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In need of PvP healing spec


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Its the same build as you would for pure healing spec, and if you arent also killing people when necessary, you are doing it wrong. SWTOR didnt make healers into weaklings, they might not be as strong as pure dps but its still enough that they cant ignore you.
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Its the same build as you would for pure healing spec, and if you arent also killing people when necessary, you are doing it wrong. SWTOR didnt make healers into weaklings, they might not be as strong as pure dps but its still enough that they cant ignore you.


I mean I need a pure heal build. Btw I don't damage because I'm too busy HEALING.

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I mean I need a pure heal build. Btw I don't damage because I'm too busy HEALING.


What people mean by being able to do damage is that sometimes a healer should DPS over casting any heal.


In situations where everyone is 75% or higher HP you should probably throw out DPS and kill someone else faster, eliminating damage from your team.


If you see an enemy healer close to dead, drop them ASAP over healing unless someone on your team will die without a fast heal. Getting rid of the enemy healer frees you up to then heal your team and the other side is screwed.


There are lots of times as a PVP healer you will damage and not be healing, and there are lots of times when your not doing anything BUT healing. A good PVP spec will be able to accommodate both situations, not just pure healing.

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But there is the catch, no "spec" can do both equally good without sucking at both.

And by "sucking" i mean outDPSing the enemy healer or OUThealing multiple enemies.


Crossbreeders are good for 1on1 situations and pure random fights in WZs.



As a 31 Point Medic you can't burst down an enemy Healer, your only dmg comes from 2.7k~ (Full champ / BM gear) charged burst hits during active combat cell. It's enough to kill a enemy healer when you assist, but on it's own nothing to write home.

But you can heal someone who get's pounded and (debuffed) by two full BM marauders / shadows. (read: constant 2 - 3k hits each DD ~up to 6k dps on your teammate or yourself and that's just two players!).


Crit healing for 4.5k, two Hots accumulating itself to 1k heal every three seconds and 5% incoming heals +10% more armor, roughly 10% less incoming damage during SCC Kolto Bomb buff. etc.


Your critical heals and ammo saving from the skilltree allows you to outheal it.




As a 31 + DPS spec you *can* down a healer, sure your lack of a real comparable interrupt makes it hard, but between your two regular CC's and a full grav round debuff you sure as hell can burst down a healer.


On the other side your Medical Probe will be a waste of ammo in terms of healing and cost.




From my experience when you spend around 20 ish point's into each tree or something strange like 25 / x / x you lack any strong point a full build has. Too little heals and too little damage to make a difference.




Once you do understand that, you need to question yourself whenever you want to really be able to "heal" or just assist with healing a real healer in PVP. This will determine your Stance (active cell) and the cell will determine your ammo management / your focus on damage or heal as a hybrid.




So if you just want to "Heal"......PVe build in the sticky as others did already say. I'm personally using this:




(You don't need to spend two point's into first responder because at 40+ crit chance your hammershot / every other heal will crit and give you the benefit anyway. There is simply no need for 100% chance trigger).


I'm sitting around ~43% tech crit chance, i could throw around the one point between special munitions or Potent medicine. But i'd rather have 3 more heals out of 100 to crit. :D


My build design is around FAST heals. Which means Alacrity heavy gear.

Even with all the setback reductions during heal skills you will be still interrupted a lot and even set back. So getting a heal out around 1.16 AMP and 1.55 MP (with alacrity relic) will save a poor soul. (Global cooldown is 1.5 secs *hint hint*)



But to be honest, if you want to heal in PVP, don't play commando, i'm the only pvp commando healer on my server and this says a lot about the awkward design compared to sages. ;)

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I would take out two points from Advanced Tech and put it in Potent Medicine - you crit enough to make it worth it.


In my expertise I have also swapped Kolto Residue for Med Zone (you will get targeted).


Tried Psych Aid, didn't really find it helpful, even made a post about it, didn't get any good feedback why to have it in PvP (I can see it being OK in PvE and 1vs1).

