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What's your Chiss Name?


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Imperial Sniper


Short: Bobert

He actually made up his Chiss name to fit the name given to him by his adopted guardian, a simple farmer. He is pretty weird to normal Chiss, he can barely speak the language and he is a bit hefty :p

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I did a little research, and remembered that somewhere along my Imperial Agent's storyline, he was pronounced a merit adoptive of the Miruani family. (That's what happens to your Imperial Agent if he or she is a Chiss.) So I made that his Family name.


Next, I figured that my Agent probably picked up his combat skills from his Occpation family, the family he works for. So, I started looking for a Ruling Family that specializes in military operations and whatnot. The Nuruodo family was the only one that fit the bill, so I chose that as his Occupation name.


And lastly, as for his Root name, I needed something that would fit in between the last part of "Miruani" and the first part of "Nuruodo" and combine them into a really cool-sounding core name...So I thought, How about a single letter? Like the letter "o", perhaps? Combine it with "Miruani" and "Nuruodo", and what did I get? "Miruani'o'nuruodo", or "Ion" for short.


...Ion. Agent Ion...I liked the sound of that.


This proved to be a lot of help: http://www.thestarwarsrp.com/forum/showthread.php?31436-How-to-Name-a-Chiss-(Optional)&p=700465#post700465

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I did a little research, and remembered that somewhere along my Imperial Agent's storyline, he was pronounced a merit adoptive of the Miruani family. (That's what happens to your Imperial Agent if he or she is a Chiss.) So I made that his Family name.


Next, I figured that my Agent probably picked up his combat skills from his Occpation family, the family he works for. So, I started looking for a Ruling Family that specializes in military operations and whatnot. The Nuruodo family was the only one that fit the bill, so I chose that as his Occupation name.


And lastly, as for his Root name, I needed something that would fit in between the last part of "Miruani" and the first part of "Nuruodo" and combine them into a really cool-sounding core name...So I thought, How about a single letter? Like the letter "o", perhaps? Combine it with "Miruani" and "Nuruodo", and what did I get? "Miruani'o'nuruodo", or "Ion" for short.


...Ion. Agent Ion...I liked the sound of that.


This proved to be a lot of help: http://www.thestarwarsrp.com/forum/showthread.php?31436-How-to-Name-a-Chiss-(Optional)&p=700465#post700465


Typo correction: "Miurani", not "Miruani".

Edited by infinitedarkness
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Imperial Cypher Agent:

Full Name: Hran'orfon'[CLASSIFIED]

Core Name: Norfon


Funny story behind that name: When I rolled my imperial agent, "Hran'orfon" was the first suggestion of the name generator -- and I liked it right away. When I finally remembered the 3-part-naming rule of the Chiss, it was already too late; but then, an imperial agent and spy wouldn't want his real name be known to everybody now, would he? :)


Cheers, Niko

Edited by dermitni
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Her core name (or name she goes by) is Raziella [an Imperial Agent].


I haven't come up with a full name yet unfortunately.


(I rolled her before I knew about how Chiss were named, and before I was interested enough in RP to research the kind of names a Chiss would have.)

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  • 3 weeks later...

My Bounty Hunter Chiss

Chiss name: Ulng'reltarimi'colo

Standard name: Ulng'reltari Mi'colo

Nick-name: Ulng (pronounced Uhlng); tried to get Grel but everyone would just call me Ulng in chat.


When I made the character and the random name generator popped out a two-syllable name, I had also forgotten about the 3 syllable rule. As such I just figured I would RP it as using a more basic name to help confuse clients less.

Edited by BioCharge
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  • 2 weeks later...

My IA's Chiss name: Tored'vor'nuruodo

"Core name" is Edvorn


I go off the normal naming convention a bit to get Edvorn as a core name and for the flow of the full Chiss name. Where it should be (by set core naming convention) Dvorn (...d'vor'n...) I just added the E (...ed'vor'n...)


then added TOR to the beginning because I'm unoriginal...

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I kinda went a different way with my Agent. and didn't think of giving him a real name until tonight (Which is why it kinda sucks)


My IA's Chiss name: Chaf'Golsher'Endono (Yeah, he is part of the Chaf family and related to Aristocra Formbi.)

