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[Panel Discussion] Guild Features (5:30PM CST)

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Will we see any sort of progression rewards as a guild unit, i.e guild points, guild items you can purchase or guild achievements?


I hope they do this but, I hope they avoid the pitfall they had in WoW where you had to spend an exhorbinant amount of time within a guild to benefit from the better perks. This caused many players to stick with guilds they loathed because they didnt want to grind guild reputation again. It also made recruitment a pain in the mother loving butt.

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...presentation was great my hats off. Finally a guild standard.


I was also curious are we going to be able to form any guild alliances?...if so how many guild can be in an alliance?. 2. Is there going to be any guild leveling implemented in the game give guilds extra boost weather its in crafting, cash or other wise?

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I'm pretty sure the only way you should allow Guild capital ships in this game is by having the guild complete a quest to actually build a 1:1 model of a Star Destroyer in minecraft (without mods) then export it over to Star Wars.


Guild halls, Guild areas, guild ships... Every game I've seen this mechanic put into game has caused current public areas to become wastelands because everyone is hanging out in their guild area.


I wouldn't mind if you passed over this idea.




There are already huge unused spaces/rooms that guilds can meet in if needed. I just can't see why a guild would want to meet at one place anyway (except for RP). The guild chat gives the same function if you are in the same room or on different planets.

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I think when we get guild bank it should have the option to take 10% of looted money and add to guild funds for purchasing things that will help the guild as a whole also we need a voice chat system for guilds, pvp, groups and operation Edited by Cruzsci
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If capital ships were implemented an idea could be for the guild to participate in building them, farming items and posting them to a central hub. you could even go as far has having 3 models small, medium and large depending on your guild size. small being built 1st with the option to upgrade to medium/large at a later date.


Doing it this was will make players want to stay online and participate in the game because at the moment apart from raid times guilds are very very sparse.

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Can you make it to where we can see when a certain person logged in? Say for instance, so and so was on 6 hours ago, that way I can sort through people still playing and people that may have quit.


this is already a feature, under details and have show offline players checked, click the left down arrow next to either guild rank or member not and select last played

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to see how long guild members are offline will be nice to

so guild masters and officers can kick people who are to long offline

so we dont have 100 members and there only 10 active


this wil be a nice function to the guild system

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WE want a legacy option in our guild e.g checkmark guild setting so we can invite ppl on legacy name.

that way we dont have to recruit every alt of our members.

since we are high speed playes and get bored on 1 alt.

we just want to add one name and have all alts under it work on that name.


that way u dont loose friends when they are on a alt.

u get more loyal players in a guild.

and the system is better manageble.

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I think what we would like to see the most is the ability to whisper, group invite, etc from right clicking someone's name in the guild list (or any of the social tabs for that matter) Any chance that functionality is coming?


I thoroughly agree with this statement, why no whispers, etc. from the guild pane? It is very odd to have to add someone as a friend to interact with them in these ways.

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If capital ships were implemented an idea could be for the guild to participate in building them, farming items and posting them to a central hub. you could even go as far has having 3 models small, medium and large depending on your guild size. small being built 1st with the option to upgrade to medium/large at a later date.


Doing it this was will make players want to stay online and participate in the game because at the moment apart from raid times guilds are very very sparse.


I like this idea, and always have for guilds as whole to build toward something other then just the "Raiding Aspect".


I know a lot of guilds get creative and come up with their things to do in games within its limits.

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Hi All,


I consider the Guild to be one the main cpmonents of the Social aspects of the game as well as a way to accomplish various objectives. However, as we all know there has been a serious lack of a guild system; so below are some things Iwould like to see myself as well as many in the guild I'm in.


  • Guild Mission that consist of more than 4 player groups and that can have a mix of different level players.
  • Guild Hall or Ship {or both}
  • Guild Mail
  • Guild Banks
  • Guild vendors {maybe}
  • To have Guild members automatically added to your friends list.
  • Possible Shared XP from the guild to help players who can't play as often. {maybe}
  • Guild achievments
  • Guild Crafting and Gathering missions
  • Self defined Guild ranks or at least a choice.



Anyhow, those are my thoughts.




You can already manage, create, and delete guild ranks. I would like the option to rename ranks that already exist though. I dislike the Guildmaster rank and would rather use Guildleader.


I completely agree with you that some kind of in game guild message system needs to be implemented. The login window is just too darn small to disseminate information.


As far as guild vendors, if you mean vendors on the guild capital ship, that would be cool.


No way to shared xp. If you don't earn your xp, then you don't learn your class. People should seriously level in the spec that they plan to run operations in. I leveled my Inquistor full Corruption, and I am a very good healer. Learning all the pertinent details is better to do while you are solo with your companion, only you suffer then if you mess up, and a group can carry you making it much easier.

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to see how long guild members are offline will be nice to

so guild masters and officers can kick people who are to long offline

so we dont have 100 members and there only 10 active


this wil be a nice function to the guild system


Already in game, as has been mentioned earlier in this very thread.

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The one and only thing I want from guilds right now is the following:

No cap.


