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When will there be a "SERVER MERGE?"


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agree and from this point looks like they preffer cash shop free game like warhammer for sure this game goes free without merge when players see new crew craft system and no one to sell GG


I think you should stick to "The end is nigh"!


Sounds catchier.

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No one will take you seriously if you do not use punctuation or capitals. Don't get me wrong I am by no means perfect when it comes to spelling or grammar but the basics of capital letters and punctuation is easy to do. When you don't use them you come off as lazy!


Those who do not break up thoughts into paragraphs your ideas just don't get read by people as it kills the eyes! The great walls of text are terrible especially if they have no punctuation.

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Its midnight on a Sunday night ........and on the Mask of Nihilus server there are 112 people in the Imperial fleet right now.


This game is fine.


wow. you must be like the 5% of ppl who land good pop servers..


im on a west coast rep server. 'zalbaar'. id say the most at avg when i log on is like 25 on the repub fleet. im blown away by seeing almost 40 now. but 40 is rare now. ... low pop is all i see...

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I feel the community over rules the media if 1.7 million people are playing but never are they really playing together they will indefinitely get upset and feel as though the game is dying.

It's so early in ToR's lifespan that yes a server merge will create bad media but in all honesty I truly truly do believe that the community will be happier and if the community is happier the game flourishes. This game won't die it can't they're tons and tons of players who will play it for their own personal reasons.


It's a BW game with a story and meaning.

It's a Star Wars game, my favourite franchise of all time.

And it's an MMO I love a community and the multiplayer aspect of it.


If the servers were merged write it off as bettering the community heck sound proud of it BW you could easily say. We opened up too many servers and we care about our players and the games well being so we're condensing to create a better gaming experience.

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They dont realize that it dont matter how many people start a sub, it how many of them comtinue thier sub, I have 2 50, and a 41 lvl char, and about done with this game cause our server pop blows and there is nothing i can do about it except reinvest my time tpo level up a another character on a different server, why should i do that when there is 200+ servers and NONE are at max and 90% are underpopulated they need to realize there about to LOSE A WHOLE BUNCH OS SUBS!!!!!!!!!
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Its simple bro everyone with a brain can see this check number


gz for imps they should change the name of this game to "Darth Revan Legancy a place without Republic" for sure this will happen


Those are not accurate numbers. Do that every day for a month and give me averages!


What about casual players who might only play once or twice a week. Students may not play at all during a semester and only play during breaks.


You willing to give up your name if someone created the same name before you did on another server for the sake of the merge?


What happens if merges happen and all of a sudden there are queue times? People will get angrier! Cries of I want to play now there should be no queue times.


It is not as simple as just merging servers and being done with it!

Edited by Lord_Scythe
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This has probably already been said, but i'm not going to read 36 pages to find out.


If and when server meges are to happen they have to take faction imbalance into account and this is something that is going to be very, very hard for this game to do. The vast majority of servers have a majority of Imperial players leaving very little wiggle room when it comes to merges. There are very few servers where the republic population even matches never mind exceeds the imperials meaning that when server merges commence balance won't be the result.


They'll have to weigh the decision as it will piss off so many subscribers when their servers get merged and the imbalance is just as, if not more obvious. Personally i'd be fine with any merge that meant more people on the republic side, especially as open world PvP is now non existent outside of organised occurences.

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Like they said, in one of the up comming patches, they will be putting in a better system to find groups for flashpoints and heroics, so maybe that will help get groups faster on low populated servers. If they did do a server merge, it would be alot of work and time, plus you might not see any of your friends outside of your guild anymore. Trust me, once some more people quit WOW, there will be plenty more players online. Just wait and see.
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i don't know if this sentiment has been expressed in this large thread or not, but if a forced server merge made me change either character names or my legacy name i would not be a happy camper.


beyond that i like the idea. some of them are ghost towns at the moment.

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Trust me, once some more people quit WOW, there will be plenty more players online. Just wait and see.


Uh huh, a few hundred k decline in WoW every quarter is going to totally polulate all servers and factions in TOR in the blink of an eye. No other games exist :rolleyes:

Edited by Kabaal
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This has probably already been said, but i'm not going to read 36 pages to find out.


If and when server meges are to happen they have to take faction imbalance into account and this is something that is going to be very, very hard for this game to do. The vast majority of servers have a majority of Imperial players leaving very little wiggle room when it comes to merges. There are very few servers where the republic population even matches never mind exceeds the imperials meaning that when server merges commence balance won't be the result.


They'll have to weigh the decision as it will piss off so many subscribers when their servers get merged and the imbalance is just as, if not more obvious. Personally i'd be fine with any merge that meant more people on the republic side, especially as open world PvP is now non existent outside of organised occurences.


Pretty much the point I tried to make earlier... All server merges would do with the current faction imbalance is create server queues for people and not really fix much of anything as far as the lower population faction is concerned.

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Server merges won't happen because:


A) Would look bad to EA's investors.


B) Bioware doesn't have the technology to do character transfers. They definitely can't do an entire server merge.


C) Would cause faction imbalance on a much larger scale than already exists.


D) They are optimistic that 1.2 will bring back a majority of people who have stopped playing.

Edited by Daluu
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If they're not merging servers by the end of this month (with 1.2 release at the very latest), the game is dead.

No matter how many content they add, the game is dead if there is no community. And 20 people in fleet don't make a community.

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We do need X-fers. The population just continues to drop off. I dont see much in 1.2 that is going to bring ppl back by the thousands. Thinking ppl are going to quit wow and come play SWTOR is just silly. I know a bunch of ppl who have already gone BACK to WOW because the endgame is so lacking here.


Low population servers will continue to lose subs. This is just the nature of MMOs. It needs to be fixed and in a hurry.

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If they're not merging servers by the end of this month (with 1.2 release at the very latest), the game is dead.

No matter how many content they add, the game is dead if there is no community. And 20 people in fleet don't make a community.




Its sad but this game will not survive next events will remove republic faction from game


-April gw 2

-May Diablo 3

-June Secret world

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Source? Doubt EA will do that anytime soon. They already lied about sub numbers.


Source = common sense

Reason = If they don't they won't have anyone left playing.

Fact = They may fool the gullible with their sub figures but people with common sense know this game is failing badly with sub numbers.

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i guess they should give us ETA now i dont care about 1.2 and for sure more players think merge this month is more important that next patch


a lot of complains here




And they ignore us again and just close topic same thing before sony lose 90% of player base in nge


The whole thing is badly run from the moderators who close posts for nothing to the devs who hardly ever talk to their customers. Guild summit, hah what a pile of ****, they should get on these boars and talk to the real fan base, not a bunch of happy clappers.

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Source = common sense

Reason = If they don't they won't have anyone left playing.

Fact = They may fool the gullible with their sub figures but people with common sense know this game is failing badly with sub numbers.


If they could do a server merge they would be doing character transfers, at least to the pts. They have stated that they can't do character transfers yet, they have to go in a create a similar character with similar stats and gear but cant transfer all the data attached to a character. You really think they have the technology to do that on a massive scale??


Yes, they need to do a merge soon. But from all the information gathered they can't....yet at least.

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The whole thing is badly run from the moderators who close posts for nothing to the devs who hardly ever talk to their customers. Guild summit, hah what a pile of ****, they should get on these boars and talk to the real fan base, not a bunch of happy clappers.


They have been closing a lot of posts! I'm glad I am not the only one noticing that. Seems like every negative post eventually disappears.


I don't care anymore. Im unsubbing this month and Im not coming back. BW screwed themselves over.

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