, and are unable to make any moral decisions outside of what your race is born with. This is just shamefully ignorant and silly. Let this stupid notion about race crossovers die. It's already been established in the cannon, it's a fact of the real world, and it's just sterotyping in bad taste.


I can't believe what I'm hearing. Are you seriously inclining having thousands of sith pureblood jedi isn't lorebreaking in any way whatsoever? :confused:

Edited by Claessens
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It seems to me that in the hurry to create "new" features, they changed the context of the same old features, and thus provide the means to defy their own themes as the carrot to carry on, offering a hand to the rebellious individual spirit that exhibit the need for visual expression beyond any given limitations.


The fun part is that when you create the ultimate individual expression, there is no greater whole to consider anymore, so if you're subscribing to anything greater, like a specific setting of any kind, you should avoid teaming with other players.


For in their ultimate defiance of the same presentation that carried them over, they have made it a different place indeed. And that place might not be synonymous with the one shown on the box ( for those that bothered with a box), or indeed recognizable at all from a visual and thematic perspective.


More like a costume convention without any rules, for rules would be restrictive. Especially in a computer game where all is based on rules. ;)



Edited by Sernon
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This completely befuddles me.


I spend a fair amount of time on these forums and I don't recall anyone anywhere asking for this. Its possible I might have missed it but this really came out of the blue.


Pretty much this ^^^


I do know some people who were hoping for new playable races (ie. wookie) but I gather nothing is ready yet so instead they took the restictions off existing races. Basicly dissapointed with the entire thing, only glad for the mailbox, repair droid, & GTN on our ships. That was until I learned that not only did you need the required legacy level but the millions of credits to unlock each thing as well. Then my mild interest became #$%* you BW you #$@!*& ^%@#*!$.

Edited by NoxiousAlby
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I can't believe what I'm hearing. Are you seriously inclining having thousands of sith pureblood jedi isn't lorebreaking in any way whatsoever? :confused:


ok, Darth Vader did not start our bad, he was turned, and his children were on the good side.


Normal classes and breeds should be able to choose sides, I guess you might have a point with pure bloods, but why can they not repent and be good?

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ok, Darth Vader did not start our bad, he was turned, and his children were on the good side.


Normal classes and breeds should be able to choose sides, I guess you might have a point with pure bloods, but why can they not repent and be good?


Darth Vader was human, more than any other race we represent good, neutral, & evil


But other races like Sith purebloods, Chiss, etc would be predominately one or the other. Thats not to say there would be exceptions but they would be far and few in between rather than the norm.


my 2 cents

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OP, I can understand and agree with not having pure blood sith available for the republic, but why not chiss, I personally cannot remember any reason given in the EU that would prevent them from being republic(in fact the only chiss i really remember from EU was Tharwn, and that was way in the future[at least from our perspective]), but then again it has been a while since i read any EU. As for the other races that leaves the Miraluka, and Mirialan to worry about, and i am not really familiar with them enough from the EU to make any statements.
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Well when Mumma and Pappa get together for some quality "alone time" they do something that creates Babies.


When the baby comes out one of the races is gonna take preference. If Dadda is a Republic and Mumma is Empire or vice versa, one of them is going to take the baby to the other side or convert to the other faction and HEY Presto you have a conflicting race in the Star Wars Lore..




People having kids or changing factions due to "Family Ties" thats heracy... Wait Padawan... Thats LEGACY.

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Unlocking existing features is no way to build a Legacy. :confused:


Throwing stale fish and useless toys at us is no way to make us proud of the game.


I was wondering what the complainers were going to find to whine about now that so many of the "end of the world" issues they had were being addressed....just as they were told would happen.


This issue is proof positive that some people just cannot be satisfied.

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Now that it has been confirmed that getting a character of any race to 50 will allow you to roll that race as any class, I have to ask: Bioware, what are you thinking?


This is a HORRIBLE idea. It makes a total mockery of Star Wars lore, and will completely ruin the game's atmosphere and integrity. Simply from the perspective of a Republic player, I do not want to see a bunch of Purebloods and Chiss running around on Carrick Station, it will just look completely stupid.


