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Merc healer changing to DPS for raids, need a good build (Im clueless about Merc DPS)


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Also, what is an optimal rotation? Right now I'm starting with 4 Tracer Missiles to get 5 stacks of Heat Signature. Then I do a Heatseeker Missile, followed up by a Rail Shot once I've got 5 stacks of Tracer Lock. I also will do Unload every time Barrage procs. In between Unload and Rail Shot, its Tracer Missle and Heatseeker Missiles. Rapid Shots when necessary if my heat is above 40 and I need to get it down.


I know this probably isn't optimal (single target rotation), so looking for feedback.



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The build is good and for the rotation try 3 TM, Unload, 2 TM, with a heatseeker tied to the last one and a RS for the opener then its a juggling act for when Barrage procs, RS off CD and HS off CD, when those are on CD cast TM. Always keep heat below 40 for as much off a fight as possible, use Thermal Sensor Override with Unload to keep heat down and to vent more heat. Note this rotation will generate alot of Heat if dont have at least the 2 piece PVE dps set bonus and works the best with the 4 piece set bonus added with it.


casting priorities after the opener: Unload>RS>HS (always cast TM when none of those are up)


Hope this Helps

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This is a tad off topic but why are you switching to dps for raids? You would be much more in demand as a healer. This is the reason why I'm leveling my merc as a healer because dps are so abundant.


My Merc is my alt. My main is my guild's MT at the moment. My guild actually has a plethora of healers so we don't need one more. Our biggest issue is we run a melee heavy raid, which on numerous raid boss encounters isn't optimal. Also, we typically run with two tanks, both jugg tanks (which isn't necessary for 95% of raid trash and boss encounters). Having a ranged DPS alt allows me to sit my tank when he isn't needed, but one more DPS is.

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The build is good and for the rotation try 3 TM, Unload, 2 TM, with a heatseeker tied to the last one and a RS for the opener then its a juggling act for when Barrage procs, RS off CD and HS off CD, when those are on CD cast TM. Always keep heat below 40 for as much off a fight as possible, use Thermal Sensor Override with Unload to keep heat down and to vent more heat. Note this rotation will generate alot of Heat if dont have at least the 2 piece PVE dps set bonus and works the best with the 4 piece set bonus added with it.


casting priorities after the opener: Unload>RS>HS (always cast TM when none of those are up)


Hope this Helps


Ever use Power Shot, Missle Blast, or Rocket Punch? None really seem worth the heat cost.

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No to Powershot, RP only useful if speced to give it KB and then only on some encounters, and Missile Blast is useless. The key to merc dps is getting the crits with missiles/unload so that you can manage your heat.


Again I hope this helps

Edited by StewieMcScotty
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your build isnt bad but it seems a little off imo. i dont like skills such as enviro suit and kolto vents because in pve you shouldnt be taking damage as a dps. another point in power overrides isnt really needed either unless you are the only cc'er in the group (with melee you might be) and even then its only good for re cc'ing things which doesnt need to happen a lot


here is the build i use: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#300McZMIkbRrdRzszZf.1. mind you this is my pve/pvp hybrid build so you may not like some of it


as far as the rotation i go: TM x5 > HSM > RS w/ unload on proc. if the particular HM is easy mode ill open with explosive dart for the aoe. power shot is a no no since it doesnt buff/debuff/proc like TM and missile blast is ok because of the aoe knockdown but you only really wanna use it once in a fight if you do because the heat cost is enormous, its typically not used though. RP is really more for pyros or pvp if you have it talented, jetboost is usually enough to keep things away from you

Edited by Cegenaus
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your build isnt bad but it seems a little off imo. i dont like skills such as enviro suit and kolto vents because in pve you shouldnt be taking damage as a dps. another point in power overrides isnt really needed either unless you are the only cc'er in the group (with melee you might be) and even then its only good for re cc'ing things which doesnt need to happen a lot


here is the build i use: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#300McZMIkbRrdRzszZf.1. mind you this is my pve/pvp hybrid build so you may not like some of it


as far as the rotation i go: TM x5 > HSM > RS w/ unload on proc. if the particular HM is easy mode ill open with explosive dart for the aoe. power shot is a no no since it doesnt buff/debuff/proc like TM and missile blast is ok because of the aoe knockdown but you only really wanna use it once in a fight if you do because the heat cost is enormous, its typically not used though. RP is really more for pyros or pvp if you have it talented, jetboost is usually enough to keep things away from you


