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When will there be a "SERVER MERGE?"


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So, not really having the time to go through all 90 pages of this thread, and however many were in the previous one, has Bioware ever actually mentioned anything about the possibility of server mergers?



To my knowledge, No. They have mentioned transfers but no dates. They say the legacy systems causes a lot of issues. I'm hoping the can over come them, so, I can enjoy the game once again.

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Did i enjoy those 3 months, yes, would i enjoy doing everything all over again, restarting 8 characters from scratch, of course not, i actually have a life outside of this game.


So you rerolled and enjoyed it and anyone else that doesn't have the time or the patience to do it is just crying and whining, i guess there is no reasoning with self righteous... people that think they know everything better than anyone else and that only their opinion counts.


Wait. So did you just "find" your life outside the game? You obviously got as far as you did in the 3 months since launch, even with your life outside the game, right? Or did you put your "outside life" on hold for 3 months while you leveled up 8 characters?


And who said you have to reroll all 8 characters? How about just reroll ONE of them, so you can enjoy a more populated server while you're waiting for server transfers?


As I said, everyone else who doesn't want to reroll their characters on a new server is welcome to stay where they are... it's really no skin off my back. Just realize you're intentionally leaving your experience where it is, rather than taking the steps to improve your lot. If that's what makes you happy, and if you'd rather join the others in the chorus on wanting server mergers and transfers, enjoy it!


But it seems odd to me that they'll sit around on the forums and complain for another 3 months, yet not have the time to go reroll their characters and have fun playing with others on a more populated server.


There's something wrong in this equation, and I don't think it's my logic or my attitude, and I don't think it's the fact that BioWare made new servers to alleviate the queue issues in December, or that they aren't jumping to the commands of the forum QQ and now reducing the new servers they created 3 months ago.

Edited by Kubernetic
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Serious question (from an amittedly naive person when it comes to software/coding).


Since this game shards instances, Why can't there just be a few servers? (1 pvp server, 1 rp server, 1 pve server, etc.). I know there is likely a reason why, it just seems like such a fantasy solution. I mean, I would think you could either 1) have servers with no sharding or 2) a few mega servers that shard to accommodate the masses.

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From 3/1


Hello everyone. I can absolutely understand the frustrations expressed here, and I appreciate that for the most part, you're being constructive in your comments. Here's a little more insight into the situation.


The character transfer system is being actively worked on by the development team. It's a large, complex project, made more complicated by the Legacy System - and it has to work perfectly. As always, it is not the only task the team as a whole is undertaking, but it's a priority. It has not been deliberately delayed, nor is it being 'held back' for any reason. As you know, the first stage of the system will be a one-off, optional transfer for those who are based in the regions defined in our FAQ. At some point after that, we'll bring a more fully-featured character transfer system online for all to use.


I can understand the frustration of those of you who have been playing on the US servers and waiting for transfers. We know your enthusiasm and excitement for the game - you wouldn't have taken the steps you did to get the game earlier than the official launch if you weren't enthusiastic. We're working as hard as we can to get the system in place. If we could have brought it online earlier, we would have. However, priorities post-launch had to be directed towards the game itself. The team's been working flat-out to improve the game, including bug fixes and additional content.


When we announced our launch territories last year we knew many more fans were excited to play The Old Republic. That's why we moved quickly to launch in Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong and Singapore, with more territories being lined up for future launches. Our primary focus when launching in any new territory has to be to reach more players. Ultimately, that's best for the continuing success of the game. We want everyone who wishes to play on the new servers to be able to do so, hence character transfer being offered. With that said, in this case we felt it was important to get the game into the hands of new players as soon as possible. That, combined with our post-launch development priorities, meant that character transfer did not make our launch date for these territories.


The development team remains committed to delivering a robust character transfer system for all, with our first priority being for Asia-Pacific players. If we can bring the system to you earlier than expected, we will, but for now we’re aiming towards late April.

Stephen Reid | Senior Online Community Manager

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Thanks for sharing this.


I appreciate how honest the dev was, even though he gave somewhat disappointing news.

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They NEED to find a way around it, seeing as (at least in EU), we have over 10 servers where you can't play WZ at 50, cause there aren't enough 50s to even start a huttball, and no chance to get a HM going even... :(


They were hoping for End of April for Asian/ Pacfic and set no date as of yet for rest but probably a few months after that

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On Tarro Blood and we could use a jolt of PUB population... apparently we're out numbered about 5 to 1 imp.


Peak we're lucky to have 50 or so in fleet. Imps will have around 200 if that tells you anything. Be nice if they could merge a light PUB population with ours and see how that shakes out.


Apparently other servers have way worse PUB pops... as it stands people are running to 2 servers... Fatman and another.


I lost at least 4 very active 50s due to this.

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From 3/1


Hello everyone. I can absolutely understand the frustrations expressed here, and I appreciate that for the most part, you're being constructive in your comments. Here's a little more insight into the situation.


