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When will there be a "SERVER MERGE?"


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What if there was not the same size drop-off in population as occurred and BioWare had not created that last wave of expansion servers?


It's easy to say now what they should have done but, in the early stages of the release when no-one really knew what they had on their hands, there were some pretty damn lengthy server cues. We might still be dealing with sharding and waiting to log in.


In all honesty, patience and some thought on the part of the customers would have provided the best way to manage the issue but, it's not something to be counted upon.



server queues at the launch were there on purpose, so that population would be spread equally among most servers, it wasn't there because the servers were actually full.

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Hey everyone I started a Marauder and dinged it to lvl 20 for some reason i rushed the class quests on nar shaada and was trying to group up for the flashpoint athiss been looking for days my guild was all offline except a 2 or 3 other high or low lvl people I dont really want to start over since i have a lot of chars but server merging sounds great would be nice ty :D
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I assume they are expecting ppl to come back to try 1.2 and hoping they will stick to the game.


I hope this optimism would become reality. If it wouldn't BW must take real quick precautions and allow server transfers. Or else lots of more ppl will quit.

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server queues at the launch were there on purpose, so that population would be spread equally among most servers, it wasn't there because the servers were actually full.


100% True, Bioware had server caps reduced to create queues so they can spread out people. This is all biowares fault. Having 126 US based servers is way too many and now many people are suffering. The only people who are against a merge are losers that play on high pop servers that dont give a crap about anyone else.


My server used to avg 100-150 on fleet at peak times on both sides, now we get 50-75 at peak times and its getting worse and worse.


Merge NEEDS to happen or give us a free transfer. Merging does not mean the game is dieing, all it means is that they trying to bring people close together.

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It's on the way... either wait or quit.


Are you purposefully ignoring everything the devs are doing/saying just so you have something to complain about?


Server mergers are most definitely not on the way. Server transfers for paid money, probably, but unless this game is circling the drain, they will not merge servers. The amount of bad press a move like that creates is an order of magnitude larger than the current "servers are low pop" complaints are generating.

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server queues at the launch were there on purpose, so that population would be spread equally among most servers, it wasn't there because the servers were actually full.


What was their motivation for creating the last few servers when people were crying about server cues? Wouldn't it have been easier for them to just raise those caps? If you have hard info on the caps being their doing and the cause, I'd love to see it. As of now that sequence of events makes little sense to me.

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100% True, Bioware had server caps reduced to create queues so they can spread out people. This is all biowares fault. Having 126 US based servers is way too many and now many people are suffering. The only people who are against a merge are losers that play on high pop servers that dont give a crap about anyone else.


My server used to avg 100-150 on fleet at peak times on both sides, now we get 50-75 at peak times and its getting worse and worse.


Merge NEEDS to happen or give us a free transfer. Merging does not mean the game is dieing, all it means is that they trying to bring people close together.


Watch your mouth kid. You're overstepping it.


On to the matter at hand however.


I said it before. Most people arguing against this situation are not negating the fact that there is a valid concern when it comes to SOME servers. Some of them are in a bad shape and need some help. And they WILL get it.


Obviously they won't go out and say "It's your fault players, you broke our servers." They'll just take it upon themselves and try and fix our mess. It's normal, it's expected and it's their job.


The issue here is the fact that people are blasting it out of proportion blaming Bioware for something they are not the main culprit for. The real culprits are the players, plain and simple. It's not their "fault" in a bad sense but it's their fault nonetheless.

Players decide for themselves what they want to do. Nobody want's to admit when its their fault so they just pass the blame.

Most often as is the case with MMOs people will move around jumping from server to server searching for "the one".


If you look over most servers at peak hours you will realize the number of affected servers is actually small. If i were to judge i'd say the number of servers is almost right. If they had maybe 10-20 less servers it might have been better.

But i am 100% sure, that even if they had less servers this issue would still occur.

If it wasn't 160 servers with 20 dead factions/servers it would have been 100 servers with maybe 15 dead factions/servers.

It's something unavoidable in these types of MMOs.


This is visible in any and all MMOs with this kind of format. Even the Juggernaut that is WoW has this issue and was not able to fix it in so many years.


I have no problem with people asking for a fix when it comes to valid concerns.

But keep it in check and stay objective.

Tantrums, rages, QQ's, immature comments and blame games don't help your cause in any way nor do they make your argument more valid.

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Peak time at EU... HEX DROID server 70ppl at fleet imp side.