Thanks for the well thought out feedback. I think there is one issue with trying to come up with the optimal Arsenal PvE DPS spec for hardmodes, in that eventually you will have to waste some points on fairly useless talents (useless from a PvE hardmode/Ops perspective) just to gain access to the next tier. The questions becomes, which are the least useless talents?


IMO (from a PvE flashpoint/Ops perspective) I see little benefit in spending two talent points in Integrated Systems. 2% heals gained is absolutely nothing. For 2 talent points you gain an additional ~20 health healed for every 1k heal you receive. Even if coupled with Enviro Suit's 6% healing received, the 8% healing received isn't as beneficial as the 10% damage reduction from Power Barrier (which pretty much will be up). Ask yourself this, what is better, to be hit for 10% less, or hit for 100% and your healer's heal heals for 6% more? I'd rather take 10% less damage.


Afterburners also IMO is wasted talent points since most of the time in a hardmode you a) want to stay at range, and b) many mobs in Ops are immune to knockbacks/cc. Pinning Fire also has little to no utility in hardmodes. I agree Custom Enviro Suit and Kolto Vents are also fairly low utility, but IMO they offer slightly better hardmode utility than Afterburners and Pinning Fire.


Kolto Vents is one of those talents that looks nice on paper, but in reality you aren't going to waste your Vent Heat just to regen a minor amount of health (that is what medpacks are for). If it happens that, when the time comes that you need to use Vent Heat to manage your heat, you are also down some health well then its a nice little bonus. But reality is you will probably be at or near full health 90% of the time when you use Vent Heat, thus rendering the talent perk from Kolto Vent worthless.


I also think the benefit to 2 points in Power Overrides isn't so much to lower your cd on Concussion Missile, but to lower the cd on Thermal Sensor Override.


IMO if you are mostly soloing or PvPing then Afterburners and Pinning Fire would probably be useful talents. If your mostly running hardmodes and Ops, then I would go with Kolto vents and Enviro Suit. Either way, all 4 of those talents really won't add much utility to your core rotations in hardmodes/Ops as a DPS Arsenal Merc.


Lastly, 5/31/3 seems pretty much like the base Arsenal PvE build. This leaves you two spare talent points. Your choices IMO pretty much come down to placing those two points into Critical Reaction in the Bodyguard tree (5% alacrity proc will speed up cast time for Tracer and Unload) or putting them into System Calibrations in the Pyro tree (for a set 4% increase to alacrity (vs the 5% proc from Critical Reaction). You could also go 2/3 Cardio Package for a 2% endurance gain (or pick up Pining Fire or Afterburners), but that IMO those are less useful than slightly faster cast times.

Edited by Godzillamax
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Why the hell would you want alacrity as DPS? Alacrity is bad for DPS and ideally it should be 0.

This is plain wrong. It will offer a dps increase as you'll be able to weave in more rapid shots or simply cast more stuff when you hit a TM/Unload crit & proc streak keeping your heat low. Compared to a lot of utility/pvp talents that have no use on bosses/mobs in operations it's perfectly viable. You know, as long as you manage your heat.


I'm not saying it's a good dps stat but it's far better then stuff offering 0 dps increase and utility/survivability.

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Ever use Power Shot, Missle Blast, or Rocket Punch? None really seem worth the heat cost.


I use these a lot on adds /targets with low health. Often I see people constantly trying to Tm these npcs but due to the cast time they never get it off(bcz the target dies). For example in Kaon at the last fight I will frequently use all of the. Missile blast can also be used while moving which is a plus of HSM is on cd.


Rocket punch I also use all the time to get people off of me when I've stolen agro- just punch them toward the tank/off a ledge.

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