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Try this:



With two pieces PvP Eliminator gear and two PvE Eliminator Gear.

The reason i specc like that is because i can have two knockbacks every 15 secs (one from stockstrike and one from Concussive charge). This helps me a lot to kite while under pressure in PvP. In this specc i dont use alacrity but i go for power and surge and crit. My bonus Tech damage is around 670 which can reach 730 with buffs (more tech bonus more healing).

The PvE bonus comes in hand when i want to assist in dps. 15% crit chance on Charged Bolts its too much to be ignored. Try when supercharged shells are up and you will see some real nice numbers flying assisting your team putting some extra pressure. Not to forget that during supercharged shells paired with Muzzle Flooting makes your CBs free so it can be handy for ammo management.

This is the way i play since there are too many cc's and flying monkeys around this game.

Ask if something needs clarification.

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I would take out two points from Advanced Tech and put it in Potent Medicine - you crit enough to make it worth it.


In my expertise I have also swapped Kolto Residue for Med Zone (you will get targeted).


Tried Psych Aid, didn't really find it helpful, even made a post about it, didn't get any good feedback why to have it in PvP (I can see it being OK in PvE and 1vs1).


My reasoning is this:


Moving points from Advanced Tech also means no Special Munitions.

But basically you value


6% more crit healing - VS - 2% incoming and outgoing healing (crit and non crit) including HOTs from Preventative Medicine. Fine by me, but even at 43% crit chance i'd rather value 2%(+2% on myself) more healing for all heals over the 6% during a crit.




Med zone proved to be pointless for me. When i activate my shield i'll live through anything unless extreme condition apply (5 Battlemaster vs me alone 2+ interrupts and 3 chain ccs = dead). In all those months i pvp for many hours daily i've never meet a situation where 20% more self-healing while my shield is running could have made a "difference" since i could heal myself with ease anyway.


On the other side, getting a guaranteed incoming healing buff up with kolto bomb proved to help a lot with keeping everyone up. Especially since it does stack with sages and Scoundrel buffs / heals.



Psych Aid is about the ammo cost, not the addition mental ****, i fully agree with you on that part - maybe two times in over 3 months i successfully dispelled a mental stage (flashgrenate). The key to successful healing against marauders and snipers (lega) is to dispel their debuff stacks as well as against those nasty firebug pyro tanks.

2 ammo cost can ruin your day when you need to dispel additional to chain healing. It's worse enough that wee need to waste a full gcd for a non healing skill while DDs get damage for free on top of that debuff.

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What people mean by being able to do damage is that sometimes a healer should DPS over casting any heal.


This, I spam hammer shots pewpewpew style, throw a couple of names, and concussive rounds until I see that someone is below 85% HP, then I start healing

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Try this:



With two pieces PvP Eliminator gear and two PvE Eliminator Gear.

The reason i specc like that is because i can have two knockbacks every 15 secs (one from stockstrike and one from Concussive charge). This helps me a lot to kite while under pressure in PvP. In this specc i dont use alacrity but i go for power and surge and crit. My bonus Tech damage is around 670 which can reach 730 with buffs (more tech bonus more healing).

The PvE bonus comes in hand when i want to assist in dps. 15% crit chance on Charged Bolts its too much to be ignored. Try when supercharged shells are up and you will see some real nice numbers flying assisting your team putting some extra pressure. Not to forget that during supercharged shells paired with Muzzle Flooting makes your CBs free so it can be handy for ammo management.

This is the way i play since there are too many cc's and flying monkeys around this game.

Ask if something needs clarification.


I don't suggest it for the OP if he just wants a healing build though.


I see this being useful in open world PvP where you roam alone or with a friend. What are your usual WZ stats, not your best, but average?

Edited by Easpeak
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My reasoning is this:


Moving points from Advanced Tech also means no Special Munitions.

But basically you value


I still get special munitions.



6% more crit healing - VS - 2% incoming and outgoing healing (crit and non crit) including HOTs from Preventative Medicine. Fine by me, but even at 43% crit chance i'd rather value 2%(+2% on myself) more healing for all heals over the 6% during a crit.


