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Ranked games and huttball


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Hi i am a vengeance juggernaught and just ran the ball 4 times in huttball alone mostly and scored each time but it seems the combo of leap plus unstoppable to there side then push and leap again is abit strong i think all these moves should be banned from huttball because huttball ranked otherwise would be very unfair and wouldn't involve team work. Maybe just give people defensive cooldown and trinkets to use when carrying? I just don't see how huttball ranked will work with the current set of class abilities
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In ranked it should be teamwork that wins? I just find it abit easy.


Except a smart team is going to work together and destroy you. If you think you'll be running it in solo against quality premades you've got another thing coming.

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From the brief snapshots of the new WZ, it looks like it won't be on a z-axis, or very little of it hopefully, to where knockbacks dominate.


A heavy team of inq/cons may do well in hutball, but as long as the ranked are random, only having 1/4 WZs you can dominate and the other 3 you are quite gimped in seems to be a fair trade off.

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smart teams will realize when a warrior carries the ball and adapt. Most notably they will begin to position themselves in ways that are not advantageous to the warrior leaping to them. Not to mention good teams actually coordinate cc'ing the ball carrier, so he doesnt show anywhere to close the the goal line with a full resolve bar.


are you going to disable force pull while youre at it? or is it different to get chain pulled to the goal line by multiple characters instead of having those abilities come from one? Are we going to disable sorc shields, and in combat sprints for the same reason?

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There are a lot of things that can be done to balance huttball for certain classes:



Make Leap/Charge/friendly pull cause you to drop the ball

Make Force Sprint cause you to drop the ball

Make the ball carrier immune to knockbacks/enemy pulls



Make certain damage immunity cooldowns cause you to drop the ball

Make carrying the ball give you a stacking heal debuff -1% every 5 seconds

Make the ball carrier un-guardable


But the question is, how far should it be taken? All/some/none of the above?

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I'm fully BM geared and I often get destroyed grabbing the ball if I have no support and there's more than one person on me.


If you have support from your team, a healer, a guard on you, or the enemy just stands on the ramp and let's you force charge... yeah, it can be easy.


But it's not possible to do solo if people are going for the ball and you have no support.

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Except a smart team is going to work together and destroy you. If you think you'll be running it in solo against quality premades you've got another thing coming.


Lol, really?


The point is not to run it solo, there is this neat ability called pass hutball. Now this is a pass, not a handoff to the guy right next to you that's also surrounded by the same 6 ppl killing you. Get the help away from the pack , preferably near the EZ or somewhere else FORWARD.


For ranked matches I think everyone should have to pass a written exam on how to play hutball properly. Because most haven't got a clue.

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I'm guessing the OP isn't Veng, and if fact just got owned by someone who is.


They therefore decided to run to the forum to tell everyone, under the guise of "I just did this..." in an attempt to get 1 of the few useful things about being a Warrior in Huttball :rolleyes:

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