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(Marauder) Soloing first two BT HM Bosses


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You can't solo that first boss.

you wiped and tryd, called in friends.

Brought him down to like 20% then removed everyone from the group and finished him alone.


Seeing how he almost kills you on the end shows your full off ......



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2 things


1. Yeah, thanks so much for the worthless showing of trash pulls, no one cares about those.


2. To be 100% solo of anything, you cannot use a companion. In this game companions are literally a whole other player by your side, so if you really want to solo stuff, dismiss.

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You seemingly edited out large portions of the boss fights. Seems like a scam, and you know it.


Why would you edit out the part that people wanted to see? Nobody cares about your trash clearing skill troll

Edited by Parali
bad quote
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I has sad face =(



Why would I give all my 'secrets' away? You guys are quite LOL.. I'm not sure why I was worried, knowing the quality of player that post on these forums.


To the pet reply, I disagree. They are no where near = another player... Maybe a player of your magnitude, but they are not = to the peeps I play with.. Its not quite solo, yet its far from a 2 man. You can say what you want to try and take my kudos, but anyone that knows what they're talking about gives me props.



Edited by Dreary
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I entered the thread hoping to see a SKILL TREE or SKILLS CHART, something showing me how the Marauder will work in a solo build.


The problem with these videos is you open yourself to flak from others as your implying 'look at me I own'....


These vidoes dont serve the community other than to show how good you are. Can yuo see how this can cause conflict.


Well done on beating the boss though...

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So someone is soloing HM Bosses? Lol only thing this proves if anything is this game isn't going to last long at all. Makes me think Angry Birds is harder than this lol. theme park MMOs. Edited by Averran
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There is no proof of solo kill unless the video shows the entire fight. Why would you edit it out?


Can I take a screenshot of me by Soa's corpse and claim that I solod him?


Yes, cause thats essentially what he did.


Apparently he doesn't want to give away his secrets, as to why? no idea as it has Zero barring on anything.


People will still know he did it first and legit, and it simply shows everyone else that it can be done.

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I dont think you can solo BT however ive seen it 2 manned and ive seen BP done with 2 dps and a tank companion keep in mind all these people were in full rakata, BT is not that hard at all and anyone who has opped even on normal knows this
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So someone is soloing HM Bosses? Lol only thing this proves if anything is this game isn't going to last long at all. Makes me think Angry Birds is harder than this lol. theme park MMOs.


totally, like when people were soloing heroic bosses in Burning Crusade ... and that game didnt last long ...


Great job failing -- not once, but multiple times... The quality of these forums is quite LOL.


Also, I am the best Marauder on my server - hands down.. And good job music nazi! I r proud.


anyone who claims to be the greastest is definitely not the greatest ... except Muhammad Ali


p.s. that music is f'in terrible

Edited by CrazyAl
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1- You did not 'solo'


2- You edited the fights, not showing the whole encounter


3- You fail


Best marauder on your server? Bahahahahahahah!!!


1. A companion is hardly another player, and he was the only player there. Thus, it was a solo.


2. No, the latest video shows the entire first fight. The other fights are shown, but he did use some cheap maneuvers to defeat the bosses.


3. He's done more than you have.

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1. A companion is hardly another player, and he was the only player there. Thus, it was a solo.


2. No, the latest video shows the entire first fight. The other fights are shown, but he did use some cheap maneuvers to defeat the bosses.


3. He's done more than you have.


1. It was not a solo, since the 2nd and 4th (notice how he didn't do the bonus boss) consisted of him running around and letting Quinn just shoot them till they died.


2. The latest video still doesn't show the kill. It show the boss enraging then fades out to the next boss.


3. And you know this, how?

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