45 minutes i have spaming for LF any HM (i'm healer specd)


log on my alt, 2 persons on hoth (on of those is me xD)


10 min queue for pvp.



Bioware i know there are heavy pop servers at the time at your european servers.


I have a exelent game in my hands, its name is Star Wars: The Old Republic. But guest what? i can't play it because its a mmo without enough gamers inside. I found my self only loging 2 times a week to raid (all cleared HM content).


And i know that you are preparing for 1.2 launch and you will probaly adress this later than that. I'm willing to wait, but if you dont merger servers or there isn't and increase in pop I'm going to quit, and maybe come back once you merge servers or there is more ppl to group with.


1 month back the imperial fleet at my server had 280 players and a second intance of it with anather 80+ players, but now we only have 1 intance with 80 players. Its not fun anymore.


Plz bioware, for the love of your game, DO SOMETHING about it, i'm willing to pay for transfering if that's your concern.


Stephen Reid, it will rly boos morale here if you give a word about this. I'm sure you are waitin for 1.2 to hit and see how many ppl comes back but if those ppl don't come back or they are not enought to ensure a proper gameplay plz, I ask you to please give us some information about this, we dont need a HARD ETA, just something to keep us playing.

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My server is starting to feel a lot less lively, and if it weren't for my guild I wouldn't hesitate in re-rolling another server.


If you want a more social experience the only active option is to re roll on another server.


That's my conclusion. You can either make the best of where you are or start fresh on another server.


We all have time invested into our toons, but sometimes you have to sacrifice early to reap the long term benefits.

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What if there was not the same size drop-off in population as occurred and BioWare had not created that last wave of expansion servers?


It's easy to say now what they should have done but, in the early stages of the release when no-one really knew what they had on their hands, there were some pretty damn lengthy server cues. We might still be dealing with sharding and waiting to log in.


In all honesty, patience and some thought on the part of the customers would have provided the best way to manage the issue but, it's not something to be counted upon.



i prefert 10 times to wait 5 to 20 minutes to log into my server than having a dead/ghost server and having to wait 45 minutes for a HM or 15 for a wz or unable to do heroics because there isn't enough ppl on the server and planet.


How i stated on my above post, i love this game but the lack of population is rly killing it for me, every day i thinking more in quiting, not because i hate the game or i dont find it fun, its because there is no one on the servers to play with. You say guild? yea i raid twice or trice a week but thats it. 3 days, 2 to 3 ours each day, the rest of the days i found my self loging in, check AH then login out.

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Obviously they won't go out and say "It's your fault players, you broke our servers." They'll just take it upon themselves and try and fix our mess.


Tantrums, rages, QQ's, immature comments and blame games don't help your cause in any way nor do they make your argument more valid.


Their mess.


BW wont go out and say "It's your fault players, you broke our servers." However you're more than happy to make an attempt at subtly doing so yourself.


After placing all of the blame on the players, you then say that blame games don't help our cause.


Well played friend. You're a good example on how to forum.

Edited by Celebrus
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instead of ignoring the community by removing post such as these , do something. The mods on this forum are just closing threads which address major problems with the populations on the server


To the game Developer They are too many dead server on EU , the community needs servers mergers or servers transfers, by ignoring this crucial pre-emptive measures a lot of players are going to either quit SWTOR or simply leave the game, we the gaming community have raised this issue from the beginning but seems no one is willing to do any actions on your side, you released too many server on Launch so people are spread out everywhere and there is not enough players on 90% of the server for Groups or PVP, a immediate solution is necessary. Major issues with finding groups in game, having resources to contribute to the overall server economy, and being able to gather strong enough forces to enjoy the game end content. You need to do a comprehensive examination of all of your servers across Europe and North America , after reviewing the data you would likely find it's not the most ideal populations. An action plan needs to be put into place immediately the more you delay your decisions the more you increasing your chances of having a dwindling numbers of players staying in this game. The solution we provided will improve players experience.


How many negative reviews? and disgruntled player feedback? and cancelled subscriptions is needed before you take actions?


This is a classic mistake on your part when you choose to ignore a major issue such as this and not put at in your highest priorities.

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Watch your mouth kid. You're overstepping it.


On to the matter at hand however.


I said it before. Most people arguing against this situation are not negating the fact that there is a valid concern when it comes to SOME servers. Some of them are in a bad shape and need some help. And they WILL get it.


