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Am I at the Right Number of Credits?


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I'm level 18 Sith Marauder, and I have about 8,000 credits, which fluctuates as I send companions on missions and complete missions of my own.


Am I at the right number of credits for my level, or should I start to become more conservative about spending?

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Glad you asked, I was wondering the same thing (but I'm at about 6,000 lol).


Everyone says the credits come easy, but I'm not sure if it's easy enough to keep up with my spending habits. I think I might be sending my companions out too much.

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Can you afford your training? If so, then the answer is yes:)


It is highly recommended that you make sure you get your speeder license ASAP (40,000 credits) and speeder (8,000 credits) because some of the areas coming up are pretty large to run across:)


That being said, I was down to less than 500 credits at 21st level and still got my speeder at 25th. Just remember to loot everything, sell the vendor trash and be a little more thrifty with your crew skills until you've achieved the desired amount.

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There is no right number of credits. Depending on what you spend your credits on, you may have more or less. I have never lacked the credits to get the things I need. And I know of other players who barely have scraped by.
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Credits do come easy, but you can also spend them just as fast. You both sound fine for your level, but as you approach 20+ you will need to start saving for your scooter at 25. 40k credits for training and 8k for the bike can take a big cut if you have been overenthusiastic with your crew skill spending.
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Credits come pretty easy especially after you hit level 20. You're going to need about 48k for your speeder training and buying an actual speeder at level 25 so you may not want to spend a ton of money on your crew skill missions. At least slow down so you can make sure you will have enough for your training and everything.
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You're first milestone or checkpoint will be level 25. At that point, you're going to need to have 40,000 credits for your speeder license. It's not a necessity, but it is a huge convenience. You'll also need 8,000 credits for a speeder, but that's not so much. So if you can save up 50,000 credits, you should be ok. And in saving up that much money, you'll learn how easy it is to earn credits in SWTOR.


That said... The fastest way to blow a lot of money is by over-leveling your crew skills, which is way too easy to do. The best advice is to just keep your crew skills leveled up to the point where you can craft items for you and your companion to use, and then don't level your gathering skills ahead of your crafting skill. Doing that should keep you from spending too much money. Your next big money sink is going to be buying your new skills. For several levels you'll probably see that you earn a whole lot of money and then spend it all on training. And that's fairly normal, assuming you're not going out of your way to save money. (at least that's what happens with my characters) You're credit balance is probably going to fluctuate a lot, so get used to it and don't worry about it too much. Also, if you have skills like archaeology and scavenging, gather materies from those nodes. Don't send your companion on missions for those skills. Why spend money to skill up when you can skill up for free?


If you want to try to earn money faster than you really need to, then you can try selling items on the GTN. If you're good at that game, you can make a lot of money on the green, blue and purple (if you're lucky enough to find them) gear/weapon drops you find during questing. Also, don't buy things off of the GTN. In most of my leveling, I was able to get by with quest rewards, commendation items and drops that I found while killing mobs - if I couldn't craft items on my own. Also, do the space combat missions, if you're able to. Some people find the space missions too hard, so it may not be an option for you. But if you can do them, do all the daily space missions. That will earn you a nice bit of money. In the 20's, you can easilly earn 10,000 credits a day doing the missions.

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OK thanks, because I don't want to spend a bunch on the very best items I can buy and be at level 25 with <1000 credits for a speeder.


Just remember that every time you buy a piece of gear from a vendor that may be tops for your character at the moment that you are likely to find a piece of gear that tops it from a mob drop a half hour later. Just saying that you can find a lot of good gear that drop from killing mobs so you don't have to spend a ton of creds buying gear from vendors.

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I alwayd do a few Pvp rounds or space missions when i run low on cash ( which happens a lot, i always check GTN for the latest gear and that cost a lot of money.... shopaholic i guess :) )


I also have a few alts and tend to sitch money between them when im in a bind. Giving a new alt 10.000 when they start seems to make a big difference :)

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A lot of good tips here. I just have a small one :)


As mentioned, the speeder training and speeder itself, which becomes available for 48000 at level 25, is the first major expence you'll have unless you overspend on the GTN ;)


You will probably want to have that, but you don't need to get it at once. The first planet where I consider a speeder useful is Tatooine (which makes sense since that's where you "should" reach level 25). My characters are usually overleveled, reaching level 25 quite a bit before that, so I just hold on to my money and get the speeder training when I get there.

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Credits do come easy, if you play right.


1. Don't over level your crew skills, as someone else stated (unless you have slicing, then send a crew member out as often as possible for lockboxes only)


2. Always, always, always, run Space Dailies. You will get credits, XP, and space commendations. If you are short on credits, and don't have slicing, do more space battles.


2a. if you like PvP, run the PvP dailies. Personally, I don't so never ran them.


3. At low levels, if you are going to actually buy gear, only buy orange (modable) gear and guns. Once you buy a Modable item, you can use the commendations from each planet to upgrade the mods to keep the gear level with you.


4. Don't buy non orange (modable) gear unless you absolutely have to. EX: Implants, Earpieces, etc. As you quest and level, gear will drop (or mission rewards) that you can use to outfit yourself and your crew.


5. If you have a modable item, keep it upgraded. Use planet commendations to purchase the item mods, or buy them from the GTN. They are usually far cheaper than constantly buying new gear.


6. If you have a crew skill that offers companion gifts, sell them. Do not keep them and use them.


7. Crafting can be a credit sink at low levels. In order to get decent upgrades, you have to RE the items to learn better schematics. Which means you lose the item, and gain back only a minimal number of mats. If you are going to craft, craft for yourself, but watch your credits, and spend time reading some of the great guides that existing on Reverse Engineering so that you understand fully what it is and how it works before you start.


8. Make sure that if you choose a crafting skill that you pick the correct gathering skills that go with it.


9. Do ALL bonus missions before you turn in the main mission. This will get you extra XP and credits.


10. If you want to make straight credits, stay away from crafting and pick 3 gathering type skills. Slicing, Scavenging, Underworld Trading/Treasure Hunting/Diplomacy.

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Good tips from other posters.

Note that the credit gain is exponential. Basically credits will just start rolling in indirectly from killing mobs / npc-ing once you hit 40's. So level is actually an important modifier for getting rich.


Some relative stuff :


> Don't do any crafting early on if you like credits

> Gathering professions will make you rich at any level if you are able to identify niches

> Take on space missions early on cause the rewards are really worth it at lower levels & they become way more difficult ( require level 4 equipment ) in the mid 40's

> Once you hit 50, a few more credit streams open up due to access to level 50 content

Edited by Stovokor
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