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[Panel Discussion] User Interface (6:00PM CST)

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For now I'm just hoping that it's a waiting game until they're sure the API is stable enough to handle addons, but the lack of macros leaves me a little shaken in that faith.


As expected, it was primarily a thorough waste of money and a PR stunt. They didn't deal very well with "harsh reality" questions, and only once were they actually confronted with a CUSTOMER who told them that an idea of theirs they held on to was "not fun". They took a drink in unison and did not respond to him.


Simply put, the HeroEngine IS NOT designed to allow for true addons or end-user connections to the game API. For them to add those features, is likely a very major overhaul of the entire game engine. We'll see a native Mac client, first. Which they pretty much said was NOT coming anytime soon (subtext... because its not out and vetted from the HeroEngine manufacturer yet...).


Macros, we may eventually see in some form. But their response was "nothing effecting combat" because of something along the lines of them not wanting it to change the learning curve of combat or become a requirement for combat, which tends to make me think they'll entirely make it useless for most anything that people are actually wanting.


Maybe if we didn't have 20 billion possible actions that mostly did the same thing, we wouldn't feel the NEED for macros...

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Did you even bother to listen to their reasoning behind this? Honestly, I think it's a great solution to much of the commentary on the forums about Combat Logs in game. Minimizes the ability of people to spam and epeen about their DPS/HPS but gives min/maxers a tool to evaluate and improve themselves.


Yes, I did. The feedback at the PR stunt did not entirely match the feedback they've given in the forums. Yet once again, the developers at BioWare AUSTIN have entirely missed the reasonings behind what their customers have stated that they wanted. No great surprise, there.


Let me explain things in no uncertain terms.


Right now, Star Wars: The Old Republic launched in a MASSIVELY incomplete state. It was missing major features that other "modern" MMO RPG's (because that's what it is, according to EA's SEC filings) have had present for the better part of over 10 years, at least. It launched with major planned components missing entirely. SWTOR launched with major components present as placeholders, but effectively crippled. SWTOR launched with major class-quests or class-elements non-functional, or merely partially functional. SWTOR launched with major performance problems. SWTOR launched *months* before it was complete. SWTOR launched to take advantage of someones ego and greed, to make it in time for a holiday buying season. Those are cold, hard, simple facts.


In order to be successful in the long term, which I seriously doubt is a concern of EA executives, the game has to accomplish three things; 1) Players have to have a reason to renew their subscriptions, month-to-month, 2) New players must be attracted at a rate that exceeds those dissatisfied with the state of the game, who leave, and 3) Either the Player-versus-Player game has to be evolved enough attract and maintain serious numbers of PVPers, the end-game raiding system has to be, or sandbox elements need to be put in place to allow those not interested in PVP or end-game to have a reason to come back.


The Legacy system that was planned for launch, was crippled in the format that it released in, but that should prove effective at giving players something additonal to strive for with alts/money. However, PVP and Raids are what make or break most MMOs, at least non-sandbox MMOs. Press releases and developer interviews made it seem like SWTOR was going to be a middle-of-the-road Theme Park/Sandbox hybrid. What they released was pure Theme Park. So there's only three things going for SWTOR, other than its story (sorry, voice overs don't even make the cut); Legacy, PVP, and Raids. Legacy will be fully introduced in 1.2. I look forward to it. However, most players are waiting for PVP or Raids to be treated as serious components of the game.


This means that the SWTOR devs need to shelve their own egos, and James Ohlen's "we know best" attitude, and give their customers what they want. Thankfully, they're starting to do *SOME* of that. However, while they claim to want to cater to their "community" (they seem to refuse to use the word CUSTOMER), the reality is that they are still stuck in this idea that SWTOR is a purely casual game, while at the same time wanting greater and greater numbers of long-term recurring subscriptions.


Casual games attract players for so long, but once you start making things insanely complex, such as more abilities to use than can be easily put on 1, let alone 2 button bars, that have to be clicked on, then you need to start giving players tools to be able to use to let them know that as a developer, you're serious about helping them play the complex game. Meters are one such tool, and go hand-in-hand with detailed combat logs.


This parse-it-later solution, using somebody else's tool, IS PATHETIC. It does NOTHING to help a player understand and play their class while they're in game and things are fresh in their mind. Sure, combat dummies are a help, but again, without feedback immediately present as part of the game, they're next to useless as well.


The developers just don't get it.


Right now, they just don't realize they're still in the "honeymoon" phase of SWTOR. What they just said at their PR stunt is that they aren't *realllllly* serious about SWTOR being considered an "eSport"-level MMO.