It is lore breaking in the worst way and for the WORST reason: convenience. I for one am willing to forgo this "feature" until REAL new races are released...whether that be in the near future or several years down the road...or frankly...never.


This decision is so bad and so detrimental to the integrity of the game and even, given the fact that these games are being used these days as a source of "canon", to the Star Wars franchise as a whole, that this is something I would NEVER want to see in the game for any reason whatsoever.


For those who may think "well you have to have the race at level 50 to make one..." you should realize that that is an extremely minor limitation which will not significantly change the fact that you will be seeing an impossible number of these cross faction races running around once the patch hits.


I personally will not be able to suspend disbelief, and I ask that Bioware SERIOUSLY reconsiders this move, both for the health of the game and Star Wars as a whole. Star Wars is too significant and admired an IP to trifle with things like this simply so you can provide people with a "perk".


EDIT: Since so many people seem to want to pick and choose which aspects of this they want to respond to so they can have the last word without actually addressing the issue, and keep bringing up the notion that "there will always be X number of any race that switches to the other side etc. etc." without reading the 2 or 3 posts I made explaining why that is meaningless in the context of these changes, I will state reason that is so here.


Allowing that there will always be a percentage of a race that does not follow the normal political or ideological affiliations the majority holds...that is NOT what will be represented in the game if this change goes through. What we WILL see is an INORDINATE and UNBELIEVABLY large number of cross faction races, MUCH larger than anything that could EVER be explained by the idea that there will always be some who change sides.


That argument holds no water.



ROFL, relax kid I hardly ever see a pureblood player on the Empire side, so I doubt were going to see many on the Republic side.....

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ok, Darth Vader did not start our bad, he was turned, and his children were on the good side.


Normal classes and breeds should be able to choose sides, I guess you might have a point with pure bloods, but why can they not repent and be good?


Alright, let me rephrase that.


thousands of sith pureblood jedi. :sul_grin:


I seriously doubt that many are willing to repent and fight for the republic. Therefore it's obviously lorebreaking.

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Alright, let me rephrase that.


thousands of sith pureblood jedi. :sul_grin:


I seriously doubt that many are willing to repent and fight for the republic. Therefore it's obviously lorebreaking.


Let's be honest, looking at server populations there aren't even thousands willing to fight for the Empire. No one plays Purebloods, and no one will on Republic side either.

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Alright, let me rephrase that.


thousands of sith pureblood jedi. :sul_grin:


I seriously doubt that many are willing to repent and fight for the republic. Therefore it's obviously lorebreaking.


Its only lore breaking if it had never been done, in all races, factions and creeds there will always be a portion of them that do not follow the beliefs of the most, things happen in the sw life. Wars ravage the universe, refugees run away. Babies are orphaned and grow up on the other side and alot of others are traitors and criminals who work for the side that pays the most and lets them do what they want with backing.


And to put another twist on it, purebloods are now classed in the sith empire as nothing better then slaves, what better reason for some of them to switch sides. Option A be a slave Option B kill the people who wanted to make you a slave.


Being born to a race doesnt define who you are, it justn defines what you look like. Other purebloods have been jedi and thus is not lore breaking.


Only thing im hoping it will break is the companions face that goes with my pureblood on republic side as i hope that the backhand racial moves with the race.

Edited by Shingara
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I really doubt the sky will fall. EQ2 had a mechanism called betrayal where you could play a "wrong side" race. For example, I started a dark elf shadowknight, but decided he was an anomoly amongst his poeple and had a sense of justice. This made him uncomfortable with the choices and expectations foisted upon him early in his career. So, through the betrayal quest mechanism, I was able to take him out of his home city and eventually resettle him in Qeynos (the home of the "good guys") and retrain as a paladin. This mechanism was/is available since launch, and no, opposing races do not dominate over native races at all in the player populations. The game developers even coded NPC's to respond differently to you if you were a "wrong race" to add to the immersion. Random Nerakan Dark Elf NPC to my newly-betrayed high elf: "A high elf in Neriak? We've won!"


