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Dromund Kass not in deep space?


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According to the holocrons on the website, the sith fled into deep space, to the planet of dromund kaas, where they built their current city. Now the sith fled to dromund kaas after the republic invaded korriban... in the game dromund kaas and korriban are right next to each other almost...how does this make sense?
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Dromund Kaas is on the very fringe of the Star Wars galaxy, about as deep in space as you can get without being in the unlivable cold of space that occupies all the area between galaxies. Just because it looks close on the galaxy map doesn't mean it is; it's an enormous galaxy and the two are still millions of light years apart, so it's not as if the Republic could just look through a telescope at DK and say "Hey look, an evil Sith Empire."
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According to the holocrons on the website, the sith fled into deep space, to the planet of dromund kaas, where they built their current city. Now the sith fled to dromund kaas after the republic invaded korriban... in the game dromund kaas and korriban are right next to each other almost...how does this make sense?


Interesting indeed

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Dromund Kaas is on the very fringe of the Star Wars galaxy, about as deep in space as you can get without being in the unlivable cold of space that occupies all the area between galaxies. Just because it looks close on the galaxy map doesn't mean it is; it's an enormous galaxy and the two are still millions of light years apart, so it's not as if the Republic could just look through a telescope at DK and say "Hey look, an evil Sith Empire."




This may be true, but look at Taris, I mean, it's way out there, why couldn't they seperate korriban and dromund kaas like that? Dromund kaas and korriban are about 2,000 parsecs away from each other, and if my little ship can fly all over the galaxy, I'm sure the republic armada could have tracked the sith a mere 2,000 parsecs away, all im saying is that hutta and nar shadda are about 700 parsecs away from each other and you can vividly see nar shadda from hutta... just doesn't make sense to me

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According to the holocrons on the website, the sith fled into deep space, to the planet of dromund kaas, where they built their current city. Now the sith fled to dromund kaas after the republic invaded korriban... in the game dromund kaas and korriban are right next to each other almost...how does this make sense?


ikr? i thought this 2 at 1st, like, how did the republic not see that?


I think its because that makes it cheaper to fly from dromund kaas to korriban, cost like 6 creds instead of 80, just an easier way to get around, my opnion anyway

Edited by Chanez
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Actual distance is quite meaningless when dealing with crossing the galaxy via hyperspace. Hyperspace is extremely tricky to navigate unless you have very recent charts for all the various navigational hazards in your navicomputer. Charting new hyperspace routes is extremely difficult. So while Dromund Kaas may be relatively close to Korriban in realspace, unless you know the hyperspace lanes to connect the two (which only the Emperor did, and kept the data from the Sith who followed him, to keep it from being discovered by the Republic) you can't travel from one to the other.



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This may be true, but look at Taris, I mean, it's way out there, why couldn't they seperate korriban and dromund kaas like that? Dromund kaas and korriban are about 2,000 parsecs away from each other, and if my little ship can fly all over the galaxy, I'm sure the republic armada could have tracked the sith a mere 2,000 parsecs away, all im saying is that hutta and nar shadda are about 700 parsecs away from each other and you can vividly see nar shadda from hutta... just doesn't make sense to me


The game's wrong on one point - there is no way Nar Shadaa is 700 parsecs from Hutta, since Nar Shadaa is Hutta's moon.

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Also, each of those areas contain countless stars and even more planets and moons. Finding a certain planet, even one in a relatively close system, is not trying to find a needle in a haystack, but finding a particular needle in a needle-stack.
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