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[Panel Discussion] Roleplaying (5:00PM CST)

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Was there any discussion on more consistent CSR support for naming issues on RP servers and such? I've been away for a bit so unfortunately missed all this, but my main interest outside of SGRA is with CSR's and how bad CSR support has been on RP servers.


And who was actually there for RPers?

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The RP topic discussed in the panel was a joke basically. Given the amount of technology other mmo's have used in the recent years, it really is sad that a company like BW can't compare and seem to be really lazy about their efforts.
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Things relating to the story/companion quests, e.g. SGRA, although it might be RP-related, can easily and copiously be found in other, single players games.


Making these essentially single-player components a priority when there are many other RP things that can be implemented to make RP between *players* better is somewhat lame. It should not be the priority for RP development efforts in my opinion. After all, this is an MMO. It is not The Witcher.

Edited by TimoteiYounge
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Well thank god I dont RP on republic side...



Trooper RPer: *Shoots pureblood dead*


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Just out of Curiosity, I was wondering if there is a possibility to add Co-Op Space Missions. I feel that bioware put their time into developing Scripted Space Missions into the game as an added mini-game to break away from the normal leveling/grind trend. I was just wondering if there will be ways to play Space Missions with up to 4 party members that work together to complete the Objective?
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As a roleplayer, I'm a little put off by the way they plan to implement class specific abilities across all characters of the same legacy. And ARAC (All races all classes)


I am dreading the onslaught of Pureblood Jedi that will invade the Republic, let alone watch as non-force using classes get to force choke.




Yeah... I suppose to all the non-roleplayers, that sounds awesome. But not all my characters are, you know, related by blood.


I am a roleplayer and I think this ability is awesome. Ok, bear with me here, my smugglar, born to a Sith family is force sensitive. He goes to Korriban to train and during his training, takes a lightsaber to the face. He's got the scar, the missing eye, the cybernetic implants. While recovering from his injury he decides that this isn't the life he wants, so he jumps ship. He manages to eke out a measly existance as a smugglar of little renown until his

ship is stolen when he makes a delivery on Ord Mantell

. He's force sensative and has had some training. Now, with this game mechanic, he can actually use a force ability or two while solo'ing to better increase my immersion.


The best part...you don't want your character to have these abilities, don't use them or even better, don't put them on your hotbars. They are optional and you will never see them in raids/ops/pvp warzones.


will there be some "rp'ers" who will use this to "god mode". Yes. Then again, what is stopping these people from doing that anyway.


tl;dr as a roleplayer, I can make it work for me, if you don't like it, don't use it.

Edited by Dar-Ell
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There is a reason, canon is what it is. It's called consistency and big fans of any genre whether it is football or star wars rely on consistency of the lore. Non-Force users don't pick up Force choke like it's some weekend art class.
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There is a reason, canon is what it is. It's called consistency and big fans of any genre whether it is football or star wars rely on consistency of the lore. Non-Force users don't pick up Force choke like it's some weekend art class.


Except that canon has plenty of people with minor force powers. Again, I point to the (authorized by Lucas) RPGs, both of them, which clearly state you CAN pick up force choke like it's some weekend art class.


I know people who worked on both games; Lucasfilms rubberstamps NOTHING; the approval process for the supplements is so long and tedious that the license is not nearly as profitable as you might think. (Of course, "profitable" and "tabletop RPG" go together like "Trump" and "humility".)


Much of the canon used by Bioware *originated* in the tabletop games, especially the D6 game, which created huge swathes of material later used by novelists, other games, etc.

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I am a roleplayer and I think this ability is awesome. Ok, bear with me here, my smugglar, born to a Sith family is force sensitive. He goes to Korriban to train and during his training, takes a lightsaber to the face. He's got the scar, the missing eye, the cybernetic implants. While recovering from his injury he decides that this isn't the life he wants, so he jumps ship. He manages to eke out a measly existance as a smugglar of little renown until his

ship is stolen when he makes a delivery on Ord Mantell

. He's force sensative and has had some training. Now, with this game mechanic, he can actually use a force ability or two while solo'ing to better increase my immersion.


The best part...you don't want your character to have these abilities, don't use them or even better, don't put them on your hotbars. They are optional and you will never see them in raids/ops/pvp warzones.


will there be some "rp'ers" who will use this to "god mode". Yes. Then again, what is stopping these people from doing that anyway.


tl;dr as a roleplayer, I can make it work for me, if you don't like it, don't use it.


Thats not the problem. The problem is that there will be dozens and yet dozens of other pureblood smugglers/jedi/troopers doing the same thing.

And that muddles up the lore a bit.


Sure, one or two exceptions over the course of history is to be expected. But having tons and tons (because you know it will, there are already tons of lvl 50 purebloods) of purebloods "defecting" to the republic for no good reason is going to mess with the roleplaying community.