The character transfer system is being actively worked on by the development team. It's a large, complex project, made more complicated by the Legacy System - and it has to work perfectly. As always, it is not the only task the team as a whole is undertaking, but it's a priority. It has not been deliberately delayed, nor is it being 'held back' for any reason. As you know, the first stage of the system will be a one-off, optional transfer for those who are based in the regions defined in our FAQ. At some point after that, we'll bring a more fully-featured character transfer system online for all to use.


I can understand the frustration of those of you who have been playing on the US servers and waiting for transfers. We know your enthusiasm and excitement for the game - you wouldn't have taken the steps you did to get the game earlier than the official launch if you weren't enthusiastic. We're working as hard as we can to get the system in place. If we could have brought it online earlier, we would have. However, priorities post-launch had to be directed towards the game itself. The team's been working flat-out to improve the game, including bug fixes and additional content.


When we announced our launch territories last year we knew many more fans were excited to play The Old Republic. That's why we moved quickly to launch in Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong and Singapore, with more territories being lined up for future launches. Our primary focus when launching in any new territory has to be to reach more players. Ultimately, that's best for the continuing success of the game. We want everyone who wishes to play on the new servers to be able to do so, hence character transfer being offered. With that said, in this case we felt it was important to get the game into the hands of new players as soon as possible. That, combined with our post-launch development priorities, meant that character transfer did not make our launch date for these territories.


The development team remains committed to delivering a robust character transfer system for all, with our first priority being for Asia-Pacific players. If we can bring the system to you earlier than expected, we will, but for now we’re aiming towards late April.

Stephen Reid | Senior Online Community Manager

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If its the legacy system that is stalling the character transfers then by all means reset my legacy if thats what it takes. I couldnt care less!!! :(


What i do care about is that i am paying for a multiplayer game and i have a singleplayer game currently. The clock is ticking and im pretty sure its running out quite soon on my part.


edit. Kudos to the lonely dev who actually has cared enough to respond something about the subject.

Edited by Helistin
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If its the legacy system that is stalling the character transfers then by all means reset my legacy if thats what it takes. I couldnt care less!!! :(



Lol, exactly what i said above. I care less about legacy level and more about playing on a server thats fun and active. If given the chance to lose all legacy and transfer?


Bye-bye legacy levels.

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Just give people the option to change their legacy name during transfer. I'd assume they'd need to reset most character names as well... not sure how that wouldn't work fairly easy.


I grabbed "Dovahkiin" on Tarro Blood but would rather be on a more populated PUB server than have a legacy name or even set character names I have at this point.

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Need server merge...the server i play on anyway is dead ....even at peak hrs..friday or saturday peak hr , cant get a full team for pvp , thats bad. plus there is only like 40-50 in fleet at peak, takes 4ever to assemble a team for fp
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Low populated servers need to merge as soon as possible. The lack activity makes people quit and things just get worse for the bunch of us who stay: no wz, no fp, empty action house...A first step in the right direction would be crossed realm warzones, but it's urgent that you deal with this low populated servers or sooner than you think they'll be empty.


Thumbs up, so true!

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I wonder if stalling character transfers/server merger is a fatal mistake from Bioware. It should be top priority tbh. How many people will leave because their server is empty and leveling up another char and gearing it is too much of an hassle? How many months can they put up with it?
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I think there should be a pecking order and you take the newer servers that are lighter and condense them into the pre release servers that have since gone lighter. I know a bunch of "Standard" servers #'s overall seem normal but it's the Republic populations generally suffering due to more people rolling IMP.
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I wonder if stalling character transfers/server merger is a fatal mistake from Bioware. It should be top priority tbh. How many people will leave because their server is empty and leveling up another char and gearing it is too much of an hassle? How many months can they put up with it?


I would say most people will hang around for a month or so, im on my third week watching walls on a empty fleet and praying for a wz que so not very long until my monthly 15€ moves to greener pastures.

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Sorry im not reading through 92 pages... this is my frustration...


IT REALLY SUCKS to have level'd 2 lvl 50 characters and geared them rakata through tons of raids to have to start over on another server cause my current is dead and a merge or transfers will probably take the time it would take me to lvl another 2 characters and gear them on a reasonably populated server......... specially now with the update coming those that picked the wrong server to start on suffer badly as they are forced to start on a better populated server and lose all the work they've done. i love the game to much to quite but feel like punching my screen every time i think of my other characters on the dead server while starting completely fresh on a better server. its pathetic to say the least, i'm paying to play a mmo and recieve updates and new content, cool the new content is on its way but im not playing an mmo on my current server so my paying every month is a complete waste and i'm forced to move so that i can play the "mmo" part as well as the update. i'd like to think i'll be playing this for a good long time so that brings me to another problem...... if i carry on with lvling a new character on a populated server and Bioware decide to go for server MERGES and not transfers..... and merge my old server with a different one to that which im starting FRESH on then i'm screwed again, who wants to switch between servers to play all there characters............ legacy system all screwed, taking different crafts screwed.... guild screwed.... cross faction auction screwd..... and then if bioware does chose to go with transfers and i cant transfer my character to the server im starting fresh on cause its to full (cause everyone's doing the same thing)............ is it not logical to notice that this is happening and do something about it. I CANNOT wait for a merge and WILL NOT carry on playing on a dead server!!!! come on guys... i'm pretty sure this is happening to thousands of players!