They have failed to understand. And the fault lies squarely with Ohlen, Schubert, and I'm sorry to also say, Zoeller.


The combat log was present throughout most of beta. Give us a log, and give us DPS meters. Show us you're truly serious. That PR stunt was a waste of our purchase and subscription fees, showing you're more marketing than anything else.


And drop the ego and marketing speak about 1.2... it's not a major free content update out of the goodness of your hearts, it's chock full of features you chose to hold back from launch and bug fixes, that the game should never have been thrown out the door without.

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BioWare, the changes to 1.2 have me very excited, but your stance on combat logs, threat meters and DPS meters are incredible skewed. A lot of people at the event seem to be in awe about the presence of developers and are not shooting it straight with you.


Meters and logs are INCREDIBLE important for leading. You state you do not want people to be judged by this statement, but it directly contradicts your whole philosophy on having separate difficulty levels. You created story mode for those who should not be judged by skills or numbers, but the other difficulties as you stated ARE FOR PROGRESSION. These tools are absolutely DETRIMENTAL to progressing at an incredibly competitive level. Not to mention, not only does logs help others judge another player, but it also allows us to deduce what went wrong. How do you expect a raid leader to try to advance his guild synergy and execution without being able to see what everyone is doing.


It is like asking a baseball captain to direct a team to the championship but only allowing him to see himself play ball. Other MMOs have been incredible successful and have these tools. There is absolutely not reason for you to exclude this. Unless you are aiming for casuals to be competing at end game (which is ridiculous), this game will be laughable at any serious competitive level. Any person I have spoken to (verbally) who is again traditional combat logs and meters is extremely arrogant, inexperienced and exaggerates his performance displaying lack of assumption about the genre and classes as a whole (ie thinking his class does most damage).


Please reevaluate your stance on combat logs, meters and addons for that matter.

Edited by Starglide
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For those complaining of no Ready Check function, there is a simple, manual one that I use: tell the group to cluster around you. When you want to perform a ready check, move to one side or back 10 steps, tell everyone that is ready to move to your spot. If everyone does, you're ready. If not, either wait for slowpoke, or start looking for replacements.
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Not having a ready-check and then being all "duh" when asked about it tells me none of the developers actually play MMOs. Which makes me all that much more confused as to why they sound so arrogant.


You must have been watching a different video than me. What happened was they said "We don't have a Ready-Check?"

I get the impression that it was in the design spec but somehow didn't get programmed, and they just never checked to see, (or maybe its programed but not working).

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You must have been watching a different video than me. What happened was they said "We don't have a Ready-Check?"

I get the impression that it was in the design spec but somehow didn't get programmed, and they just never checked to see, (or maybe its programed but not working).


So the ready check didn't have a ready check.

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We were lucky enough to be at the summit and are already working on the website to provide a full database of player created UI's. WE hope to have a beta up by the time 1.2 is placed on the PTS and a full site by the time 1.2 is patched to everyone. You can go ahead and bookmark us at http://www.ChewUI.com to learn more and get updates! Edited by InaraSerah
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Is the UI responsible for the jerkiness on Ilum?

Why I think it might be responsible:

  • I have found that turning the UI off helps significantly with the framerate when encountering large groups of players on Ilum.
  • I also find that the unresponsive UI causes jerkiness as the objectives on Ilum switch hands, and the UI updates the map and mission tracker.
  • When in an operation group on Ilum, I get a significantly lower framerate. Could this be because of the UI elements trying to update?
  • In normal play, if I call up a UI element, there is a significant delay before it appears. Could it be this delay that is causing problems on Ilum?
Edited by svartalfimposter
Down with the evil corporatist agenda! Rise, people! RISE!
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Bioware; would it REALLY be a terrible amount of work to have a couple of Ui skin colour options? as in merely tint it differently?


You see I recall on watching the guild this topic was briefly mentioned, and not very positively received.


Launch paint program -> colour balance -> slide bar -> save. This would essentially be the process of doing this.


It DOES matter, immersion IS important; and mine would be helped a little by having a suitably red hued UI. Surely such an inexensive change would only serve to improve the game, no?

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Can we get a toggle for the right mouse click between cursor and mouse look. Holding down the mouse to look around is a pain especially in pvp when u need quick reactions and u end up clicking untop of a window.


Thank you in advance.

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Don't suppose NOT having Crew Skill mission reward pop-ups close out all other interfaces other than dialog is in with 1.2 or sooner (hopefully)?


If I remember correctly at the summit they did mention that a fix was coming so you would not be bumped off open pages for returning companion quests and also that you will be able to have more than 2 windows open at a time :)

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