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Seems a few people don't enjoy the game and are trying to convince the rest of us the game is crap. I'm really enjoying the game I always have something to do. My characters range in level from two 34's, 29, 21 and 10 heh. I have no desire to rush to 50 and only dabbled with crafting.

I hope this game continues for a long time and I plan to stay here a long tome yet. If you don't like it please don't come here trying to convince us the game will fail. Simply cancel the subs and move on. I always feel disgruntled players begrudge us for continuing to play this game.


See you ingame :)

Edited by Tsukuni
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If you don't like it please don't come here trying to convince us the game will fail. Simply cancel the subs and move on. I always feel disgruntled players begrudge us for continuing to play this game.


By the same token, why are you coming here to tell strangers you hope the game succeeds? Why not just .. keep playing and let it lie?


Also: Conventional wisdom says get to 50, stay there for 2 weeks, then come back & talk about how much fun you're having.


I don't begrudge anyone their entertainment, but c'mon. How necessary are these threads?

Edited by Dayfax
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i love the game also- me and around 45 other guildy from WOW came over here and never look back,Couple of them even sold there account with legendary,couple max level 85 and stuff.



We just got tired of getting laff in the face by blizzard and there 6-7 raid boss every 5 months.


COnsidering they make like 100+ million amonth lol that pathetic.

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The leveling process is real fun and challenging, hiding the grinding of the game.


After becoming level 50 , all the things you do tend to get repetitive and its the same case with all the MMO's. It's just a bit easier here. Still , haters always hate.


However, the real reason i post in this forum and whine about the game is that game gave us high quality content before the release, and i feel like i am ripped off.


I truly thought they would bring some change with the gameplay, make teamwork real important, make all flashpoints as cool as Esseles / Black Talon, give us epic raid battles which doesn't include dpsing a single boss, give us epic battlegrounds which feels as if we are in a war ( imagine a dota like map where you also have to battle a small amount of weak enemies. ). More reasons can be counted but i hope you get the point.


It's a great game but it is very similar to other MMO's we played before with a new pillar, story. It's a great addition to MMO's however the rest of the game still remains the same with others.


It's good that you are enjoying it, i am too but that doesn't change the fact that SWTOR is a big disappointment in my book.

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I don't begrudge anyone their entertainment, but c'mon. How necessary are these threads?


Just to point out, how necessary are the threads about how the game sucks? There are people that hate the game and people that love the game. People have opinions and can post whether or not they like the game and what is or isn't wrong with the game (in their opinion).

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I got to 50 over a month ago on my main.


If I was just playing that charcater and nothing else I would be bored.


I'm just taking my time and levelling up alts but still go onto my 50 at least once per day to run hard modes etc to help out guildies.. also running dailies for credits.


You can gear up really quickly if you want to and yes you will have max gear in a week.. If that is all you want to do and do that on one character ofc you will be bored..


at 50 I can


run a hardmode to gear up my main or companions

craft stuff for companions/mains or alts.. I tend to craft blue gear for my alts as they level.

do PvP

Do some dailies

Run a raid

Help people in guild

play something else and come back later in the day to run a hardmode

Or you have a character and if you're in a guild maybe make competition knockout tournament..... have each toon pay x amount to enter and pay the winner


I like swtor not taking up all my time if I don't want it to. ME3 coming out in a few days.. Will be nice to be able to play that and continue with SWTOR.

Edited by corbanite
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Seems a few people don't enjoy the game and are trying to convince the rest of us the game is crap. I'm really enjoying the game I always have something to do. My characters range in level from two 34's, 29, 21 and 10 heh. I have no desire to rush to 50 and only dabbled with crafting.

I hope this game continues for a long time and I plan to stay here a long tome yet. If you don't like it please don't come here trying to convince us the game will fail. Simply cancel the subs and move on. I always feel disgruntled players begrudge us for continuing to play this game.


See you ingame :)


Oh it will fail you too if u ever figure out how to level, casual kate

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Just to point out, how necessary are the threads about how the game sucks? There are people that hate the game and people that love the game. People have opinions and can post whether or not they like the game and what is or isn't wrong with the game (in their opinion).


The other kind of threads aren't necessary either. I post snarky responses in those too.


People can only post what the mods let them post. Plenty of threads of this type have been closed.


With this one, the OP isn't really talking about anything specific to the game & is criticizing the larger community at the same time. Both are GD forum no-nos, but she'll probably get away with it because of the title of the thread.

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Seems a few people don't enjoy the game and are trying to convince the rest of us the game is crap. I'm really enjoying the game I always have something to do. My characters range in level from two 34's, 29, 21 and 10 heh. I have no desire to rush to 50 and only dabbled with crafting.

I hope this game continues for a long time and I plan to stay here a long tome yet. If you don't like it please don't come here trying to convince us the game will fail. Simply cancel the subs and move on. I always feel disgruntled players begrudge us for continuing to play this game.


See you ingame :)


Indeed, see ya in game! Every time I start a new alt I get sucked into the thing all over again. Now I'm going through the Justicar sector on Coruscant for the fourth time, and the pipes and underworld which I hate, but I'm still charging right into it again.

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Oh it will fail you too if u ever figure out how to level, casual kate


Harcore Henry...calling people names isn't all that mature. Looking at your sig and your post history, I'm guessing your attitude is what ruined your marriage, not champ bags.

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Again, the first 20 lvls are the best ive played in any game, the story takes you by the throat, when i get to lv 25/30 its starting to lose it soul, by the time im in the 40ish lvls its getting hard to stay logged on for longer then 15 mins.
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:D The game rocks, I love it, my friends all love it, my CAT loves it! ...'nuff said. If you don't like the game, go play something else, no one cares honestly. Btw, if you're leaving....CAN I HAVE YOUR STUFF?










The Evenstar Legacy

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