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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

cross faction trade/auction sorry if its been asked


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my sith toon got some plans for jedi leggs...obviously I couldn't get anyone to buy it from the market so I was wondering if there are any neutral markets? thanks in advanced and sorry if it's been brought up, only found one thread and it was old.
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Indeed, in Nar Shadaa at the lower Promenades (I think) there are neutral ones...


You ofcourse do run the risk of someone else buying the stuff you want to ferry over. So make sure you log out the character you want to buy it with near them so you don't loose any time and run more risk of your item being gone and sold for low credits :)


It works, I've sent over quiet a few things... Just for role play sake, I always do the posting with my Smugglar :)

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Just to be clear -- unlike in WoW, you can trade with your own characters on the neutral GTN? Meaning, if my BH puts something up there, my Smuggler can buy it?


One of your characters can buy from your other characters right now on the faction GTN.


If I recall correctly cross faction mail is coming in 1.2.

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Just to be clear -- unlike in WoW, you can trade with your own characters on the neutral GTN? Meaning, if my BH puts something up there, my Smuggler can buy it?




But don't be like the stupid people in WOW that put a vial of the sands on the AH for 1 gp and then complain when someone else buys it.

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Just to be clear -- unlike in WoW, you can trade with your own characters on the neutral GTN? Meaning, if my BH puts something up there, my Smuggler can buy it?

Yes. I do it all the time with my Agent and JK. Some things sell better on the Imperial GTN, others sell better on the Repub side. It's good to play both sides.

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