Obviously they won't go out and say "It's your fault players, you broke our servers." They'll just take it upon themselves and try and fix our mess. It's normal, it's expected and it's their job.


The issue here is the fact that people are blasting it out of proportion blaming Bioware for something they are not the main culprit for. The real culprits are the players, plain and simple. It's not their "fault" in a bad sense but it's their fault nonetheless.

Players decide for themselves what they want to do. Nobody want's to admit when its their fault so they just pass the blame.

Most often as is the case with MMOs people will move around jumping from server to server searching for "the one".


If you look over most servers at peak hours you will realize the number of affected servers is actually small. If i were to judge i'd say the number of servers is almost right. If they had maybe 10-20 less servers it might have been better.

But i am 100% sure, that even if they had less servers this issue would still occur.

If it wasn't 160 servers with 20 dead factions/servers it would have been 100 servers with maybe 15 dead factions/servers.

It's something unavoidable in these types of MMOs.


This is visible in any and all MMOs with this kind of format. Even the Juggernaut that is WoW has this issue and was not able to fix it in so many years.


I have no problem with people asking for a fix when it comes to valid concerns.

But keep it in check and stay objective.

Tantrums, rages, QQ's, immature comments and blame games don't help your cause in any way nor do they make your argument more valid.


Eh , not worth it , this person is just over the edge kiss-***.

Edited by Dahkot
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Republic Vision


-Ligth servers 5-10 players on fleet


-Standard 20-40 players on fleet


-Heavy 100+ players on fleet just 3 servers are Heavy


we have 200 servers for nothing its so pathetic they spamm your propaganda with 2******kk subs and next month will be 3***kk but if you play on a ligth or standard as republic you know that its a pure lie


Keep posting about merge

Edited by lordhaizen
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I'm on Hedaar Soongh - and it is..quite dead.


Starting a new alt, you will find maybe 10 people on the starting planet - if your lucky at "peek" times, 15-20..MAYBE...drummand kaas will have around 40 people on it with the fleet at around 100..


Recently i popped on a more active East server and checked out the repub side - Corsucant had around 110 people on it alone!!!!!@!@!


People everywhere..the fleet around 200, and this was NOT peak time.


The only reason i can't seem to log into that server and level is because well, no legacy? I already have legacy 38...starting a couple new chars on an active server to level seems pointless when we have no ETA on server merge or char transfers.


I think all of the steady light servers need to be nullified and merged, and this needs to happen on the asap

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They already stated at the summit that its in the works but they want to make the transfer process as smooth as possible (prob developing an automatic transfer since they are manually transferring characters to the test server)... buuuuut I REALLY hope they make transfers a priority. Although I don't play on low pop servers (luckily there is usually always 100+ on fleet on the standard servers I play) I feel sorry for players stuck on ghost town servers. It would help the community overall and would make the game more fun for a lot of people. I don't mind rerolling and I've done it like 5 times now, but a LOT of people do mind.


I also hope they make transfers free like Rift XP but that is wishful thinking....

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my server had like 111 or so in the republic fleet tonight and honestly even that is not cuting it i understand some of you guys are having problems with 10 or less being in the fleet which is just not going to cut it but even with 10x that my server still is near empty and can take as much as an hour or even 2 to fill a spot in a group


with the phase teck they have they should of made 1 server that was all they needed

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Republic Vision


-Ligth servers 5-10 players on fleet


-Standard 20-40 players on fleet


-Heavy 100+ players on fleet just 3 servers are Heavy


we have 200 servers for nothing its so pathetic they spamm your propaganda with 2******kk subs and next month will be 3***kk but if you play on a ligth or standard as republic you know that its a pure lie


Keep posting about merge


Caused because of all the whining about queue times. Many people warned people in those QQ threads that this would happen. People had to play now and screw later consequences. Dead servers are the later consequence.


Merges are going to have to happen unless patch 1.2 brings back old players or bring an influx of new players. I doubt they will merge any servers before 1.2.

Edited by Lord_Scythe
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I play on exiles crystal eu im lucky to see around 20 people on the fleet at peak times and when questing theres usually 2 to 3 people in the same area as me, Thing is i dont really wanna have to start lvling up again on another server and its hard to lvl on my current server with nobody around to do heroic quests. People saying that there are more people coming so the game will become more populated again, your right in a sense but lets be honest people are gonna go to the servers they see that are already populated as it is not the low pop servers.
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