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V/O with Cinematics does not mean good story.


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I think both the cutscenes and voice acting are done really, really well in SWTOR. As far as comparing their quality to other games like Mass Effect, it's pretty darn close, and for an MMO, I think it gets a bit of leeway since there is just so much more of it.


Here's my problem: the stories aren't very good. Compared to other MMO's I've played they are superior in just about every way, but that's not saying much at all.


As an avid reader and film buff, I think that 90% of the plot lines are laughably bad, like b-movie grade nonsense. Every single character I have come into contact with in SWTOR is so one dimensional and predictable. The Sith are evil, the Jedi are good, this person likes credits, that guy is a coward.


Anther problem I have is that I don't feel that there is a grand story that supercedes our smaller class stories. What are we fighting for? What are we working towards? Why don't any of the classes share characters between stories? I feel like every class is it's own little universe with nothing connecting us to the big picture.


That's another major problem with the game that I saw coming a long way off, and it is in fact an issue with me. Every bounty hunter is the grand champion of the great hunt? Every single Sith becomes the same powerful lord? We are all special little snowflakes aren't we?


I just feel that more than anything, the writing staff at Bioware has really degraded in quality overall. I should have known SWTOR would suffer from a lack of creative writing talent after playing Dragon Age 2, one of the worst RPGs made in a long time in my opinion.


TLDR - SWTOR's story is terrible on almost every account, and the writers at Bioware couldn't pass a creative writing class at a community college.


-Edit- I've played a few classes into the 30's, and all the others to about 20 and I just couldn't care less about a single story SWTOR tried to tell me. I don't act like a critic when I hear a story, I judge it based on how interested I am in it and SWTOR just never gripped me. To me, there isn't a single memorable character (including the player) in the whole game.

Edited by Rackjaw
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