The legacy mechanism being introduced here is similar except instead of a betrayal quest for your original character, you make a new character after hitting 50. Given years of experience where this sort mechanism was available in a similar MMORPG, I doubt the Republic fleet will be completely overrun with Sith/Chiss or the Imperial fleet with Mirialans/Mirakula.


I further think this legacy implementation adds an interesting roleplay dynamic because you can have families split along loyalty lines in the war.


Finally, regarding canon, there are numerous examples of members or even minority factions of races joining opposing sides of major conflicts. The all or nothing argument simply does not hold.

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Alright, let me rephrase that.


thousands of sith pureblood jedi. :sul_grin:


I seriously doubt that many are willing to repent and fight for the republic. Therefore it's obviously lorebreaking.



Game mechanic =/= lore. Lore says there is a possibility a Pure Blood Sith could become jedi. There may even be a few. The ability to make a Sith Pure Blood though is a game mechanic. The possible thousands of Pure Blood jedi in game are not a lore problem, because it is a game mechanic not lore.


As an MMO game there must be concessions to lore for game mechanics.


Smugglers and Bounty hunters for instance. Do you really think there is a lore reason why they can only be one faction and not the other?

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I only made it through about a fourth of the thread so far, but im going to go ahead and weigh in. Cross-faction classes really won't be that large of a percentage of PC characters. Even if every person chose to cross factions with their second character, there would be at most 1 crossed class character for every 2 properly aligned one. Now add in the characters that already exist to the properly aligned side. Now remove an apparently large number of people who proclaim it lore-breaking and therefore wouldn't create a cross-faction character. Finally, deduct those who simply want to explore other races as well, so the second character would already be an appropriate race.


Compound that with NPC's and you have a very small percentage of beings, though it seems like more due to limitations of our earthly computers.


As for force abilities for nonforce characters... They only appear during solo combat during heroic moments. Those moments are supposed to occur when your character is pushed to their limits. Let's relate it to the real life stories of people lifting a car off of the child pinned beneath it due to a surge of adrenaline and endorphins... Perhaps similar biochemical factors stimulate the midichlorians to help channel the force through the user, allowing them to do things they normally wouldn't be able to do. Just as a mother lifts the car with no training in powerlifting, a bounty hunter in a bind could plausibly fire lightning courtesy of his Jedi father's blood... Though he couldn't do it again under normal circumstances without actual force training.

Edited by bmhale
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legacy powers unlock are stupid idea,


This game is not atractive for mmorpg players


Most of us ,who are stay & love this game are SW or sci fi fans


After 1,2 patch,game ll start leaving RP & SW fans,who ll stay ? Mass Efect shooters fan boys?



I love this game & wish best but what the hell bioware doing?

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It's all about stopping the bleeding of subs.

Same reason there's f2p already.


They can't figure out how to implement server transfers, or cross server LFG.

So they're going to start throwing all kinds of GIVE ME FREE STUFF changes out there.

I'm sure Yoda will be playable next month....

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I only made it through about a fourth of the thread so far, but im going to go ahead and weigh in. Cross-faction classes really won't be that large of a percentage of PC characters. Even if every person chose to cross factions with their second character, there would be at most 1 crossed class character for every 2 properly aligned one. Now add in the characters that already exist to the properly aligned side. Now remove an apparently large number of people who proclaim it lore-breaking and therefore wouldn't create a cross-faction character. Finally, deduct those who simply want to explore other races as well, so the second character would already be an appropriate race.


Compound that with NPC's and you have a very small percentage of beings, though it seems like more due to limitations of our earthly computers.


As for force abilities for nonforce characters... They only appear during solo combat during heroic moments. Those moments are supposed to occur when your character is pushed to their limits. Let's relate it to the real life stories of people lifting a car off of the child pinned beneath it due to a surge of adrenaline and endorphins... Perhaps similar biochemical factors stimulate the midichlorians to help channel the force through the user, allowing them to do things they normally wouldn't be able to do. Just as a mother lifts the car with no training in powerlifting, a bounty hunter in a bind could plausibly fire lightning courtesy of his Jedi father's blood... Though he couldn't do it again under normal circumstances without actual force training.


LOL, nice try but too much fanboi in argument.

I don't lift car off child EVERY 20 MINUTE IRL.

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