Personally ill just ignore every Sith player i see on the republic side.


And i dont mean /ignore. I mean "youre standing infront of me and talking to me, but i cannot see you because you dont exist" ignore.

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Aw, give them a chance. Maybe the poor sith pureblood served the empire faithfully for years, but was betrayed by his master/commander/circumstance and forced to seek refuge with the republic. Amnesty in exchange for information deal ensues and BAM, a different sith pureblood republic side with a legit back story. It's not a big stretch. The imperials aren't known for their loyalty...or patience with failure.
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Y'know, if my BH can discuss winning the Great Hunt with another BH, or what it feels like to be the Republic's Most Wanted, I think people can deal with Jedi Sith, just like WAR players dealt with female fire wizards.


(Offhand, I think it's amusing that two of the BH companions have good excuses for seeing copies of themselves all over the place....)

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Except that canon has plenty of people with minor force powers. Again, I point to the (authorized by Lucas) RPGs, both of them, which clearly state you CAN pick up force choke like it's some weekend art class.


I know people who worked on both games; Lucasfilms rubberstamps NOTHING; the approval process for the supplements is so long and tedious that the license is not nearly as profitable as you might think. (Of course, "profitable" and "tabletop RPG" go together like "Trump" and "humility".)


Much of the canon used by Bioware *originated* in the tabletop games, especially the D6 game, which created huge swathes of material later used by novelists, other games, etc.


As far as canon goes, Lucas has said time and again the only thing he officially recognizes as canon are the movies and there are no smugglers who force choke in the movies. Players need to stop trying to make Star Wars into something that isn't Star Wars. If players don't like the way canon is they shouldn't bother with it.

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As far as canon goes, Lucas has said time and again the only thing he officially recognizes as canon are the movies and there are no smugglers who force choke in the movies. Players need to stop trying to make Star Wars into something that isn't Star Wars. If players don't like the way canon is they shouldn't bother with it.


There is also no Sith Empire, as a rival force to the Republic.


There is no Taris.


There is no Voss.


There is no Nar Shaddaa.


There is no Hutta.


There are no slicers, or slicing.


There are no "kolto darts" or "healing scans".


There are only two Sith, and "Sith" is a tradition/worldview, not a species.


There are no Rakkatta.


There is no Alderaan.... at least, not after about halfway through the first movie. Heh heh.


There ARE Gungans, two-headed race announcers, and midichlorians.


Do I really need to go on?


Is there a stupider argument you could make? Well, probably, but I heartily recommend you do not accept the challenge. Trust me.

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Lord Adraas from what I've seen has the most rp happening. I'm stationed there and more often then not, rp can be found on the fleets or in cantina's.


Or you can goto Sanctum of the Exalted and see it everywhere and not just Fleet or Cantinas. :)

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LizardSF, being facetious doesn't strengthen your argument.


My point was only paraphrasing directly from an interview with George Lucas by Star Wars Insider in 1994. But being that you insist on being rude, I'll post the quote here and you can go pull it up yourself if you want to read the whole interview.


"When it comes to absolute canon, the real story of Star Wars, you must turn to the films themselves — and only the films."

Edited by Colryn
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LizardSF, being facetious doesn't strengthen your argument.



But it's so much fun!


My point was only paraphrasing directly from an interview with George Lucas by Star Wars Insider in 1994. But being that you insist on being rude, I'll post the quote here and you can go pull it up yourself if you want to read the whole interview.


"When it comes to absolute canon, the real story of Star Wars, you must turn to the films themselves — and only the films."


And how does this nullify or counter my point in any way?


Very little of the material in SWTOR... or SWG... or X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter... or any SW game or spinoff -- was in the movies directly.


There's a vast ocean of "second tier canon" that consists of the Expanded Universe material, and fidelity to that, especially that which was later used by other third parties in their products, such as the aforementioned TRPGs, is the best test of canonicity. Your argument that "if it's not in the films, it can't be used" makes this game, and most others, impossible. Period. Once you allow in any material not in the films, it becomes entirely a matter of opinion, and precedent, which is "more canonical". That non-Jedi can use the force to a limited extent is established in dozens of different sources across decades of official material. It's an extremely strongly established part of the EU, and denying it would be going against the bulk of established second-tier canon.


As for Jedi using blasters or missile launchers... why not? Is there something that keeps them from picking one up and aiming it? Is this like AD&D 1e, where clerics couldn't swing swords, no matter how clumsily? Not every battle is going to be set up so that the enemy is within range of melee attacks of force lightning; a Jedi or a Sith who isn't prepared for long-range opponents won't last long in the real (fictional) world.

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Well something most are failing to consider Kids 14 and up are playing this game....Use your head for something other than a hat rack


What does this have to do with anything being discussed in this thread? Context, please.

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