I am in a guild where we launched with 2 guilds and a 0 alt limit. We've expanded our limit to 2 alts max in the guild. Even so we have pushed through 4 guilds and can easily push through more by simply expanding that cap to 1.


I saw it written on one article about the summit that this seems to be an edge case.


We're one of 4 guilds on our server with this problem. We're not even on one of the most populous servers out there.


If I knew the reason why there is a 500 character max and it was a compelling reason (none come to mind, really) I might understand and be content to try to work within the limits. But this is a problem which is impacting close to 1000 players on just one server. An edge case this is not.

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Guild banks very rarely benefit the average member of a guild, there is two or three people in a guild that benefit from this and that's the GM and officers. ToR especially gives a self service kind of mentality due to the vast amount of BoP craftables, banks will become a dumping ground for peoples trash like in every other MMO with guild banks, a pointless addition when there is more needed things to be added to the game.


Yeah because those of us who want to give the things we can't use or don't need to our fellow guild mates who have alts are really horrible and useless people. This game is promoting alt -making on levels never before seen. Please forgive us useless people who try to help our guildies.

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I would like to see space developed more, There is little control and feels like the original Nintendo. The rail system is arcade style and old looking. In this area I would suggest a sandbox revamp would be in order with more ship control and real crew feel. The ability to have passengers man the turrets when the empire is chasing you thru an asteroid field is an important aspect of the Star wars universe that TOR totally missed at launch. You have a Han Solo type of toon but what about the famed Kessel Run in 12 parsecs. Space is an intricate part of the saga and it should be addressed as well in a game that is so story driven and imersive.:D
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If I knew the reason why there is a 500 character max and it was a compelling reason (none come to mind, really) I might understand and be content to try to work within the limits. But this is a problem which is impacting close to 1000 players on just one server. An edge case this is not.


I was told by one of the devs at the summit that the 500 number is due to a limitation with the chat system. Of course, a 500 account limit instead of character limit would go a long way as well. That being said, I was told that, as with everything else, caps are likely to change over time.

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I was told by one of the devs at the summit that the 500 number is due to a limitation with the chat system. Of course, a 500 account limit instead of character limit would go a long way as well. That being said, I was told that, as with everything else, caps are likely to change over time.


I could almost understand that limitation except the players are given a method by which to circumvent it with custom channels. If they are afraid of the concurrent number of players to which a message needs to be repeated in a large guild, why then can we slap together a server-wide custom channel which could potentially include all players? (see LFG)

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You guys are thinking way too small.


I want a planet that our guild takes over and other guilds can attack for some sweet pvp action.


Make this happen please for a million dollars.


Guild needs HUGE features, redesign and smart implementation.


Guild Area

Guild in PvP

Guild GUI (really ok)

Guild Banners and Customization in general


get creative pls

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If capital ships were implemented an idea could be for the guild to participate in building them, farming items and posting them to a central hub. you could even go as far has having 3 models small, medium and large depending on your guild size. small being built 1st with the option to upgrade to medium/large at a later date.


Doing it this was will make players want to stay online and participate in the game because at the moment apart from raid times guilds are very very sparse.


I like this idea, and will take it a step further: I think guild ships should be accessed via the fleet, and the assembly itself should take place on the fleet, supplemented with items from world bosses, heroic rewards, etc. In short, I think this is a good opportunity to bring people together a bit, while building something of mutual value.


The next step would be to provide incentives for people to visit their guild ships, e.g. short term buffs might be available, or slightly better rest exp if one logs out there, or perhaps a tiny amount of legacy rest exp could accumulate if you logged out there. Somehow, guild ships should be made very slightly more desirable than other places to log out; this will result in guild members spending more time around each other, which in turn is good for team building.

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We definetly need a simple area next to each member showing Last Time Online. Lets us know who is simply playing at a different time of day and who actually hasn't been on for a month.


Additionally I would really like to see a simple 'Move Up/Move Down' button for guild ranks. Right now if you want to change the powers of a rank or something you usually need to delete all ranks and put it in the new order you want it in. This means you must remove ranks from everyone first. My guild is small (around 50) but still a major p.i.t.a.


Why does rank order matter? Because if you give someone the promote ability, they can promote people to all the ranks under their rank in the list. Under = ranks created after their rank was made. Being able to move a rank up/down in the list would fix that.

Edited by Leafgreen
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Yeah I would like to see more Customization options for guilds, banners, logos, colors, and the likes.


The idea of a guild flag ship I like, there has to be some place where the guild can all go to socialize.


And maybe, just maybe guild/player housing if done like the phases you could pull it off.

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Please be careful with any 'Guild leveling' or other 'guild vs guild' features. Guild leveling killed our small, social guild in WoW by striping it of all but the tight-knit core members. Those remaining members then struggled to get groups together, making it harder to do things as a guild, and removing much of the 'social' feel of the game for us.


Guild perks can be nice, but all guilds have many who will jump to 'that guild with all the perks already'; creating 'mega-guilds' where everyone is a stranger to everyone else. Doesn't mean that those members are bad guild members, just that they are more serious about min/maxing. Please don't make me (or anyone) have to choose between friends and that 'extra 5% XP from kills'.


(and yes, my sig makes me a bit of a hypocrite maybe... lol)

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