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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Schematics for Sith as a Jedi?


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I'm a Jedi and I got a schematic in a drop that requires a Sith to use???


Does this suggest I can craft Sith items and sell them on the GTN? I know I can't mail them to a sith toon.


Are these completely useless? ...or can a dark jedi make use somehow?

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You can make them and sell them on the neutral GTN (Nar Shaddaa is the only place I can recall) to members of the opposing faction.

Character morality does not have an effect class restricted items.

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So then there is a method for getting items (in general) from Jedi to Sith toons... interesting.


I was beginning to wonder if I was going to see Sith-defector companions down the road that could make use of this stuff.

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As stated before, there are neutral GTN's on Nar Shaddaa that you could use to sell the schematic or the gear. However, I personally haven't tested them on my server and don't know how successful they are. I mostly just vendor that kind of stuff due to lazyness.
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Are these completely useless? ...or

Put into perspective, they are 95% useless. I have vendored everyone that I have gotten.


Using the AH on Nar Shaddah for such things is a lot of effort to make a couple of extra credits... In reality the time you spend using that AH for anything "other" than transferring items to your <xFaction toon> has about a 5% usefulness.... which fills in the above missing 5%.


This is just one of those things that fell through the cracks during the initial game design. I don't expect this to happen down the road.

Edited by FooBard
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