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I just canceled because BW cleary lacks talent, ideas and a proper development team.


They are doing nothing but stealing ideas from other mmo's (dont saying that that is wrong, but they are doing it half the way and poorly implementing it). Legacy sistem is alt centric, sure you can buy the unlocks, but what are you going to earn? a few /emotes, and solo pve abilitys? Sure you can buff up with the 4 clases buff, thats the only nice thing on it.


Instead of doing more dificult OPS they are nerfing healing, taking the easy road since lunch. They didnt even mention anything on server merge or paid/free transfer for the ppl that are on dead server that at the begining they werent dead servers at all (hex droid first month very heavy with 350ppl at fleet at peak hs, now it has 80 if you are lucky enough).


Its like paying for a 2005 mmo, it has the graphics of a 2005 mmo, the mechanics of a 2005mmo, the problems of a 2005 mmo.


The worse of this is that i love swtor, aside from dead servers i can live with everything else, i was going to stay forever but almost 2 months has been since dead servers, and they didnt even mention anything about them.


For the ppl staying Good luck and i hope they merge your servers or give you free transfer for a server of your choice xD

Edited by Kennkra
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Unless they are trying to kill the game themselves just to get out of the fiasco they have created. Wich by the way i hope isnt the case as i realy enjoy the game.


They need to merge servers or offer transfers. Before so many people that otherwise would be loyal subs drop out of the game completly.



They keep trying to hype up 1.2 like they hopeing if they make enough noise about it those of us thats on dead servers will get star eyed and forget we are alone.


But all it realy does is make the obivious painfully so , By reminding us all these great changes are gonna eb based alot on lvling fps and ops runs for new toons.


ONLY we cant do that because we standing on a fleet with 9 people on it just wishing the REAPERS would go ahead and harvest us already. Sure we will be liquified but hey at least we wont be alone.

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I wonder if stalling character transfers/server merger is a fatal mistake from Bioware. It should be top priority tbh. How many people will leave because their server is empty and leveling up another char and gearing it is too much of an hassle? How many months can they put up with it?


A lot of people are wondering this, the outlook doesn't look good tbh.

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What saddens me is how quiet BW has become in recent times. Why aren't we atleast getting a response that this is being considered and/or fixed? I'm tired of logging on and seeing more than half of what we used to have on my server. The game isn't as fun as it once was because no matter where I go I'm usually alone unless my guild has logged on to raid.


We need a response BW. This silence is NOT helping anything.

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Here's the thing. I came into the game about a month after release. I picked the highest pop pvp-east server at that point, The Fatman. This server is STILL blowing up. It has more people in every single leveling zone than most of your servers have on the entire planet. (I'm not joking).


However, this is the dirty little secret. There's no more grouping on this server than any of your low pop servers. 200 people in Drom Kass and you'll still be stuck spamming LFG for every single Heroic 4 or FP you want to do.


This game is dominated by solo-still-live-in-the-basement-40y.o-i-like-to-**********-to-my-characters-RP-star-wars-freaks.


Everyone else is just rushing to the non-existent end-game and couldn't be bothered to do some worthless lvl 20 FP that no one ever does. A bunch of other people just roll PvP alts all day and sit in fleet all day spamming WZs. So, yeah, in that regard it will be a lot better for some of you because WZs pop instantly 24 hours a day. But after you've spammed WZs a few weeks, you'll want to claw your eyes.


The truth is this game is dead. It's not just your servers. They won't merge servers any time soon folks. How can you merge servers with < 10 people on them during primetime. Reality is there is only enough population left in this game to support maybe 10-15 US servers. LOL! There is no way they can close 90% of their servers 4 months in people.


You are STILL a month away from 1.2 release. Go check out the PTR if you don't believe me. It's a bit better but overall still a buggy mess. Server transfers logically would maybe, at best, be a month after that so you're talking about like 2 months minimum before you get transfers.


No one is going to play on server with like 150 total people online between both sides for another two months. It's just stupid and insulting that Biofail would expect anyone to do that.


I personally haven't played for a month now. There's simply no desire to level through the same boring content yet again. Class quests make up maybe 10% of your play-time (personally I think it's 5% or maybe even 2-3%). Ugh, it's hard to describe just how disappointed in this game.

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