His "original" core name was: Golsher

New "core name: Golsheren.

I originally didn't go with the naming convention because for the back story I wrote, he was disowned by his family for supporting the Sith, and chose not to go by his normal "Core" name of Golsher. And when he joined Imperial Intelligence, he took his core name and the first two letters of his "Occupation name" and just rolled with it. He didn't add his family name because he still felt some loyalty to his family, and didn't what their name tainted.


Yeah, not all that good.

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Chiss IA: Sal'exi'nuruodo

Normalized Name: Lexin

Brief Bio: Chiss who was nominated to engage in a relations improving program with the imperial military. He was scouted by intellgence during operations as a scout in the field, noted for taking down targets with speed and silence, as well as his professional manner and lack of attachment.


BH Chiss: Rev'uu'lSabosen

Normalized Name: Vuul

Brief Bio: A member of law enforcement chasing down a criminal that commited crimes against his family and escaped off the Chiss homeworld. Vuul has taken the career bounty hunter to do so. However, his career offworld has gotten the better of him and he's become embroiled in other events. His chase for the criminal will have to continue another time, or maybe he doesn't want to locate the criminal, and return to the career of a lowly law officer.

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  • 4 weeks later...

BH - Zev'kres'tharti

Core name: Kres

He likes the brevity of it, easy and quick. It's a utilitarian core name that suits his lifestyle.

Brief Bio: Kres was exiled from the Ascendency (willingly) to avoid bringing shame on his family for circumstances that he prefers not to discuss. He's had a rather interesting, twisted path through life, running guns and spice for a period of time before the thrill ceased to be enough of a reason to get up in the morning. Bounties seemed, to him, like a worthwhile persuasion - his most basic goal is to earn enough to possibly retire and settle down once the thrill of this second career fades away, or die trying.


IA Name: Fath'ray'nekesh

Core name: Rayne

IA is a very androgynous Chiss, hence the androgynous but still vaguely effeminate core name.


Brief Bio: Rayne is part of an increasingly important family in the Ascendency, and the first from that house to do Imperial service. Rather than perform a term of service in the house's Phalanx, Rayne chose to get military experience in the Empire, and caught the eye of Intelligence recruiters. Androgynous, graceful, seductive and intelligent, Rayne easily passes for either male or female as the situation requires.


The rest of my Chiss, sadly, haven't been plotted out or created yet.

Edited by jedinightstrider
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  • 2 weeks later...

I am really enjoying this thread. I didn't realize there was such a pattern to all of these names. I am also impressed with the backstories created for some of these characters.


I have two Chiss, Operative and Sniper, and the Operative was created day-one with the following name:


with the intended diminutive Geldarion (my name in many, many places and games). I didn't realize until I was level 20 that I had done the apostrophe incorrectly, which made me mad when I noticed it.


When the new servers went live, I got 4 new character slots, so my new sniper was born, this time with the correct name:



I still have both the names, but that may change later. The sniper is here to stay. I struggle with the operative playstyle, unfortunately, as I am just awful at stealth lol.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sith Warrior




When I made it I was trying to go off what little I knew of the chiss so chose the more military last name, and used 'Lia as part of the core going off of the whole last sound of the first segment.


Story wise she's never been to the Sith Academy, she left the Ascendancy because she didn't agree with not using her gifts. Liathan took the stance that her force sensitivity was a great boon and she should exploit it rather than simply falling in line with what was traditionally expected. So she ended up leaving and found her way to Nar Shadda where she ended up with the nickname of 'Blue' because she didn't really give her name and not many knew she was a chiss. Just that she was blue so it kind of stuck. She took over and ran a small time gang for several years running under Hutt radar by not growing to big.


Eventually though her gang accidently crossed a Sith's powerbase in a small turf war due to overzealous Sith subjects. Though the Sith Lord that showed up to kill the gangleader was surprised to find it was a Chiss Force Sensitive. Said Sith Lord has a strong fascination with the Chiss people, not to mention she wasn't fond of the kind of Sith the Academy produced so she apprenticed Liathan because she was a Chiss and had never been to the Academy.Wanting to mold her in her own image so to speak.

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