2% bonus is really small, especially on your small heals and HOT - you will basically boost it by 4 more HP = if your HOT was 224, it will be 228. In my opinion it does not make a difference since PvP is healing spike or burst damage.


Med zone proved to be pointless for me. When i activate my shield i'll live through anything unless extreme condition apply (5 Battlemaster vs me alone 2+ interrupts and 3 chain ccs = dead). In all those months i pvp for many hours daily i've never meet a situation where 20% more self-healing while my shield is running could have made a "difference" since i could heal myself with ease anyway.


That 20% will boost all healing done for you: when other people heal you, when you yourself heal you, when you have HOTs on you and even your stimpack - means you won't have to heal yourself, you can concentrate on other people. It has been useful for me, at times I get targeted pretty hard and often enough I have 2-3 people hitting me, so I will use my awesome cocoon ability and heal myself (if I'm lucky another healer will also heal me and benefit from the 20% bonus) while my team kills them.


On the other side, getting a guaranteed incoming healing buff up with kolto bomb proved to help a lot with keeping everyone up. Especially since it does stack with sages and Scoundrel buffs / heals.

I have nothing against Kolto Residue, if it was applied longer or it would have a bigger increase in healing (or, I haven't been in game yet, when we affect more than 3 people) it could actually be useful, but right now I think we have better boxes to invest points in




Psych Aid is about the ammo cost, not the addition mental ****, i fully agree with you on that part - maybe two times in over 3 months i successfully dispelled a mental stage (flashgrenate). The key to successful healing against marauders and snipers (lega) is to dispel their debuff stacks as well as against those nasty firebug pyro tanks.

2 ammo cost can ruin your day when you need to dispel additional to chain healing. It's worse enough that wee need to waste a full gcd for a non healing skill while DDs get damage for free on top of that debuff.


That's why I did not take it at all. Yes it lowers the ammo cost which is useful, but the ability itself is useless, so why invest in it at all. I will still be ok using it in 1-on-1 situation when I need to clear DOTs


My thoughts in red.

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I don't suggest it for the OP if he just wants a healing build though.


I see this being useful in open world PvP where you roam alone or with a friend. What are your usual WZ stats, not your best, but average?


My usuall stats are (with the new patch implemented) about 270k healing if a second healer is present on the warzone (if there is not i can reach 350k or more) and i can dish out about 100k damage. In warzones for me the greatest thing is survivability. If i can get away even for 5secs form pressure is enough to cast two heals or three heals on friendlies or myself which will buy time for my dpsers to hunt down the opposition key targets. But as you stated that is purely for PvP. :)

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My usuall stats are (with the new patch implemented) about 270k healing if a second healer is present on the warzone (if there is not i can reach 350k or more) and i can dish out about 100k damage. In warzones for me the greatest thing is survivability. If i can get away even for 5secs form pressure is enough to cast two heals or three heals on friendlies or myself which will buy time for my dpsers to hunt down the opposition key targets. But as you stated that is purely for PvP. :)


That's the thing with hybrid builds (I was one myself too and I found it more fun than just a pure healer), you don't really excel in either area.


While I think your build will have better spike damage on the enemy and the thing I most envy - some utility (shorter knockback CD) - I still average about the same in damage as you, even as a pure healer, but my healing is around 350k.


But as I said earlier, I'm sure you have more fun and are not that fixed in a single role.

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That's the thing with hybrid builds (I was one myself too and I found it more fun than just a pure healer), you don't really excel in either area.


While I think your build will have better spike damage on the enemy and the thing I most envy - some utility (shorter knockback CD) - I still average about the same in damage as you, even as a pure healer, but my healing is around 350k.


But as I said earlier, I'm sure you have more fun and are not that fixed in a single role.



The last sentence of your respond summarizes what is a good specc for each different player. The one that you enjoy :). But still remember that no specc will make you better if your are paired with people in warzones that do not cooperate. The frustration will be the same.

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